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32.26 Formatting Customizable Strings

It is, in some circumstances, useful to present users with a string to be customized that can then be expanded programmatically. For instance, erc-header-line-format is "%n on %t (%m,%l) %o", and each of those characters after the percent signs are expanded when the header line is computed. To do this, the format-spec function is used:

Function: format-spec format specification &optional only-present

format is the format specification string as in the example above. specification is an alist that has elements where the car is a character and the cdr is the substitution.

If ONLY-PRESENT is nil, errors will be signalled if a format character has been used that’s not present in specification. If it’s non-nil, that format specification is left verbatim in the result.

Here’s a trivial example:

(format-spec "su - %u %l"
             `((?u . ,(user-login-name))
               (?l . "ls")))
     ⇒ "su - foo ls"

In addition to allowing padding/limiting to a certain length, the following modifiers can be used:


Use zero padding.


User space padding.


Pad to the right.


Use upper case.


Use lower case.


If the length needs to limited, remove characters from the left.


Same as previous, but remove characters from the right.

If contradictory modifiers are used (for instance, both upper and lower case), then what happens is undefined.

As an example, ‘"%<010b"’ means “insert the ‘b’ expansion, but pad with leading zeroes if it’s less than ten characters, and if it’s more than ten characters, shorten by removing characters from the left”.

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