0blayout |
20161008.607 |
available |
melpa |
Layout grouping with ease |
0xc |
20190219.117 |
available |
melpa |
Base conversion made easy |
2048-game |
20151026.1933 |
available |
melpa |
play 2048 in Emacs |
4clojure |
20131014.2207 |
available |
melpa |
Open and evaluate 4clojure.com questions |
@ |
20181225.1438 |
available |
melpa |
multiple-inheritance prototype-based objects DSL |
a |
20180907.953 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Associative data structure functions |
aa-edit-mode |
20170119.320 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing AA(S_JIS Art) and .mlt file |
abc-mode |
20171020.1019 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing abc music files |
abgaben |
20171119.646 |
available |
melpa |
review and correct assignments received by mail |
abl-mode |
20190403.904 |
available |
melpa |
Python TDD minor mode |
abs-mode |
20190404.2304 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for the modeling language Abs |
abyss-theme |
20170808.1345 |
available |
melpa |
A dark theme with contrasting colours. |
ac-alchemist |
20150908.656 |
available |
melpa |
auto-complete source for alchemist |
ac-c-headers |
20151021.834 |
available |
melpa |
auto-complete source for C headers |
ac-capf |
20151101.217 |
available |
melpa |
auto-complete source with completion-at-point |
ac-cider |
20161006.719 |
available |
melpa |
Clojure auto-complete sources using CIDER |
ac-clang |
20180710.546 |
available |
melpa |
Auto Completion source by libclang for GNU Emacs |
ac-dcd |
20190425.907 |
available |
melpa |
Auto Completion source for dcd for GNU Emacs |
ac-emacs-eclim |
20180911.1121 |
available |
melpa |
auto-complete source for eclim |
ac-emmet |
20131015.1558 |
available |
melpa |
auto-complete sources for emmet-mode's snippets |
ac-emoji |
20150823.711 |
available |
melpa |
auto-complete source of Emoji |
ac-etags |
20161001.1507 |
available |
melpa |
etags/ctags completion source for auto-complete |
ac-geiser |
20130929.647 |
available |
melpa |
Auto-complete backend for geiser |
ac-haskell-process |
20150423.1402 |
available |
melpa |
Haskell auto-complete source which uses the current haskell process |
ac-helm |
20160319.233 |
available |
melpa |
Helm interface for auto-complete |
ac-html |
20151005.731 |
available |
melpa |
auto complete source for html tags and attributes |
ac-html-angular |
20151225.719 |
available |
melpa |
auto complete angular15 data for `ac-html' and `company-web' |
ac-html-bootstrap |
20160302.1701 |
available |
melpa |
auto complete bootstrap3/fontawesome classes for `ac-html' and `company-web' |
ac-html-csswatcher |
20151208.2113 |
available |
melpa |
css/less class/id completion with `ac-html' or `company-web' |
ac-inf-ruby |
20131115.1150 |
available |
melpa |
Enable auto-complete in inf-ruby sessions |
ac-ispell |
20151101.226 |
available |
melpa |
ispell completion source for auto-complete |
ac-js2 |
20190101.933 |
available |
melpa |
Auto-complete source for Js2-mode, with navigation |
ac-math |
20141116.2127 |
available |
melpa |
Auto-complete sources for input of mathematical symbols and latex tags |
ac-mozc |
20150227.1619 |
available |
melpa |
auto-complete sources for Japanese input using Mozc |
ac-octave |
20180406.334 |
available |
melpa |
An auto-complete source for Octave |
ac-php |
20190424.222 |
available |
melpa |
Auto Completion source for PHP. |
ac-php-core |
20190504.1504 |
available |
melpa |
The core library of the ac-php. |
ac-racer |
20170114.809 |
available |
melpa |
auto-complete source of racer |
ac-rtags |
20181117.1949 |
available |
melpa |
auto-complete back-end for RTags |
ac-skk |
20141230.119 |
available |
melpa |
auto-complete-mode source for DDSKK a.k.a Japanese input method |
ac-slime |
20171027.2100 |
available |
melpa |
An auto-complete source using slime completions |
ac-sly |
20170728.1027 |
available |
melpa |
An auto-complete source using sly completions |
academic-phrases |
20180723.1021 |
available |
melpa |
Bypass that mental block when writing your papers. |
ace-flyspell |
20170309.509 |
available |
melpa |
Jump to and correct spelling errors using `ace-jump-mode' and flyspell |
ace-isearch |
20170506.712 |
available |
melpa |
A seamless bridge between isearch, ace-jump-mode, avy, helm-swoop and swiper |
ace-jump-buffer |
20171031.1550 |
available |
melpa |
fast buffer switching extension to `avy' |
ace-jump-helm-line |
20160918.1836 |
available |
melpa |
Ace-jump to a candidate in helm window |
ace-jump-mode |
20140616.815 |
available |
melpa |
a quick cursor location minor mode for emacs |
ace-jump-zap |
20170717.1849 |
available |
melpa |
Character zapping, `ace-jump-mode` style |
ace-link |
20190407.244 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Quickly follow links |
ace-mc |
20190206.749 |
available |
melpa |
Add multiple cursors quickly using ace jump |
ace-pinyin |
20190123.402 |
available |
melpa |
Jump to Chinese characters using avy or ace-jump-mode |
ace-popup-menu |
20190101.702 |
available |
melpa |
Replace GUI popup menu with something more efficient |
achievements |
20150530.1826 |
available |
melpa |
Achievements for emacs usage. |
ack-menu |
20150504.2022 |
available |
melpa |
A menu-based front-end for ack |
actionscript-mode |
20180527.1701 |
available |
melpa |
A simple mode for editing Actionscript 3 files |
activity-watch-mode |
20190423.1529 |
available |
melpa |
Automatic time tracking extension. |
adafruit-wisdom |
20180225.52 |
available |
melpa |
Get/display adafruit.com quotes |
add-hooks |
20171217.123 |
available |
melpa |
Functions for setting multiple hooks |
add-node-modules-path |
20180710.2342 |
available |
melpa |
Add node_modules to your exec-path |
addressbook-bookmark |
20171108.634 |
available |
melpa |
An address book based on Standard Emacs bookmarks. |
adoc-mode |
20160314.2130 |
available |
melpa |
a major-mode for editing AsciiDoc files in Emacs |
aes |
20171029.623 |
available |
melpa |
Implementation of AES |
afternoon-theme |
20140104.1859 |
available |
melpa |
Dark color theme with a deep blue background |
ag |
20180225.1040 |
available |
melpa |
A front-end for ag ('the silver searcher'), the C ack replacement. |
aggressive-fill-paragraph |
20180910.816 |
available |
melpa |
A mode to automatically keep paragraphs filled |
agtags |
20181230.34 |
available |
melpa |
A frontend to GNU Global |
ahg |
20181120.1301 |
available |
melpa |
Alberto's Emacs interface for Mercurial (Hg) |
ahk-mode |
20190323.623 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing AHK (AutoHotkey and AutoHotkey_L) |
aio |
20190430.1146 |
available |
melpa |
async/await for Emacs Lisp |
airline-themes |
20180411.406 |
available |
melpa |
vim-airline themes for emacs powerline |
airplay |
20130212.1226 |
available |
melpa |
Airplay bindings to Emacs |
alan-mode |
20190407.555 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Alan files |
alarm-clock |
20190212.507 |
available |
melpa |
Alarm Clock |
alchemist |
20180312.1304 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Elixir tooling integration into Emacs |
alda-mode |
20180608.605 |
available |
melpa |
An Alda major mode |
alect-themes |
20190203.2112 |
available |
melpa |
Configurable light, dark and black themes for Emacs 24 or later |
alert |
20190227.1718 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Growl-style notification system for Emacs |
alert-termux |
20181119.951 |
available |
melpa |
alert.el notifications on Termux |
align-cljlet |
20160112.2101 |
available |
melpa |
Space align various Clojure forms |
all-ext |
20170115.205 |
available |
melpa |
M-x all with helm-swoop/anything/multiple-cursors/line-number |
all-the-icons |
20190320.1809 |
available |
melpa |
A library for inserting Developer icons |
all-the-icons-dired |
20170418.2131 |
available |
melpa |
Shows icons for each file in dired mode |
all-the-icons-gnus |
20180511.654 |
available |
melpa |
Shows icons for in Gnus |
all-the-icons-ivy |
20190504.1033 |
available |
melpa |
Shows icons while using ivy and counsel |
amd-mode |
20180111.1402 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for handling JavaScript AMD module requirements. |
ammonite-term-repl |
20190301.716 |
available |
melpa |
Scala Ammonite REPL in term mode. |
ample-regexps |
20151023.1000 |
available |
melpa |
ample regular expressions for Emacs |
ample-theme |
20180207.1745 |
available |
melpa |
Calm Dark Theme for Emacs |
ample-zen-theme |
20150119.2154 |
available |
melpa |
AmpleZen Theme for Emacs 24 |
amx |
20190419.330 |
available |
melpa |
Alternative M-x with extra features. |
anaconda-mode |
20190111.1524 |
available |
melpa |
Code navigation, documentation lookup and completion for Python |
anaphora |
20180618.2200 |
available |
melpa |
anaphoric macros providing implicit temp variables |
android-mode |
20190109.1014 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for Android application development |
angry-police-captain |
20120829.1252 |
available |
melpa |
Show quote from http://theangrypolicecaptain.com in the minibuffer |
angular-mode |
20151201.2127 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for Angular.js |
angular-snippets |
20140514.523 |
available |
melpa |
Yasnippets for AngularJS |
anki-editor |
20181231.753 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for making Anki cards with Org |
anki-mode |
20181106.1837 |
available |
melpa |
A major mode for creating anki cards |
annotate |
20171111.736 |
available |
melpa |
annotate files without changing them |
annotate-depth |
20160520.2040 |
available |
melpa |
Annotate buffer if indentation depth is beyond threshold. |
annoying-arrows-mode |
20161024.646 |
available |
melpa |
Ring the bell if using arrows too much |
ansi |
20150703.826 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Turn string into ansi strings |
ansible |
20180813.114 |
available |
melpa |
Ansible minor mode |
ansible-doc |
20160924.824 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Ansible documentation Minor Mode |
ansible-vault |
20190126.1936 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for editing ansible vault files |
ant |
20160211.1543 |
available |
melpa |
helpers for compiling with ant |
anti-zenburn-theme |
20180712.1838 |
available |
melpa |
Low-contrast Zenburn-inverted theme |
anx-api |
20140208.1514 |
available |
melpa |
Interact with the AppNexus API from Emacs. |
anybar |
20160816.1421 |
available |
melpa |
Control AnyBar from Emacs |
anyins |
20131229.1041 |
available |
melpa |
Insert content at multiple places from shell command or kill-ring |
anzu |
20190303.1701 |
available |
melpa |
Show number of matches in mode-line while searching |
aozora-view |
20140310.1317 |
available |
melpa |
Aozora Bunko text Emacs viewer. |
apache-mode |
20180724.351 |
available |
melpa |
major mode for editing Apache configuration files |
apel |
20190407.1056 |
available |
melpa |
APEL (A Portable Emacs Library) provides support for portable Emacs Lisp programs |
apib-mode |
20170520.1358 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for API Blueprint files |
apiwrap |
20180602.2231 |
available |
melpa |
api-wrapping macros |
apples-mode |
20110121.418 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing and executing AppleScript code |
applescript-mode |
20090321.632 |
available |
melpa |
major mode for editing AppleScript source |
aproject |
20150605.906 |
available |
melpa |
Basic project framework for Emacs |
apropospriate-theme |
20190403.1832 |
available |
melpa |
A colorful, low-contrast, light & dark theme set for Emacs with a fun name. |
apt-sources-list |
20180527.1241 |
available |
melpa |
Mode for editing APT source.list files |
arc-dark-theme |
20190314.1632 |
available |
melpa |
Arc dark theme |
arch-packer |
20170730.1321 |
available |
melpa |
Arch Linux package management frontend |
archive-region |
20140201.2342 |
available |
melpa |
Move region to archive file instead of killing |
archive-rpm |
20180706.1232 |
available |
melpa |
RPM and CPIO support for archive-mode |
arduino-mode |
20180509.36 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Arduino code. |
aria2 |
20141107.2317 |
available |
melpa |
Control aria2c commandline tool from Emacs |
ariadne |
20131117.1711 |
available |
melpa |
Ariadne plugin for Emacs |
arjen-grey-theme |
20170522.2047 |
available |
melpa |
A soothing dark grey theme |
artbollocks-mode |
20170524.422 |
available |
melpa |
Improve your writing (especially about art) |
arview |
20160419.2109 |
available |
melpa |
extract and view archives in the temporary directory |
asilea |
20150105.1525 |
available |
melpa |
Find best compiler options using simulated annealing |
asn1-mode |
20170729.226 |
available |
melpa |
ASN.1/GDMO mode for GNU Emacs |
assess |
20190102.1011 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Test support functions |
async-await |
20170208.1150 |
available |
melpa |
Async/Await |
atom-dark-theme |
20181022.1602 |
available |
melpa |
An Emacs port of the Atom Dark theme from Atom.io. |
atom-one-dark-theme |
20190107.1621 |
available |
melpa |
Atom One Dark color theme |
atomic-chrome |
20180617.724 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Edit Chrome text area with Emacs using Atomic Chrome |
attrap |
20190207.1410 |
available |
melpa |
ATtempt To Repair At Point |
auctex-latexmk |
20170618.1636 |
available |
melpa |
Add LatexMk support to AUCTeX |
auctex-lua |
20151121.1610 |
available |
melpa |
Lua editing support for AUCTeX |
audio-notes-mode |
20170611.2159 |
available |
melpa |
Play audio notes synced from somewhere else. |
aurel |
20170114.937 |
available |
melpa |
Search, get info, vote for and download AUR packages |
aurora-config-mode |
20180216.2302 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for Apache Aurora configuration files |
auth-source-pass |
20190430.1752 |
available |
melpa |
Integrate auth-source with password-store |
auto-async-byte-compile |
20160916.454 |
available |
melpa |
Automatically byte-compile when saved |
auto-auto-indent |
20131106.1903 |
available |
melpa |
Indents code as you type |
auto-compile |
20181230.2216 |
available |
melpa |
automatically compile Emacs Lisp libraries |
auto-complete |
20170125.245 |
available |
melpa |
Auto Completion for GNU Emacs |
auto-complete-auctex |
20140223.1758 |
available |
melpa |
auto-completion for auctex |
auto-complete-c-headers |
20150912.323 |
available |
melpa |
An auto-complete source for C/C++ header files |
auto-complete-chunk |
20140225.946 |
available |
melpa |
Auto-completion for dot.separated.words. |
auto-complete-clang |
20140409.752 |
available |
melpa |
Auto Completion source for clang for GNU Emacs |
auto-complete-clang-async |
20130526.1514 |
available |
melpa |
Auto Completion source for clang for GNU Emacs |
auto-complete-distel |
20180827.1344 |
available |
melpa |
Erlang/distel completion backend for auto-complete-mode |
auto-complete-exuberant-ctags |
20140320.724 |
available |
melpa |
Exuberant ctags auto-complete.el source |
auto-complete-nxml |
20140221.458 |
available |
melpa |
do completion by auto-complete.el on nXML-mode |
auto-complete-pcmp |
20140227.651 |
available |
melpa |
Provide auto-complete sources using pcomplete results |
auto-complete-rst |
20140225.944 |
available |
melpa |
Auto-complete extension for ReST and Sphinx |
auto-complete-sage |
20160514.751 |
available |
melpa |
An auto-complete source for sage-shell-mode. |
auto-dictionary |
20150410.1610 |
available |
melpa |
automatic dictionary switcher for flyspell |
auto-dim-other-buffers |
20180612.2341 |
available |
melpa |
Makes non-current buffers less prominent |
auto-highlight-symbol |
20130313.943 |
available |
melpa |
Automatic highlighting current symbol minor mode |
auto-indent-mode |
20171222.506 |
available |
melpa |
Auto indent Minor mode |
auto-minor-mode |
20180527.1123 |
available |
melpa |
Enable minor modes by file name and contents |
auto-org-md |
20180213.2343 |
available |
melpa |
export a markdown file automatically when you save an org-file |
auto-package-update |
20180712.2045 |
available |
melpa |
Automatically update Emacs packages. |
auto-pause |
20160426.1216 |
available |
melpa |
Run processes which will be paused when Emacs is idle |
auto-read-only |
20170306.443 |
available |
melpa |
Automatically make the buffer to read-only |
auto-rename-tag |
20181216.724 |
available |
melpa |
Automatically rename paired HTML/XML tag. |
auto-save-buffers-enhanced |
20161109.710 |
available |
melpa |
Automatically save buffers in a decent way |
auto-shell-command |
20180817.1502 |
available |
melpa |
Run the shell command asynchronously that you specified when you save the file. |
auto-sudoedit |
20180915.706 |
available |
melpa |
auto sudo edit by tramp |
auto-virtualenv |
20170125.1917 |
available |
melpa |
Auto activate python virtualenvs |
auto-virtualenvwrapper |
20181006.937 |
available |
melpa |
Lightweight auto activate python virtualenvs |
auto-yasnippet |
20190326.958 |
available |
melpa |
Quickly create disposable yasnippets |
autobookmarks |
20180531.1906 |
available |
melpa |
Save recently visited files and buffers |
autodisass-java-bytecode |
20151005.1612 |
available |
melpa |
Automatically disassemble Java bytecode |
autodisass-llvm-bitcode |
20150411.125 |
available |
melpa |
Automatically disassemble LLVM bitcode |
automargin |
20131112.814 |
available |
melpa |
add margins to windows not-splitted, and center them |
autopair |
20160304.1237 |
available |
melpa |
Automagically pair braces and quotes like TextMate |
autotest |
20190331.2230 |
available |
melpa |
ZenTest's autotest integration with emacs. |
autotetris-mode |
20141114.1646 |
available |
melpa |
automatically play tetris |
autothemer |
20180920.923 |
available |
melpa |
Conveniently define themes. |
autumn-light-theme |
20150515.1447 |
available |
melpa |
A light color theme with muted, autumnal colors. |
avandu |
20170101.1903 |
available |
melpa |
Gateway to Tiny Tiny RSS |
avk-emacs-themes |
20181128.745 |
available |
melpa |
Collection of avk themes |
avy-flycheck |
20160720.1500 |
available |
melpa |
Jump to and fix syntax errors using `flycheck' with `avy' interface |
avy-menu |
20190101.708 |
available |
melpa |
Library providing avy-powered popup menu |
avy-migemo |
20180716.1455 |
available |
melpa |
avy with migemo |
avy-zap |
20190412.320 |
available |
melpa |
Zap to char using `avy' |
aws-ec2 |
20161007.1914 |
available |
melpa |
Manage AWS EC2 instances |
aws-snippets |
20190207.1047 |
available |
melpa |
Yasnippets for AWS |
axiom-environment |
20190323.1924 |
available |
melpa |
An environment for using Axiom/OpenAxiom/FriCAS |
babel |
20181201.919 |
available |
melpa |
interface to web translation services such as Babelfish |
babel-repl |
20160504.2201 |
available |
melpa |
Run babel REPL |
back-button |
20150804.2004 |
available |
melpa |
Visual navigation through mark rings |
backlight |
20180629.2159 |
available |
melpa |
backlight brightness adjustment on GNU/Linux |
backline |
20181111.832 |
available |
melpa |
Preserve appearance of outline headings |
backup-each-save |
20180227.557 |
available |
melpa |
backup each savepoint of a file |
backup-walker |
20130720.1516 |
available |
melpa |
quickly traverse all backups of a file |
backward-forward |
20161229.550 |
available |
melpa |
navigation backwards and forwards across marks |
badger-theme |
20140717.232 |
available |
melpa |
A dark theme for Emacs 24. |
badwolf-theme |
20161004.715 |
available |
melpa |
Bad Wolf color theme |
banner-comment |
20180923.1911 |
available |
melpa |
For producing banner comments. |
bap-mode |
20190401.1546 |
available |
melpa |
Major-mode for BAP's IR |
bar-cursor |
20180227.45 |
available |
melpa |
package used to switch block cursor to a bar |
bart-mode |
20180201.229 |
available |
melpa |
Real time BART departures info. |
base16-theme |
20190413.1637 |
available |
melpa |
Collection of themes built on combinations of 16 base colors |
bash-completion |
20180519.1620 |
available |
melpa |
BASH completion for the shell buffer |
basic-c-compile |
20170302.1112 |
available |
melpa |
Quickly create a Makefile, compile and run C. |
basic-mode |
20180919.1752 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
major mode for editing BASIC code |
basic-theme |
20160817.827 |
available |
melpa |
Minimalistic light color theme |
bats-mode |
20160514.615 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Emacs mode for editing and running Bats tests |
battle-haxe |
20190422.224 |
available |
melpa |
A Haxe development system, with code completion and more |
bazel-mode |
20180223.653 |
available |
melpa |
A major mode for editing Bazel files |
bbcode-mode |
20190304.2122 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Major mode for phpBB posts (BBCode markup) |
bbdb- |
20140221.2354 |
available |
melpa |
provide interface for more easily search/choice than BBDB. |
bbdb-csv-import |
20180122.49 |
available |
melpa |
import csv to bbdb version 3+ |
bbdb-ext |
20151220.2013 |
available |
melpa |
Extra commands for BBDB |
bbdb-vcard |
20190410.2054 |
available |
melpa |
vCard import/export for BBDB |
bbdb2erc |
20170221.1354 |
available |
melpa |
make bbdb show if pal is online with ERC, click i to chat |
bbyac |
20180206.1441 |
available |
melpa |
Type a little Bit, and Bang! You Are Completed. |
bdo |
20140126.901 |
available |
melpa |
Do things to a browser page from Emacs. BETA! |
beeminder |
20180413.1929 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs interface for Beeminder |
beginend |
20180827.926 |
available |
melpa |
Redefine M-< and M-> for some modes |
belarus-holidays |
20190102.1343 |
available |
melpa |
Belarus holidays whith transfers |
benchmark-init |
20150905.938 |
available |
melpa |
Benchmarks Emacs require and load calls |
benchstat |
20171014.312 |
available |
melpa |
proper benchmarking made simple |
bert |
20131117.1014 |
available |
melpa |
BERT serialization library for Emacs |
better-defaults |
20190224.1816 |
available |
melpa |
Fixing weird quirks and poor defaults |
better-shell |
20180625.1316 |
available |
melpa |
Better shell management |
bf-mode |
20130403.1442 |
available |
melpa |
Browse file persistently on dired |
bfbuilder |
20150924.1650 |
available |
melpa |
A brainfuck development environment with interactive debugger |
bibclean-format |
20190302.2017 |
available |
melpa |
Reformat BibTeX and Scribe using bibclean |
biblio |
20190215.307 |
available |
melpa |
Browse and import bibliographic references from CrossRef, arXiv, DBLP, HAL, Dissemin, and doi.org |
biblio-bibsonomy |
20190105.1200 |
available |
melpa |
Lookup bibliographic entries from Bibsonomy |
biblio-core |
20190215.243 |
available |
melpa |
A framework for looking up and displaying bibliographic entries |
bibliothek |
20190124.1828 |
available |
melpa |
Managing a digital library of PDFs |
bibretrieve |
20180901.928 |
available |
melpa |
Retrieve BibTeX entries from the internet |
bibslurp |
20151202.2346 |
available |
melpa |
retrieve BibTeX entries from NASA ADS |
bibtex-utils |
20170817.1919 |
available |
melpa |
Provides utilities for extending BibTeX mode |
bicycle |
20180909.2126 |
available |
melpa |
cycle outline and code visibility |
bifocal |
20181110.341 |
available |
melpa |
Split-screen scrolling for comint-mode buffers |
binclock |
20170802.1116 |
available |
melpa |
Display the current time using a binary clock. |
bind-chord |
20171204.2010 |
available |
melpa |
key-chord binding helper for use-package-chords |
bind-key |
20180513.430 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
A simple way to manage personal keybindings |
bind-map |
20161207.1511 |
available |
melpa |
Bind personal keymaps in multiple locations |
bing-dict |
20190123.502 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Minimalists' English-Chinese Bing dictionary |
birds-of-paradise-plus-theme |
20130419.2129 |
available |
melpa |
A brown/orange light-on-dark theme for Emacs 24 (deftheme). |
bison-mode |
20160617.552 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing bison, yacc and lex files. |
bitbake |
20190107.1155 |
available |
melpa |
Running bitbake from emacs |
bitbucket |
20170405.446 |
available |
melpa |
Bitbucket API wrapper |
bitlbee |
20151203.0 |
available |
melpa |
Help get Bitlbee (http://www.bitlbee.org) up and running. |
blackboard-bold-mode |
20160813.206 |
available |
melpa |
Easily insert Unicode mathematical double-struck characters |
blackboard-theme |
20161216.656 |
available |
melpa |
TextMate Blackboard Theme |
blacken |
20190301.1405 |
available |
melpa |
Reformat python buffers using the "black" formatter |
blgrep |
20150401.1416 |
available |
melpa |
Block grep |
blimp |
20180903.2240 |
available |
melpa |
Bustling Image Manipulation Package |
bliss-theme |
20170808.1307 |
available |
melpa |
an Emacs 24 theme based on Bliss (tmTheme) |
bln-mode |
20181121.918 |
available |
melpa |
binary line navigation minor mode for cursor movement in long lines |
blockdiag-mode |
20160427.524 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing blockdiag files |
blog-admin |
20170923.1409 |
available |
melpa |
Blog admin for emacs with hexo/org-page supported |
blog-minimal |
20181021.849 |
available |
melpa |
a simple static site generator based on org mode |
bm |
20181012.1631 |
available |
melpa |
Visible bookmarks in buffer. |
bmx-mode |
20180929.1132 |
available |
melpa |
Batch Mode eXtras |
bnf-mode |
20190426.1241 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing BNF grammars. |
bnfc |
20160605.1927 |
available |
melpa |
Define context-free grammars for the BNFC tool |
bog |
20180815.2213 |
available |
melpa |
Extensions for research notes in Org mode |
bolt-mode |
20180310.810 |
available |
melpa |
Editing support for Bolt language |
bongo |
20171119.242 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
play music with Emacs |
bonjourmadame |
20170919.1134 |
available |
melpa |
Say "Hello ma'am!" |
boogie-friends |
20171025.255 |
available |
melpa |
A collection of programming modes for Boogie, Dafny, and Z3 (SMTLIB v2). |
bool-flip |
20161215.1539 |
available |
melpa |
flip the boolean under the point |
boon |
20190430.645 |
available |
melpa |
Ergonomic Command Mode for Emacs. |
borg |
20190325.2352 |
available |
melpa |
assimilate Emacs packages as Git submodules |
borland-blue-theme |
20160117.1321 |
available |
melpa |
Blue/yellow theme based on old DOS Borland/Turbo C IDE |
boron-theme |
20170808.1308 |
available |
melpa |
an Emacs 24 theme based on Boron (tmTheme) |
boxquote |
20170802.1117 |
available |
melpa |
Quote text with a semi-box. |
bpe |
20141228.2205 |
available |
melpa |
Blog from Org mode to Blogger |
bpr |
20180220.1844 |
available |
melpa |
Background Process Runner |
bracketed-paste |
20160407.2348 |
available |
melpa |
bracketed paste mode support within emacs -nw |
brainfuck-mode |
20150113.842 |
available |
melpa |
Brainfuck mode for Emacs |
broadcast |
20151205.212 |
available |
melpa |
Links buffers together for simultaneous editing. |
browse-at-remote |
20190213.1929 |
available |
melpa |
Open github/gitlab/bitbucket/stash/gist/phab/sourcehut page from Emacs |
browse-kill-ring |
20171219.1908 |
available |
melpa |
interactively insert items from kill-ring |
browse-url-dwim |
20140731.1922 |
available |
melpa |
Context-sensitive external browse URL or Internet search |
brutalist-theme |
20181023.1222 |
available |
melpa |
Brutalist theme |
bshell |
20170903.1837 |
available |
melpa |
manage and track multiple inferior shells |
btc-ticker |
20151113.1459 |
available |
melpa |
Shows latest bitcoin price |
bts |
20151109.1333 |
available |
melpa |
A unified UI for various bug tracking systems |
bts-github |
20170401.1249 |
available |
melpa |
A plugin of bts.el for GitHub |
bubbleberry-theme |
20141017.944 |
available |
melpa |
A theme based on LightTable for Emacs24 |
buckwalter |
20190204.1451 |
available |
melpa |
Write arabic using Buckwalter transliteration |
buffer-buttons |
20150106.1439 |
available |
melpa |
Define, save, and load code-safe buttons in files for emacs |
buffer-flip |
20180307.2251 |
available |
melpa |
Cycle through buffers like Alt-Tab in Windows |
buffer-manage |
20180528.1613 |
available |
melpa |
manage buffers |
buffer-move |
20160615.1803 |
available |
melpa |
easily swap buffers |
buffer-sets |
20170718.340 |
available |
melpa |
Sets of Buffers for Buffer Management |
buffer-utils |
20140512.1400 |
available |
melpa |
Buffer-manipulation utility functions |
buffer-watcher |
20170913.839 |
available |
melpa |
Easily run shell scripts per filetype/directory when a buffer is saved |
bufshow |
20130726.1838 |
available |
melpa |
A simple presentation tool for Emacs. |
bug-reference-github |
20180128.1314 |
available |
melpa |
Set `bug-reference-url-format' in Github repos |
bui |
20181218.1830 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Buffer interface library |
build-farm |
20181218.2002 |
available |
melpa |
Interface for Nix and Guix build farms (Hydra and Cuirass) |
build-helper |
20161009.1755 |
available |
melpa |
Utilities to help build code |
build-status |
20171111.1947 |
available |
melpa |
Mode line build status indicator |
bundler |
20160815.915 |
available |
melpa |
Interact with Bundler from Emacs |
bury-successful-compilation |
20181106.403 |
available |
melpa |
Bury the *compilation* buffer after successful compilation |
buster-mode |
20140928.1213 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode to speed up development when writing tests with Buster.js |
buster-snippets |
20151125.1010 |
available |
melpa |
Yasnippets for the Buster javascript testing framework |
busybee-theme |
20170719.928 |
available |
melpa |
port of vim's mustang theme |
butler |
20150812.8 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs client for Jenkins |
buttercup |
20181202.1607 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Behavior-Driven Emacs Lisp Testing |
buttercup-junit |
20181111.2058 |
available |
melpa |
JUnit reporting for Buttercup |
button-lock |
20150223.1354 |
available |
melpa |
Clickable text defined by regular expression |
buttons |
20190319.41 |
available |
melpa |
Define and visualize hierarchies of keymaps |
c-c-combo |
20151224.255 |
available |
melpa |
Make stuff happen when you reach a target wpm |
c-eldoc |
20181109.439 |
available |
melpa |
helpful description of the arguments to C functions |
c0-mode |
20151110.1852 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing C0 files |
cabledolphin |
20160204.938 |
available |
melpa |
capture Emacs network traffic |
cache |
20111019.2300 |
available |
melpa |
implementation of a hash table whose key-value pairs expire |
cacoo |
20120319.2359 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for Cacoo : http://cacoo.com |
caddyfile-mode |
20181204.858 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for Caddy configuration files |
cake-inflector |
20140415.858 |
available |
melpa |
Lazy porting CakePHP infrector.php to el |
cakecrumbs |
20180929.139 |
available |
melpa |
Show parents on header for HTML/Jade/Sass/Stylus |
cal-china-x |
20180211.1901 |
available |
melpa |
Chinese localization, lunar/horoscope/zodiac info and more... |
calendar-norway |
20180906.1502 |
available |
melpa |
Norwegian calendar |
calfw |
20180118.45 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Calendar view framework on Emacs |
calfw-cal |
20170320.1206 |
available |
melpa |
calendar view for emacs diary |
calfw-gcal |
20120111.1000 |
available |
melpa |
edit Google calendar for calfw.el. |
calfw-howm |
20170704.4 |
available |
melpa |
calendar view for howm |
calfw-ical |
20150703.819 |
available |
melpa |
calendar view for ical format |
calfw-org |
20160303.258 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
calendar view for org-agenda |
call-graph |
20190428.1803 |
available |
melpa |
Library to generate call graph for c/c++ functions |
calmer-forest-theme |
20130926.510 |
available |
melpa |
Darkish theme with green/orange tint |
camcorder |
20190317.2138 |
available |
melpa |
Record screencasts in gif or other formats. |
caml |
20190413.1205 |
available |
melpa |
OCaml code editing commands for Emacs |
cangjie |
20190322.1134 |
available |
melpa |
retrieve cangjie code for han characters |
capture |
20130828.1644 |
available |
melpa |
screencasting with "avconv" or "ffmpeg" |
carbon-now-sh |
20180331.1735 |
available |
melpa |
https://carbon.now.sh integration. |
cargo |
20190108.817 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs Minor Mode for Cargo, Rust's Package Manager. |
caroline-theme |
20160318.520 |
available |
melpa |
A trip down to New Orleans... |
caseformat |
20160115.1615 |
available |
melpa |
Format based letter case converter |
cask |
20181107.942 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Cask: Project management for Emacs package development |
cask-mode |
20160410.1449 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
major mode for editing Cask files |
cask-package-toolset |
20170921.2256 |
available |
melpa |
Toolsettize your package |
caskxy |
20140513.1539 |
available |
melpa |
Control Cask in Emacs |
catmacs |
20170826.1157 |
available |
melpa |
Simple CAT interface for Yaesu Transceivers. |
cbm |
20171116.1240 |
available |
melpa |
Switch to similar buffers. |
cc-cedict |
20181217.1112 |
available |
melpa |
Interface to CC-CEDICT (a Chinese-English dictionary) |
ccc |
20151205.1343 |
available |
melpa |
buffer local cursor color control library |
ccls |
20190414.402 |
available |
melpa |
ccls client for lsp-mode |
cd-compile |
20141108.1957 |
available |
melpa |
run compile in a specific directory |
cdb |
20151205.1343 |
available |
melpa |
constant database (cdb) reader for Emacs Lisp |
cdlatex |
20190130.1419 |
available |
melpa |
Fast input methods for LaTeX environments and math |
cdnjs |
20161031.1522 |
available |
melpa |
A front end for http://cdnjs.com |
cedit |
20141231.1614 |
available |
melpa |
paredit-like commands for c-like languages |
celery |
20170225.924 |
available |
melpa |
a minor mode to draw stats from celery and more? |
celestial-mode-line |
20180518.822 |
available |
melpa |
Show lunar phase and sunrise/-set time in modeline |
centered-cursor-mode |
20190306.1006 |
available |
melpa |
cursor stays vertically centered |
centered-window |
20171127.949 |
available |
melpa |
Center the text when there's only one window |
centimacro |
20140306.1427 |
available |
melpa |
Assign multiple macros as global key bindings |
cerbere |
20181113.1641 |
available |
melpa |
Unit testing in Emacs for several programming languages |
ceylon-mode |
20180606.1324 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Ceylon source code |
cfengine-code-style |
20171115.2108 |
available |
melpa |
C code style for CFEngine project. |
cff |
20160118.2018 |
available |
melpa |
Search of the C/C++ file header by the source and vice versa |
cfml-mode |
20170904.249 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs mode for editing CFML files |
cframe |
20170917.2209 |
available |
melpa |
customize a frame and fast switch size and positions |
cftag-mode |
20170812.540 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs mode for editing tag-based CFML files |
cg |
20190316.2206 |
available |
melpa |
major mode for editing Constraint Grammar files |
challenger-deep-theme |
20181205.1834 |
available |
melpa |
challenger-deep Theme |
change-inner |
20150707.1544 |
available |
melpa |
Change contents based on semantic units |
chapel-mode |
20160504.808 |
available |
melpa |
a CC Mode for Chapel derived from derived-mode-ex.el |
char-menu |
20190101.705 |
available |
melpa |
Create your own menu for fast insertion of arbitrary symbols |
charmap |
20160309.946 |
available |
melpa |
Unicode table for Emacs |
chatwork |
20170511.442 |
available |
melpa |
ChatWork client for Emacs |
cheat-sh |
20170802.1118 |
available |
melpa |
Interact with cheat.sh |
cheatsheet |
20170126.2150 |
available |
melpa |
create your own cheatsheet |
checkbox |
20141117.58 |
available |
melpa |
Quick manipulation of textual checkboxes |
chee |
20171123.2233 |
available |
melpa |
Interface to chee using dired and image-dired |
cheerilee |
20160313.1835 |
available |
melpa |
Toolkit library |
chef-mode |
20180628.1453 |
available |
melpa |
minor mode for editing an opscode chef repository |
cherry-blossom-theme |
20150622.342 |
available |
melpa |
a soothing color theme for Emacs24. |
chicken-scheme |
20141116.1939 |
available |
melpa |
Scheme-mode extensions for Chicken Scheme |
chinese-conv |
20170807.2128 |
available |
melpa |
Conversion between Chinese Characters with opencc or cconv |
chinese-number |
20161008.509 |
available |
melpa |
Convert numbers between Arabic and Chinese formats |
chinese-wbim |
20150624.350 |
available |
melpa |
Enable Wubi Input Method in Emacs. |
chinese-word-at-point |
20170811.941 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Add `chinese-word' thing to `thing-at-point' |
chinese-yasdcv |
20171015.144 |
available |
melpa |
Yet another StarDict frontend |
choice-program |
20180921.313 |
available |
melpa |
parameter based program |
chronometer |
20190304.1528 |
available |
melpa |
a [not so] simple chronometer |
chronos |
20150602.1529 |
available |
melpa |
multiple simultaneous countdown / countup timers |
chruby |
20180114.1652 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs integration for chruby |
chyla-theme |
20180302.1658 |
available |
melpa |
chyla.org - green color theme. |
cider |
20190419.1025 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks |
cider-decompile |
20151122.537 |
available |
melpa |
decompilation extension for cider |
cider-eval-sexp-fu |
20190311.2152 |
available |
melpa |
Briefly highlights an evaluated sexp. |
cider-hydra |
20181015.727 |
available |
melpa |
Hydras for CIDER. |
ciel |
20180914.815 |
available |
melpa |
A command that is clone of "ci" in vim. |
cil-mode |
20160622.1430 |
available |
melpa |
Common Intermediate Language mode |
cinspect |
20150716.233 |
available |
melpa |
Use cinspect to look at the CPython source of builtins and other C objects! |
circadian |
20181024.1256 |
available |
melpa |
Theme-switching based on daytime |
circe |
20190322.1242 |
available |
melpa |
Client for IRC in Emacs |
circe-notifications |
20180102.2318 |
available |
melpa |
Add desktop notifications to Circe. |
citeproc |
20190422.2017 |
available |
melpa |
A CSL 1.0.1 Citation Processor |
cl-format |
20160413.45 |
available |
melpa |
CL format routine. |
cl-lib-highlight |
20140127.2112 |
available |
melpa |
full cl-lib font-lock highlighting |
cl-libify |
20181130.230 |
available |
melpa |
Update elisp code to use cl-lib instead of cl |
clang-format |
20180406.1514 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Format code using clang-format |
clean-aindent-mode |
20171017.2043 |
available |
melpa |
Simple indent and unindent, trims indent white-space |
clean-buffers |
20160529.2259 |
available |
melpa |
clean useless buffers |
clear-text |
20160406.2043 |
available |
melpa |
Make you use clear text |
clevercss |
20131229.155 |
available |
melpa |
A major mode for editing CleverCSS files |
click-mode |
20180611.44 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for the Click Modular Router Project |
cliphist |
20181229.1411 |
available |
melpa |
Read data from clipboard managers at Linux and Mac |
clipmon |
20180129.1054 |
available |
melpa |
Clipboard monitor - watch system clipboard, add changes to kill ring/autoinsert |
clippy |
20161028.1954 |
available |
melpa |
Show tooltip with function documentation at point |
clips-mode |
20170909.823 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing CLIPS code and REPL |
clj-refactor |
20190425.1002 |
available |
melpa |
A collection of commands for refactoring Clojure code |
cljr-helm |
20160913.828 |
available |
melpa |
Wraps clojure refactor commands with helm |
cljsbuild-mode |
20160402.1700 |
available |
melpa |
A minor mode for the ClojureScript 'lein cljsbuild' command |
clmemo |
20160326.1623 |
available |
melpa |
Change Log MEMO |
cloc |
20170728.1824 |
available |
melpa |
count lines of code over emacs buffers |
clocker |
20190214.1833 |
available |
melpa |
Note taker and clock-in enforcer |
clojars |
20180825.1951 |
available |
melpa |
clojars.org search interface |
clojure-mode |
20190413.909 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Major mode for Clojure code |
clojure-mode-extra-font-locking |
20180114.1711 |
available |
melpa |
Extra font-locking for Clojure mode |
clojure-quick-repls |
20150814.736 |
available |
melpa |
Quickly create Clojure and ClojureScript repls for a project. |
clojure-snippets |
20180314.1308 |
available |
melpa |
Yasnippets for clojure |
clomacs |
20190313.1517 |
available |
melpa |
Simplifies Emacs Lisp interaction with Clojure. |
closql |
20181031.2158 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
store EIEIO objects using EmacSQL |
closure-lint-mode |
20101118.2124 |
available |
melpa |
minor mode for the Closure Linter |
cloud-to-butt-erc |
20130627.2308 |
available |
melpa |
Replace 'the cloud' with 'my butt' |
clues-theme |
20161213.1127 |
available |
melpa |
an Emacs 24 theme which may well be fully awesome... |
cm-mode |
20170203.2107 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for CriticMarkup |
cmake-font-lock |
20190325.450 |
available |
melpa |
Advanced, type aware, highlight support for CMake |
cmake-ide |
20190421.1006 |
available |
melpa |
Calls CMake to find out include paths and other compiler flags |
cmake-mode |
20180709.1426 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
major-mode for editing CMake sources |
cmake-project |
20171121.1115 |
available |
melpa |
Integrates CMake build process with Emacs |
cmd-to-echo |
20161203.2133 |
available |
melpa |
Show the output of long-running commands in the echo area |
cmm-mode |
20150225.746 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for C-- source code |
cnfonts |
20190314.1132 |
available |
melpa |
A simple Chinese fonts config tool |
cobalt |
20180304.1155 |
available |
melpa |
Easily use the Cobalt.rs static site generator |
cobra-mode |
20140116.2116 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for .NET-based Cobra language |
code-archive |
20180706.213 |
available |
melpa |
git supported code archive and reference for org-mode |
code-library |
20160426.1218 |
available |
melpa |
use org-mode to collect code snippets |
code-stats |
20190407.236 |
available |
melpa |
Code::Stats plugin |
codebug |
20140929.2137 |
available |
melpa |
Interact with codebug |
codesearch |
20181006.1431 |
available |
melpa |
Core support for managing codesearch tools |
codic |
20150926.1127 |
available |
melpa |
Search Codic (codic.jp) naming dictionaries |
coffee-fof |
20131012.1230 |
available |
melpa |
A coffee-mode configuration for `ff-find-other-file'. |
coin-ticker |
20170611.727 |
available |
melpa |
Show a cryptocurrency price ticker |
colemak-evil |
20171015.2307 |
available |
melpa |
Colemak-friendly keybindings for Evil. |
colonoscopy-theme |
20170808.1309 |
available |
melpa |
an Emacs 24 theme based on Colonoscopy (tmTheme) |
color-identifiers-mode |
20181120.1951 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Color identifiers based on their names |
color-moccur |
20141223.35 |
available |
melpa |
multi-buffer occur (grep) mode |
color-theme |
20190220.1115 |
available |
melpa |
An OBSOLETE color-theme implementation |
color-theme-approximate |
20140228.436 |
available |
melpa |
Makes Emacs theme works on terminal transparently |
color-theme-buffer-local |
20170126.601 |
available |
melpa |
Install color-themes by buffer. |
color-theme-modern |
20161219.1144 |
available |
melpa |
Reimplement colortheme with Emacs 24 theme framework. |
color-theme-sanityinc-solarized |
20190206.59 |
available |
melpa |
A version of Ethan Schoonover's Solarized themes |
color-theme-sanityinc-tomorrow |
20190502.844 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
A version of Chris Kempson's "tomorrow" themes |
color-theme-solarized |
20171024.1525 |
available |
melpa |
Solarized themes for Emacs |
color-theme-x |
20180227.46 |
available |
melpa |
convert color themes to X11 resource settings |
colormaps |
20171008.2224 |
available |
melpa |
Hex colormaps |
column-enforce-mode |
20171030.1900 |
available |
melpa |
Highlight text that extends beyond a column |
com-css-sort |
20190319.837 |
available |
melpa |
Common way of sorting the CSS attributes. |
comb |
20180831.721 |
available |
melpa |
Interactive grep tool for manual static analysis |
comint-intercept |
20170317.1228 |
available |
melpa |
Intercept input in comint-mode |
command-log-mode |
20160413.447 |
available |
melpa |
log keyboard commands to buffer |
command-queue |
20160328.1725 |
available |
melpa |
shell command queue |
commander |
20140120.1852 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs command line parser |
comment-dwim-2 |
20190105.1653 |
available |
melpa |
An all-in-one comment command to rule them all |
comment-or-uncomment-sexp |
20190225.1122 |
available |
melpa |
Command for commenting the sexp under point. |
comment-tags |
20170910.1735 |
available |
melpa |
Highlight & navigate comment tags like 'TODO'. |
commentary-theme |
20181213.1045 |
available |
melpa |
A minimal theme with contrasting comments |
commenter |
20160219.1627 |
available |
melpa |
multiline-comment support package |
commify |
20161106.2334 |
available |
melpa |
Toggle grouping commas in numbers |
common-lisp-snippets |
20180226.1523 |
available |
melpa |
Yasnippets for Common Lisp |
company-anaconda |
20181025.1305 |
available |
melpa |
Anaconda backend for company-mode |
company-ansible |
20190301.2111 |
available |
melpa |
A company back-end for ansible |
company-arduino |
20160306.1739 |
available |
melpa |
company-mode for Arduino |
company-auctex |
20180725.1912 |
available |
melpa |
Company-mode auto-completion for AUCTeX |
company-axiom |
20171024.2010 |
available |
melpa |
A company-mode backend for the axiom-environment system |
company-bibtex |
20171105.644 |
available |
melpa |
Company completion for bibtex keys |
company-box |
20190311.1745 |
available |
melpa |
Company front-end with icons |
company-c-headers |
20180814.1730 |
available |
melpa |
Company mode backend for C/C++ header files |
company-cabal |
20170917.1317 |
available |
melpa |
company-mode cabal backend |
company-childframe |
20180705.546 |
available |
melpa |
Please use company-posframe instead. |
company-coq |
20190425.1851 |
available |
melpa |
A collection of extensions for Proof General's Coq mode |
company-dcd |
20190116.256 |
available |
melpa |
Company backend for Dlang using DCD. |
company-dict |
20190302.5 |
available |
melpa |
A backend that emulates ac-source-dictionary |
company-distel |
20180827.1344 |
available |
melpa |
Erlang/distel completion backend for company-mode |
company-edbi |
20160221.1923 |
available |
melpa |
Edbi backend for company-mode |
company-emacs-eclim |
20180911.1121 |
available |
melpa |
Eclim company backend |
company-emoji |
20180925.2008 |
available |
melpa |
company-mode backend for emoji |
company-erlang |
20170123.538 |
available |
melpa |
company backend based on ivy-erlang-complete |
company-flow |
20180225.2159 |
available |
melpa |
Flow backend for company-mode |
company-flx |
20180103.518 |
available |
melpa |
flx based fuzzy matching for company |
company-ghc |
20170918.833 |
available |
melpa |
company-mode ghc-mod backend |
company-ghci |
20160311.200 |
available |
melpa |
company backend which uses the current ghci process. |
company-glsl |
20171015.1749 |
available |
melpa |
Support glsl in company-mode |
company-go |
20190203.19 |
available |
melpa |
company-mode backend for Go (using gocode) |
company-inf-ruby |
20140805.2054 |
available |
melpa |
company-mode completion back-end for inf-ruby |
company-irony |
20190124.2346 |
available |
melpa |
company-mode completion back-end for irony-mode |
company-irony-c-headers |
20151018.909 |
available |
melpa |
Company mode backend for C/C++ header files with Irony |
company-jedi |
20151217.321 |
available |
melpa |
company-mode completion back-end for Python JEDI |
company-lean |
20171102.1454 |
available |
melpa |
A company backend for lean-mode |
company-lsp |
20190501.1630 |
available |
melpa |
Company completion backend for lsp-mode. |
company-lua |
20171108.2306 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Company backend for Lua |
company-nand2tetris |
20171201.1813 |
available |
melpa |
Company backend for nand2tetris major mode |
company-nginx |
20180604.2 |
available |
melpa |
company-mode keywords support for nginx-mode |
company-ngram |
20170129.1913 |
available |
melpa |
N-gram based completion |
company-nixos-options |
20160215.857 |
available |
melpa |
Company Backend for nixos-options |
company-php |
20190424.222 |
available |
melpa |
A company back-end for PHP. |
company-phpactor |
20190403.216 |
available |
melpa |
company-mode backend for Phpactor |
company-plsense |
20180118.58 |
available |
melpa |
Company backend for Perl |
company-pollen |
20160812.1510 |
available |
melpa |
company-mode completion backend for pollen |
company-posframe |
20190313.1228 |
available |
melpa |
Use a posframe as company candidate menu |
company-prescient |
20190411.125 |
available |
melpa |
prescient.el + Company |
company-qml |
20170428.1708 |
available |
melpa |
Company backend for QML files |
company-quickhelp |
20180525.1003 |
available |
melpa |
Popup documentation for completion candidates |
company-racer |
20171205.310 |
available |
melpa |
Company integration for racer |
company-reftex |
20181222.906 |
available |
melpa |
Company backend based on RefTeX. |
company-restclient |
20190426.1312 |
available |
melpa |
company-mode completion back-end for restclient-mode |
company-rtags |
20180730.338 |
available |
melpa |
RTags back-end for company |
company-shell |
20170518.541 |
available |
melpa |
Company mode backend for shell functions |
company-solidity |
20181117.1518 |
available |
melpa |
Company-mode back-end for solidity-mode |
company-sourcekit |
20170126.1153 |
available |
melpa |
company-mode completion backend for SourceKit |
company-suggest |
20180527.1631 |
available |
melpa |
Company-mode back-end for search engine suggests |
company-tabnine |
20181207.2331 |
available |
melpa |
A company-mode backend for TabNine |
company-tern |
20161004.1847 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Tern backend for company-mode |
company-terraform |
20180703.1233 |
available |
melpa |
A company backend for terraform |
company-try-hard |
20150902.2206 |
available |
melpa |
get all completions from company backends |
company-web |
20180402.1155 |
available |
melpa |
Company version of ac-html, complete for web,html,emmet,jade,slim modes |
company-ycm |
20140904.1817 |
available |
melpa |
company-ycm |
company-ycmd |
20180520.1053 |
available |
melpa |
company-mode backend for ycmd |
composable |
20170724.647 |
available |
melpa |
composable editing |
composer |
20180923.1140 |
available |
melpa |
Interface to PHP Composer |
concurrent |
20161229.330 |
available |
melpa |
Concurrent utility functions for emacs lisp |
conda |
20190129.1802 |
available |
melpa |
Work with your conda environments |
config-general-mode |
20171024.1840 |
available |
melpa |
Config::General config file mode |
config-parser |
20160426.1219 |
available |
melpa |
a library for parsing config file |
confluence |
20151021.128 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs mode for interacting with confluence wikis |
conkeror-minor-mode |
20150114.1604 |
available |
melpa |
Mode for editing conkeror javascript files. |
conllu-mode |
20190215.2043 |
available |
melpa |
editing mode for CoNLL-U files |
connection |
20140718.329 |
available |
melpa |
TCP-based client connection |
constant-theme |
20180921.1012 |
available |
melpa |
A calm, dark, almost monochrome color theme. |
contextual |
20180726.800 |
available |
melpa |
Contextual profile management system |
contextual-menubar |
20180205.709 |
available |
melpa |
display the menubar only on a graphical display |
contrast-color |
20160903.1807 |
available |
melpa |
Pick best contrast color for you |
control-mode |
20160624.1710 |
available |
melpa |
A "control" mode, similar to vim's "normal" mode |
copy-as-format |
20190119.1611 |
available |
melpa |
Copy buffer locations as GitHub/Slack/JIRA/HipChat/... formatted code |
copy-file-on-save |
20180604.1419 |
available |
melpa |
Copy file on save, automatic deployment it. |
copyit |
20161126.1229 |
available |
melpa |
Copy it, yank anything! |
copyit-pandoc |
20160624.2028 |
available |
melpa |
Copy it, yank anything! |
coq-commenter |
20170822.2309 |
available |
melpa |
Coq commenting minor mode for proof |
corral |
20160502.701 |
available |
melpa |
Quickly surround text with delimiters |
cosmo |
20170922.744 |
available |
melpa |
Cosmological Calculator |
counsel |
20190414.1926 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Various completion functions using Ivy |
counsel-bbdb |
20181128.1320 |
available |
melpa |
Quick search&input email from BBDB based on ivy |
counsel-codesearch |
20180925.803 |
available |
melpa |
Counsel interface for codesearch.el |
counsel-css |
20180302.1036 |
available |
melpa |
stylesheet-selector-aware swiper |
counsel-dash |
20160729.1529 |
available |
melpa |
Browse dash docsets using Ivy |
counsel-etags |
20190428.952 |
available |
melpa |
Fast and complete Ctags/Etags solution using ivy |
counsel-gtags |
20190422.1501 |
available |
melpa |
ivy for GNU global |
counsel-notmuch |
20181203.935 |
available |
melpa |
Search emails in Notmuch asynchronously with Ivy |
counsel-org-capture-string |
20180816.724 |
available |
melpa |
Counsel for org-capture-string |
counsel-org-clock |
20190407.348 |
available |
melpa |
Counsel commands for org-clock |
counsel-osx-app |
20160821.809 |
available |
melpa |
launch osx applications via ivy interface |
counsel-projectile |
20190325.856 |
available |
melpa |
Ivy integration for Projectile |
counsel-pydoc |
20171018.2042 |
available |
melpa |
run pydoc with counsel |
counsel-spotify |
20190406.2025 |
available |
melpa |
Control Spotify search and select music with Ivy. |
counsel-tramp |
20190125.751 |
available |
melpa |
Tramp ivy interface for ssh, docker, vagrant |
counsel-world-clock |
20171202.737 |
available |
melpa |
Display world clock using Ivy. |
cov |
20180415.2031 |
available |
melpa |
Show coverage stats in the fringe. |
coverage |
20180227.457 |
available |
melpa |
Code coverage line highlighting |
coverlay |
20190414.940 |
available |
melpa |
Test coverage overlays |
cp5022x |
20120323.2335 |
available |
melpa |
cp50220, cp50221, cp50222 coding system |
cpanfile-mode |
20161001.710 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for cpanfiles |
cpputils-cmake |
20181006.328 |
available |
melpa |
Easy realtime C++ syntax check and IntelliSense with CMake. |
cql-mode |
20190315.225 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editting CQLs |
cquery |
20190118.542 |
available |
melpa |
cquery client for lsp-mode |
crappy-jsp-mode |
20140311.931 |
available |
melpa |
A pretty crappy major-mode for jsp. |
creamsody-theme |
20170222.1058 |
available |
melpa |
Straight from the soda fountain. |
creds |
20140510.1706 |
available |
melpa |
A parser credentials file library (not limited to credentials entries) |
creole |
20140924.1500 |
available |
melpa |
A parser for the Creole Wiki language |
creole-mode |
20130722.50 |
available |
melpa |
a markup mode for creole |
cricbuzz |
20180804.2254 |
available |
melpa |
Cricket scores from cricbuzz in emacs |
crm-custom |
20160117.6 |
available |
melpa |
Alternate `completing-read-multiple' that uses `completing-read' |
crontab-mode |
20190304.1423 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for crontab(5) |
crux |
20181108.827 |
available |
melpa |
A Collection of Ridiculously Useful eXtensions |
cryptol-mode |
20190130.2144 |
available |
melpa |
Cryptol major mode for Emacs |
cryptsy-public-api |
20141008.1228 |
available |
melpa |
Library for working with the Cryptsy public API |
crystal-mode |
20180827.329 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Crystal files |
crystal-playground |
20180830.501 |
available |
melpa |
Local crystal playground for short code snippets. |
csgo-conf-mode |
20161209.1619 |
available |
melpa |
CS:GO Configuration files syntax highlighting |
csharp-mode |
20181011.718 |
available |
melpa |
C# mode derived mode |
csound-mode |
20190321.1559 |
available |
melpa |
A major mode for interacting and coding Csound |
csproj-mode |
20190324.416 |
available |
melpa |
Work with .NET project files (csproj, vbproj) |
css-autoprefixer |
20180311.1600 |
available |
melpa |
Adds autoprefix to CSS |
css-comb |
20160416.559 |
available |
melpa |
Sort CSS properties in a particular order using CSS Comb |
css-eldoc |
20150125.323 |
available |
melpa |
an eldoc-mode plugin for CSS source code |
cssh |
20150810.1709 |
available |
melpa |
clusterssh implementation for emacs |
csv |
20161113.1510 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Functions for reading and parsing CSV files. |
ctable |
20171006.11 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Table component for Emacs Lisp |
ctags-update |
20170728.758 |
available |
melpa |
(auto) update TAGS in parent directory using exuberant-ctags |
ctl-mode |
20151202.1006 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing GrADS script files |
ctxmenu |
20140303.2142 |
available |
melpa |
Provide a context menu like right-click. |
cubicaltt |
20171108.1402 |
available |
melpa |
Mode for cubical type theory |
cubicle-mode |
20171009.1957 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for the Cubicle model checker |
cucumber-goto-step |
20131210.519 |
available |
melpa |
Jump to cucumber step definition |
cuda-mode |
20151214.321 |
available |
melpa |
NVIDIA CUDA Major Mode |
cursor-test |
20131207.1732 |
available |
melpa |
testing library for cursor position in emacs. |
cwl-mode |
20171205.945 |
available |
melpa |
A major mode for editing CWL |
cyberpunk-2019-theme |
20190228.1453 |
available |
melpa |
A retina-scorching cyberpunk theme |
cyberpunk-theme |
20190110.0 |
available |
melpa |
Cyberpunk Color Theme |
cycbuf |
20131203.2037 |
available |
melpa |
Cycle buffers, inspired by swbuff.el, swbuff-x.el, and bs.el |
cycle-resize |
20160521.1557 |
available |
melpa |
Cycle resize the current window horizontally or vertically |
cycle-themes |
20150403.309 |
available |
melpa |
A global minor mode to make switching themes easier |
cyphejor |
20190101.704 |
available |
melpa |
Shorten major mode names using user-defined rules |
cypher-mode |
20151110.1142 |
available |
melpa |
major mode for editing cypher scripts |
cython-mode |
20190111.2150 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Cython files |
czech-holidays |
20160113.1752 |
available |
melpa |
Adds a list of Czech public holidays to Emacs calendar |
d-mode |
20181205.607 |
available |
melpa |
D Programming Language major mode for (X)Emacs |
dactyl-mode |
20140906.1725 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Pentadactyl config files |
dad-joke |
20170928.658 |
available |
melpa |
Get/display dad jokes |
daemons |
20190202.1528 |
available |
melpa |
UI for managing init system daemons (services) |
dakrone-light-theme |
20170808.2140 |
available |
melpa |
dakrone's custom light theme |
dakrone-theme |
20170801.1933 |
available |
melpa |
dakrone's custom dark theme |
danneskjold-theme |
20190222.1000 |
available |
melpa |
Beautiful high-contrast Emacs theme. |
dante |
20190503.645 |
available |
melpa |
Development mode for Haskell |
dap-mode |
20190421.1611 |
available |
melpa |
Debug Adapter Protocol mode |
darcsum |
20190316.2215 |
available |
melpa |
a pcl-cvs like interface for managing darcs patches |
darcula-theme |
20171227.1845 |
available |
melpa |
Inspired by IntelliJ's Darcula theme |
dark-krystal-theme |
20170808.1300 |
available |
melpa |
an Emacs 24 theme based on Dark Krystal (tmTheme) |
dark-mint-theme |
20160302.642 |
available |
melpa |
dark & minty fresh theme |
dark-souls |
20140314.1128 |
available |
melpa |
Prepare to die |
darkburn-theme |
20170423.1652 |
available |
melpa |
A not-so-low contrast color theme for Emacs. |
darkmine-theme |
20160406.624 |
available |
melpa |
Yet another emacs dark color theme. |
darkokai-theme |
20181019.1859 |
available |
melpa |
A darker variant on Monokai. |
darktooth-theme |
20190412.142 |
available |
melpa |
From the darkness... it watches |
dart-mode |
20190309.114 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Dart files |
dash-at-point |
20180710.1356 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Search the word at point with Dash |
dash-docs |
20190327.1257 |
available |
melpa |
Offline documentation browser using Dash docsets. |
dash-functional |
20180107.1618 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Collection of useful combinators for Emacs Lisp |
dashboard |
20190320.725 |
available |
melpa |
A startup screen extracted from Spacemacs |
dashboard-hackernews |
20190109.205 |
available |
melpa |
Display Hacker News on dashboard |
dashboard-project-status |
20190202.1354 |
available |
melpa |
Display a git project status in a dashboard widget. |
date-at-point |
20150308.1243 |
available |
melpa |
Add `date' to `thing-at-point' function |
date-field |
20141129.105 |
available |
melpa |
Date widget |
datetime |
20190404.1837 |
available |
melpa |
Parsing, formatting and matching timestamps |
datetime-format |
20160612.1715 |
available |
melpa |
Datetime functions |
datomic-snippets |
20180817.1045 |
available |
melpa |
Yasnippets for Datomic |
dayone |
20160105.1240 |
available |
melpa |
Utility script for Day One |
db |
20140421.2111 |
available |
melpa |
A database for EmacsLisp |
db-pg |
20130131.1902 |
available |
melpa |
A PostgreSQL adapter for emacs-db |
ddskk |
20190423.1234 |
available |
melpa |
Simple Kana to Kanji conversion program. |
deadgrep |
20190502.2355 |
available |
melpa |
fast, friendly searching with ripgrep |
debian-el |
20181020.1513 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs helpers specific to Debian users |
debpaste |
20160113.2347 |
available |
melpa |
Interface for getting/posting/deleting pastes from paste.debian.net |
debug-print |
20140126.19 |
available |
melpa |
A nice printf debugging environment by the way Gauche do |
decide |
20190201.2137 |
available |
melpa |
rolling dice and other random things |
decl |
20171212.1458 |
available |
melpa |
Library for organizing code declaratively |
dedicated |
20090428.1931 |
available |
melpa |
A very simple minor mode for dedicated buffers |
dedukti-mode |
20171103.1212 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for Dedukti files |
default-text-scale |
20190107.2018 |
available |
melpa |
Easily adjust the font size in all frames |
deferred |
20170901.1330 |
available |
melpa |
Simple asynchronous functions for emacs lisp |
define-word |
20190128.1559 |
available |
melpa |
display the definition of word at point. |
defproject |
20151201.2219 |
available |
melpa |
Manager dir-locals and project specific variables |
defrepeater |
20180830.410 |
available |
melpa |
Easily make commands repeatable |
deft |
20181226.1534 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
quickly browse, filter, and edit plain text notes |
delim-kill |
20100517.620 |
available |
melpa |
Kill text between delimiters. |
demangle-mode |
20190117.257 |
available |
melpa |
Automatically demangle C++ symbols |
demo-it |
20180404.332 |
available |
melpa |
Create demonstrations |
describe-number |
20151101.55 |
available |
melpa |
Describe arbitrarily large number at point. |
desktop+ |
20170107.2132 |
available |
melpa |
Handle special buffers when saving & restoring sessions |
desktop-environment |
20190401.1535 |
available |
melpa |
Helps you control your GNU/Linux computer |
desktop-registry |
20140119.2143 |
available |
melpa |
Keep a central registry of desktop files |
detour |
20181122.2138 |
available |
melpa |
Take a quick detour and return |
devdocs |
20170731.850 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Launch DevDocs search |
dfmt |
20170728.1023 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs Interface to D indenting/formatting tool dfmt. |
dhall-mode |
20190418.144 |
available |
melpa |
a major mode for dhall configuration language |
diary-manager |
20181215.326 |
available |
melpa |
Simple personal diary. |
dic-lookup-w3m |
20180526.1621 |
available |
melpa |
look up dictionaries on the Internet |
dictcc |
20190118.2002 |
available |
melpa |
Look up translations on dict.cc |
dictionary |
20190403.1918 |
available |
melpa |
Client for rfc2229 dictionary servers |
difflib |
20171227.1518 |
available |
melpa |
Helpers for computing deltas between sequences. |
diffscuss-mode |
20141014.2357 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for diffscuss files. |
digistar-mode |
20160218.1955 |
available |
melpa |
major mode for Digistar scripts |
digit-groups |
20160817.226 |
available |
melpa |
Highlight place-value positions in numbers |
digitalocean |
20180603.925 |
available |
melpa |
Create and manipulate digitalocean droplets |
digitalocean-helm |
20180610.746 |
available |
melpa |
Create and manipulate digitalocean droplets |
dim |
20160818.949 |
available |
melpa |
Change mode-line names of major/minor modes |
dim-autoload |
20180318.2027 |
available |
melpa |
dim or hide autoload cookie lines |
diminish |
20170419.1736 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Diminished modes are minor modes with no modeline display |
dimmer |
20180218.411 |
available |
melpa |
visually highlight the selected buffer |
dionysos |
20160810.1056 |
available |
melpa |
Dionysos, a music player for Emacs |
dircmp |
20141204.1756 |
available |
melpa |
Compare and sync directories. |
dired-atool |
20181228.1422 |
available |
melpa |
Pack/unpack files with atool on dired. |
dired-avfs |
20161012.1104 |
available |
melpa |
AVFS support for dired |
dired-collapse |
20180724.1644 |
available |
melpa |
Collapse unique nested paths in dired listing |
dired-dups |
20130527.2125 |
available |
melpa |
Find duplicate files and display them in a dired buffer |
dired-efap |
20140122.1656 |
available |
melpa |
Edit Filename At Point in a dired buffer |
dired-explorer |
20180607.221 |
available |
melpa |
minor-mode provides Explorer like select file at dired. |
dired-fdclone |
20180403.608 |
available |
melpa |
dired functions and settings to mimic FDclone |
dired-filetype-face |
20180907.1339 |
available |
melpa |
Set different faces for different filetypes in dired |
dired-filter |
20190211.2020 |
available |
melpa |
Ibuffer-like filtering for dired |
dired-hacks-utils |
20160527.2136 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Utilities and helpers for dired-hacks collection |
dired-hide-dotfiles |
20170314.2039 |
available |
melpa |
Hide dotfiles in dired |
dired-icon |
20170223.526 |
available |
melpa |
A minor mode to display a list of associated icons in dired buffers. |
dired-imenu |
20140109.1610 |
available |
melpa |
imenu binding for dired mode |
dired-k |
20170313.1503 |
available |
melpa |
highlight dired buffer by file size, modified time, git status |
dired-launch |
20180607.1841 |
available |
melpa |
Use dired as a launcher |
dired-narrow |
20181114.1723 |
available |
melpa |
Live-narrowing of search results for dired |
dired-open |
20180922.1113 |
available |
melpa |
Open files from dired using using custom actions |
dired-quick-sort |
20161208.2112 |
available |
melpa |
Persistent quick sorting of dired buffers in various ways. |
dired-rainbow |
20171202.2248 |
available |
melpa |
Extended file highlighting according to its type |
dired-ranger |
20180401.2206 |
available |
melpa |
Implementation of useful ranger features for dired |
dired-recent |
20180921.2238 |
available |
melpa |
Dired visited paths history |
dired-rifle |
20181012.2131 |
available |
melpa |
Call rifle(1) from dired |
dired-rmjunk |
20190210.33 |
available |
melpa |
A home directory cleanup utility for Dired. |
dired-rsync |
20190301.1340 |
available |
melpa |
Allow rsync from dired buffers |
dired-sidebar |
20190320.111 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Tree browser leveraging dired |
dired-single |
20180824.312 |
available |
melpa |
Reuse the current dired buffer to visit a directory |
dired-subtree |
20180922.1615 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Insert subdirectories in a tree-like fashion |
dired-toggle |
20190403.602 |
available |
melpa |
Show dired as sidebar and will not create new buffers when changing dir |
dired-toggle-sudo |
20151109.1006 |
available |
melpa |
Browse directory with sudo privileges. |
diredfl |
20180211.214 |
available |
melpa |
Extra font lock rules for a more colourful dired |
diredful |
20160529.2017 |
available |
melpa |
colorful file names in dired buffers |
direnv |
20190319.1418 |
available |
melpa |
direnv support |
direx |
20170422.1327 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Simple Directory Explorer |
direx-grep |
20140515.1506 |
available |
melpa |
Grep node of direx.el using incremental search like anything.el/helm.el |
dirtree |
20140129.832 |
available |
melpa |
Directory tree views |
dirtree-prosjekt |
20140129.904 |
available |
melpa |
dirtree integration for prosjekt. |
disable-mouse |
20181225.2206 |
available |
melpa |
Disable mouse commands globally |
disaster |
20171016.2152 |
available |
melpa |
Disassemble C/C++ code under cursor in Emacs |
discourse |
20160911.819 |
available |
melpa |
discourse api |
discover |
20140103.2139 |
available |
melpa |
discover more of Emacs |
discover-clj-refactor |
20150328.1459 |
available |
melpa |
Adds discover context menu for clj-refactor |
discover-js2-refactor |
20140129.1552 |
available |
melpa |
Adds discover context menu for js2-refactor |
discover-my-major |
20180606.511 |
available |
melpa |
Discover key bindings and their meaning for the current Emacs major mode |
disk |
20171116.731 |
available |
melpa |
simplified find-file, revert-file, save-buffer interface |
dispass |
20140202.1531 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs wrapper for DisPass |
display-theme |
20140115.1556 |
available |
melpa |
display current theme(s) at mode-line |
dist-file-mode |
20180830.418 |
available |
melpa |
Dispatch major mode for *.dist files |
distel-completion-lib |
20180827.1344 |
available |
melpa |
Completion library for Erlang/Distel |
distinguished-theme |
20151216.2015 |
available |
melpa |
A dark and elegant theme for emacs. |
ditz-mode |
20150729.940 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs interface to Ditz issue tracking system |
dix |
20181210.1200 |
available |
melpa |
Apertium XML editing minor mode |
dix-evil |
20170105.1423 |
available |
melpa |
optional evil-integration with dix.el |
dizzee |
20171201.916 |
available |
melpa |
A more pleasant way to manage your project's subprocesses in Emacs. |
django-commands |
20190320.722 |
available |
melpa |
Run django commands |
django-manage |
20160819.212 |
available |
melpa |
Django minor mode for commanding manage.py |
django-mode |
20170522.714 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for Django web framework. |
django-snippets |
20131229.1611 |
available |
melpa |
Yasnippets for django |
django-theme |
20131022.902 |
available |
melpa |
Custom face theme for Emacs |
djangonaut |
20180727.1544 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode to interact with Django projects |
djinni-mode |
20190303.139 |
available |
melpa |
Major-mode for editing Djinni files. |
dkdo |
20131110.1119 |
available |
melpa |
Do List major mode based on org-mode. |
dkl |
20161005.7 |
available |
melpa |
Display keyboard layout. |
dklrt |
20131110.1341 |
available |
melpa |
Ledger Recurring Transactions. |
dkmisc |
20131110.1115 |
available |
melpa |
Miscellaneous functions required by dk* packages. |
dmenu |
20190330.310 |
available |
melpa |
simulate the dmenu command line program |
dna-mode |
20170804.814 |
available |
melpa |
a major mode for editing dna sequences |
docbook-snippets |
20150714.1625 |
available |
melpa |
Yasnippets for DocBook |
docean |
20180605.1744 |
available |
melpa |
Interact with DigitalOcean from Emacs. |
docker |
20190428.951 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs interface to Docker |
docker-api |
20160525.720 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs interface to the Docker API |
docker-compose-mode |
20180324.1752 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing docker-compose files |
docker-tramp |
20170207.325 |
available |
melpa |
TRAMP integration for docker containers |
dockerfile-mode |
20181104.1800 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Docker's Dockerfiles |
dokuwiki |
20180102.59 |
available |
melpa |
Edit Remote DokuWiki Pages Using XML-RPC |
dokuwiki-mode |
20170223.1301 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for DokuWiki document |
dollaro |
20151123.1302 |
available |
melpa |
simple text templates |
doneburn-theme |
20181110.1857 |
available |
melpa |
A light theme based on Bozhidar Batsov's Zenburn |
doom |
20180301.2308 |
available |
melpa |
DOM implementation and manipulation library |
doom-modeline |
20190504.1551 |
available |
melpa |
A minimal and modern mode-line |
doom-themes |
20190424.2243 |
available |
melpa |
an opinionated pack of modern color-themes |
dot-mode |
20180312.2300 |
available |
melpa |
minor mode to repeat typing or commands |
dotenv-mode |
20180207.1914 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for .env files |
dotnet |
20190415.1237 |
available |
melpa |
Interact with dotnet CLI tool |
double-saber |
20190325.1917 |
available |
melpa |
Narrow and delete in search buffers. |
download-region |
20180124.133 |
available |
melpa |
Simple in-buffer download manager |
downplay-mode |
20151125.2009 |
available |
melpa |
focus attention on a region of the buffer |
dpaste |
20160303.2112 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs integration for dpaste.com |
dpaste_de |
20131015.1225 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs mode to paste to dpaste.de |
dpkg-dev-el |
20181022.8 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs modes for debian packaging |
dr-racket-like-unicode |
20161021.1211 |
available |
melpa |
DrRacket-style unicode input |
dracula-theme |
20190107.2016 |
available |
melpa |
Dracula Theme |
draft-mode |
20140609.1456 |
available |
melpa |
Rough drafting for Emacs. |
drag-stuff |
20161108.749 |
available |
melpa |
Drag stuff (lines, words, region, etc...) around |
drawille |
20160418.1838 |
available |
melpa |
Drawille implementation in elisp |
drill-instructor-AZIK-force |
20151123.514 |
available |
melpa |
Support AZIK input |
drone |
20161106.918 |
available |
melpa |
Launch your drone test suite if drone.yml is present |
dropbox |
20181208.2248 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs backend for dropbox |
drupal-mode |
20171120.2309 |
available |
melpa |
Advanced minor mode for Drupal development |
drupal-spell |
20130520.1655 |
available |
melpa |
Aspell extra dictionary for Drupal |
dsvn |
20190316.2201 |
available |
melpa |
Subversion interface |
dtk |
20190501.1743 |
available |
melpa |
access SWORD content via diatheke |
dtrace-script-mode |
20150214.623 |
available |
melpa |
DTrace code editing commands for Emacs |
dtrt-indent |
20190128.2101 |
available |
melpa |
Adapt to foreign indentation offsets |
ducpel |
20140702.1154 |
available |
melpa |
Logic game with sokoban elements |
dumb-diff |
20171211.2122 |
available |
melpa |
fast arbitrary diffs |
dumb-jump |
20190327.1727 |
available |
melpa |
jump to definition for multiple languages without configuration. |
dummyparens |
20141009.1024 |
available |
melpa |
parenthesis auto-pairing and wrapping |
dune |
20190425.1037 |
available |
melpa |
Integration with the dune build system |
duplicate-thing |
20181031.1500 |
available |
melpa |
Duplicate current line & selection |
dut-mode |
20170729.2111 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for the Dut programming language |
dyalog-mode |
20190416.1401 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Dyalog APL source code |
dylan-mode |
20190109.300 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Dylan programs. |
dynamic-fonts |
20140731.1226 |
available |
melpa |
Set faces based on available fonts |
dynamic-ruler |
20160602.808 |
available |
melpa |
Displays a dynamic ruler at point. |
dynamic-spaces |
20171027.1851 |
available |
melpa |
When editing, don't move text separated by spaces |
e2ansi |
20180403.1915 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Syntax highlighting support for `less', powered by Emacs. |
e2wm |
20170215.36 |
available |
melpa |
simple window manager for emacs |
e2wm-R |
20151230.926 |
available |
melpa |
some e2wm plugin and perspective for GNU R |
e2wm-bookmark |
20151123.521 |
available |
melpa |
Bookmark plugin for e2wm.el |
e2wm-direx |
20170509.1301 |
available |
melpa |
Plugin of e2wm.el for direx.el |
e2wm-pkgex4pl |
20140525.1047 |
available |
melpa |
Plugin of e2wm.el for package explorer of Perl |
e2wm-svg-clock |
20150106.1306 |
available |
melpa |
e2wm plugin for svg-clock |
e2wm-sww |
20140524.858 |
available |
melpa |
Plugin of e2wm.el to switch plugin quickly |
e2wm-term |
20141009.1308 |
available |
melpa |
Perspective of e2wm.el for work in terminal |
eacl |
20190207.125 |
available |
melpa |
Auto-complete lines by grepping project |
easy-after-load |
20170817.1231 |
available |
melpa |
eval-after-load for all files in a directory |
easy-escape |
20161209.1544 |
available |
melpa |
Improve readability of escape characters in regular expressions |
easy-hugo |
20190424.2228 |
available |
melpa |
Write blogs made with hugo by markdown or org-mode |
easy-jekyll |
20190424.2229 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode managing jekyll blogs |
easy-kill-extras |
20180920.1334 |
available |
melpa |
Extra functions for easy-kill. |
easy-repeat |
20150516.848 |
available |
melpa |
Repeat easily |
ebal |
20180101.616 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs interface to Cabal and Stack |
ebf |
20160211.1758 |
available |
melpa |
brainfuck language transpiler to Emacs Lisp |
ebib |
20190414.2223 |
available |
melpa |
a BibTeX database manager |
ecb |
20170728.1921 |
available |
melpa |
a code browser for Emacs |
eclim |
20181108.1134 |
available |
melpa |
An interface to the Eclipse IDE. |
eclipse-theme |
20190122.1018 |
available |
melpa |
Theme based on Eclipse circa 2010 |
ecukes |
20171216.1208 |
available |
melpa |
Cucumber for Emacs. |
edbi |
20160225.141 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs Database Interface |
edbi-database-url |
20160221.1923 |
available |
melpa |
Run edbi with database url |
edbi-django |
20190212.1417 |
available |
melpa |
Run edbi with django settings |
edbi-minor-mode |
20160706.1447 |
available |
melpa |
Use edbi with regular SQL files. |
edbi-sqlite |
20160221.1923 |
available |
melpa |
Open sqlite files with edbi |
ede-compdb |
20150920.2033 |
available |
melpa |
Support for compilation database projects in EDE |
ede-php-autoload |
20180901.1255 |
available |
melpa |
Simple EDE PHP Project |
ede-php-autoload-composer-installers |
20170221.2026 |
available |
melpa |
Composer installers support for ede-php-autoload |
ede-php-autoload-drupal |
20170316.2158 |
available |
melpa |
Drupal support for ede-php-autoload |
edebug-x |
20130616.625 |
available |
melpa |
Extensions for Edebug |
edit-at-point |
20150716.1324 |
available |
melpa |
edit(copy,cut..) current things(word,symbol..) under cursor |
edit-color-stamp |
20130529.1733 |
available |
melpa |
Edit a hex color stamp, using a QT or the internal color picker |
edit-indirect |
20180422.1807 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Edit regions in separate buffers |
edit-indirect-region-latex |
20161129.645 |
available |
melpa |
Edit LaTeX regions in separate buffers, e.g. for English grammar checks |
edit-list |
20100930.1443 |
available |
melpa |
edit a single list |
edit-server |
20181016.1125 |
available |
melpa |
server that responds to edit requests from Chrome |
edit-server-htmlize |
20130329.2248 |
available |
melpa |
(de)HTMLization hooks for edit-server.el |
editorconfig |
20190405.1405 |
available |
melpa |
EditorConfig Emacs Plugin |
editorconfig-charset-extras |
20180223.457 |
available |
melpa |
Extra EditorConfig Charset Support |
editorconfig-custom-majormode |
20180816.244 |
available |
melpa |
Decide major-mode and mmm-mode from EditorConfig |
editorconfig-domain-specific |
20180505.924 |
available |
melpa |
Apply brace style and other "domain-specific" EditorConfig properties |
editorconfig-generate |
20181116.635 |
available |
melpa |
Generate .editorconfig |
edn |
20160215.1219 |
available |
melpa |
Support for reading and writing the edn data format from elisp |
edts |
20171030.709 |
available |
melpa |
Erlang Development Tool Suite |
efire |
20151009.2031 |
available |
melpa |
Use campfire from Emacs |
eg |
20170830.815 |
available |
melpa |
Norton Guide reader |
egg |
20181126.500 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs Got Git - Emacs interface to Git |
egison-mode |
20181109.1624 |
available |
melpa |
Egison editing mode |
ego |
20180301.104 |
available |
melpa |
a static site generator based on org mode, forked from org-page. |
eide |
20190501.2122 |
available |
melpa |
IDE interface |
eimp |
20120826.2039 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs Image Manipulation Package |
ein |
20190430.1340 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs IPython Notebook |
ein-mumamo |
20150302.28 |
available |
melpa |
Multiple major mode support for Emacs IPython Notebook |
eink-theme |
20190219.858 |
available |
melpa |
E Ink color theme |
ejc-sql |
20190502.2234 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs SQL client uses Clojure JDBC. |
el-autoyas |
20120918.1317 |
available |
melpa |
Automatically create Emacs-Lisp Yasnippets |
el-fly-indent-mode |
20180422.243 |
available |
melpa |
Indent Emacs Lisp on the fly |
el-get |
20181006.225 |
available |
melpa |
Manage the external elisp bits and pieces you depend upon |
el-init |
20150728.920 |
available |
melpa |
A loader inspired by init-loader |
el-init-viewer |
20150303.828 |
available |
melpa |
Record viewer for el-init |
el-mock |
20170824.1954 |
available |
melpa |
Tiny Mock and Stub framework in Emacs Lisp |
el-patch |
20190410.1631 |
available |
melpa |
Future-proof your Elisp. |
el-pocket |
20170922.1249 |
available |
melpa |
Read and write to Pocket (getpocket.com) |
el-spec |
20121018.704 |
available |
melpa |
ruby's rspec like syntax test frame work |
el-spice |
20180128.1721 |
available |
melpa |
Extra spice for emacs lisp programming |
el-sprunge |
20140107.139 |
available |
melpa |
Command line paste server with Emacs highlighting |
el-spy |
20131226.2008 |
available |
melpa |
Mocking framework for Emacs lisp. It also support spy, proxy. |
el-x |
20140111.2201 |
available |
melpa |
main entry point for el-x package |
el2markdown |
20170630.1858 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Convert commentary section of elisp files to markdown. |
el2org |
20190504.1114 |
available |
melpa |
Convert elisp file to org file |
elbank |
20180316.1343 |
available |
melpa |
Personal finances reporting application |
elcontext |
20180526.1304 |
available |
melpa |
Create context specific actions |
elcord |
20190415.2339 |
available |
melpa |
Allows you to integrate Rich Presence from Discord |
elcouch |
20180809.936 |
available |
melpa |
View and manipulate CouchDB databases |
eldoc-box |
20190305.2106 |
available |
melpa |
Display documentation in childframe |
eldoc-cmake |
20190419.2244 |
available |
melpa |
Eldoc support for CMake |
eldoc-overlay |
20190223.543 |
available |
melpa |
Display eldoc with contextual documentation overlay. |
electric-case |
20150417.1112 |
available |
melpa |
insert camelCase, snake_case words without "Shift"ing |
electric-operator |
20190226.727 |
available |
melpa |
Automatically add spaces around operators |
elein |
20120120.1116 |
available |
melpa |
running leiningen commands from emacs |
elf-mode |
20161009.748 |
available |
melpa |
Show symbols in binaries |
elfeed |
20190502.1214 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
an Emacs Atom/RSS feed reader |
elfeed-goodies |
20190128.1631 |
available |
melpa |
Elfeed goodies |
elfeed-org |
20181015.1100 |
available |
melpa |
Configure elfeed with one or more org-mode files |
elfeed-protocol |
20190312.1209 |
available |
melpa |
Provide owncloud/ttrss protocols for elfeed |
elfeed-web |
20180829.1716 |
available |
melpa |
web interface to Elfeed |
elgrep |
20181126.859 |
available |
melpa |
Searching files for regular expressions |
elhome |
20161025.2042 |
available |
melpa |
A framework for a "home" Emacs configuration |
elisp-def |
20180806.723 |
available |
melpa |
macro-aware go-to-definition for elisp |
elisp-demos |
20190503.652 |
available |
melpa |
Elisp API Demos |
elisp-depend |
20190325.1114 |
available |
melpa |
Parse depend libraries of elisp file. |
elisp-docstring-mode |
20170304.1615 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing elisp docstrings. |
elisp-format |
20160508.952 |
available |
melpa |
Format elisp code |
elisp-lint |
20180224.2042 |
available |
melpa |
basic linting for Emacs Lisp |
elisp-refs |
20190323.1331 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
find callers of elisp functions or macros |
elisp-sandbox |
20131116.1842 |
available |
melpa |
Evaluate EmacsLisp expressions in a sandbox |
elisp-slime-nav |
20160128.1909 |
available |
melpa |
Make M-. and M-, work in elisp like they do in slime |
elixir-mode |
20190422.155 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Elixir files |
elixir-yasnippets |
20150417.1239 |
available |
melpa |
Yasnippets for Elixir |
elm-mode |
20190222.2125 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for Elm |
elm-test-runner |
20190105.1923 |
available |
melpa |
Enhanced support for running elm-test |
elm-yasnippets |
20160401.524 |
available |
melpa |
Yasnippets for Elm |
elmacro |
20180628.1411 |
available |
melpa |
Convert keyboard macros to emacs lisp |
elmine |
20190212.1740 |
available |
melpa |
Redmine API access via elisp. |
elnode |
20140203.2306 |
available |
melpa |
The Emacs webserver. |
elog |
20160724.2255 |
available |
melpa |
logging library extended from logito |
elogcat |
20151121.41 |
available |
melpa |
logcat interface |
eloud |
20160731.1557 |
available |
melpa |
A lightweight, interactive screen reader |
elpa-audit |
20141023.1331 |
available |
melpa |
Handy functions for inspecting and comparing package archives |
elpa-clone |
20190109.2340 |
available |
melpa |
Clone ELPA archive |
elpa-mirror |
20190423.2118 |
available |
melpa |
Create local package repository from installed packages |
elpy |
20190504.1842 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs Python Development Environment |
elpygen |
20171225.1736 |
available |
melpa |
Generate a Python function/method using a symbol under point |
elquery |
20180917.2217 |
available |
melpa |
The HTML library for elisp. |
elsa |
20190331.1558 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Emacs Lisp Static Analyser |
elscreen |
20181009.451 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs window session manager |
elscreen-buffer-group |
20181027.528 |
available |
melpa |
elscreen buffer group |
elscreen-fr |
20160920.953 |
available |
melpa |
Use frame title as screen tab |
elscreen-mew |
20160504.1835 |
available |
melpa |
ElScreen Add-On for Mew |
elscreen-multi-term |
20151022.233 |
available |
melpa |
Multi term for elscreen |
elscreen-separate-buffer-list |
20161107.358 |
available |
melpa |
Separate buffer list manager for elscreen |
elscreen-tab |
20190203.1619 |
available |
melpa |
minor mode to display tabs of elscreen in a dedicated buffer |
elvish-mode |
20180809.1612 |
available |
melpa |
Defines a major mode for Elvish |
elwm |
20150817.1007 |
available |
melpa |
Minimalistic window manager for emacs |
elx |
20181111.1007 |
available |
melpa |
extract information from Emacs Lisp libraries |
emacs-setup |
20120727.1426 |
available |
melpa |
Package for maintaining your emacs configuration. Clean up your .emacs! |
emacsagist |
20140331.1830 |
available |
melpa |
Search Packagist.org packages without leaving Emacs |
emacsc |
20161028.1706 |
available |
melpa |
helper for emacsc(1) |
emacsist-view |
20160426.1223 |
available |
melpa |
Mode for viewing emacsist.com |
emacsql |
20190310.1322 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
high-level SQL database front-end |
emacsql-mysql |
20171219.227 |
available |
melpa |
EmacSQL back-end for MySQL |
emacsql-psql |
20171219.227 |
available |
melpa |
EmacSQL back-end for PostgreSQL via psql |
emacsql-sqlite |
20190426.1929 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
EmacSQL back-end for SQLite |
emacsshot |
20161018.1443 |
available |
melpa |
Snapshot a frame or window from within Emacs |
emamux |
20170227.337 |
available |
melpa |
Interact with tmux |
emamux-ruby-test |
20130812.1639 |
available |
melpa |
Ruby test with emamux |
emaps |
20180712.1916 |
available |
melpa |
utilities for working with keymaps. |
ember-mode |
20190403.1652 |
available |
melpa |
Ember navigation mode for emacs |
ember-yasnippets |
20160526.1658 |
available |
melpa |
Snippets for Ember.js development |
embrace |
20171031.1833 |
available |
melpa |
Add/Change/Delete pairs based on `expand-region' |
emidje |
20190209.1726 |
available |
melpa |
Test runner and report viewer for Midje |
emlib |
20161126.1523 |
available |
melpa |
A Machine Learning library for Emacs |
emmet-mode |
20180613.341 |
available |
melpa |
Unofficial Emmet's support for emacs |
emms |
20190501.1639 |
available |
melpa |
The Emacs Multimedia System |
emms-bilibili |
20180103.418 |
available |
melpa |
Play Bilibili in EMMS. |
emms-info-mediainfo |
20131223.1300 |
available |
melpa |
Info-method for EMMS using medianfo |
emms-mark-ext |
20130529.327 |
available |
melpa |
Extra functions for emms-mark-mode and emms-tag-edit-mode |
emms-mode-line-cycle |
20160221.1120 |
available |
melpa |
Display the emms mode line as a ticker |
emms-player-mpv-jp-radios |
20180325.1117 |
available |
melpa |
EMMS players and stream lists of Japan radio stations |
emms-player-simple-mpv |
20180316.1549 |
available |
melpa |
An extension of emms-player-simple.el for mpv JSON IPC |
emms-soundcloud |
20131221.1145 |
available |
melpa |
EMMS source for Soundcloud audio sharing platform |
emms-state |
20160504.805 |
available |
melpa |
Display track description and playing time in the mode line |
emoji-cheat-sheet-plus |
20150617.1331 |
available |
melpa |
emoji-cheat-sheet for emacs |
emoji-display |
20140117.1013 |
available |
melpa |
emoji displaying module |
emoji-fontset |
20160726.1924 |
available |
melpa |
Set font face for Emoji. |
emoji-recall |
20160723.2208 |
available |
melpa |
How many emoji can you recall from memory? |
emojify |
20190402.353 |
available |
melpa |
Display emojis in Emacs |
emojify-logos |
20180814.917 |
available |
melpa |
Add logos to emojify |
empos |
20151011.1916 |
available |
melpa |
Locate bibtex citations from within emacs |
emr |
20190414.2025 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Emacs refactoring system. |
enclose |
20121008.1614 |
available |
melpa |
Enclose cursor within punctuation pairs. |
encourage-mode |
20151128.905 |
available |
melpa |
Encourages you in your work. :D |
engine-mode |
20181222.2027 |
available |
melpa |
Define and query search engines from within Emacs. |
enh-ruby-mode |
20190424.240 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Ruby files |
enlive |
20170725.1417 |
available |
melpa |
query html document with css selectors |
eno |
20160110.1034 |
available |
melpa |
Goto/copy/cut any word/symbol/line in view, similar to ace-jump/easymotion |
enotify |
20130407.1348 |
available |
melpa |
A networked notification system for emacs |
ensime |
20180615.1330 |
available |
melpa |
ENhanced Scala Interaction Mode for Emacs |
envdir |
20160221.1923 |
available |
melpa |
Modify environment according to files in a specified directory |
eopengrok |
20160904.659 |
available |
melpa |
opengrok interface for emacs |
epc |
20140610.534 |
available |
melpa |
A RPC stack for the Emacs Lisp |
epic |
20170210.23 |
available |
melpa |
Evernote Picker for Cocoa Emacs |
epkg |
20190315.13 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
browse the Emacsmirror package database |
epl |
20180205.2049 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Emacs Package Library |
epm |
20161027.734 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs Package Manager |
epresent |
20160411.201 |
available |
melpa |
Simple presentation mode for Emacs Org-mode |
eprime-mode |
20140513.1816 |
available |
melpa |
An E-prime checking mode for Emacs |
eproject |
20180312.1642 |
available |
melpa |
assign files to projects, programatically |
equake |
20190418.2151 |
available |
melpa |
drop-drop console for eshell & terminal emulation |
erc-colorize |
20170107.1339 |
available |
melpa |
Per user colorization of whole message |
erc-crypt |
20190318.2350 |
available |
melpa |
Symmetric Encryption for ERC |
erc-hipchatify |
20170314.1637 |
available |
melpa |
Provide emoticons and html rendering for HipChat |
erc-hl-nicks |
20180415.1946 |
available |
melpa |
ERC nick highlighter that ignores uniquifying chars when colorizing |
erc-image |
20180522.1424 |
available |
melpa |
Show received image urls in the ERC buffer |
erc-scrolltoplace |
20180608.606 |
available |
melpa |
An Erc module to scrolltobottom better with keep-place |
erc-social-graph |
20150508.1204 |
available |
melpa |
A social network graph module for ERC. |
erc-status-sidebar |
20171223.2124 |
available |
melpa |
a hexchat-like activity overview for ERC channels |
erc-terminal-notifier |
20140115.1024 |
available |
melpa |
OSX notifications via the terminal-notifier gem for Emacs ERC. |
erc-track-score |
20130328.1215 |
available |
melpa |
Add score support to tracked channel buffers |
erc-tweet |
20150920.1258 |
available |
melpa |
shows text of a tweet when an url is posted in erc buffers |
erc-twitch |
20170427.606 |
available |
melpa |
Support for Twitch emotes for ERC. |
erc-view-log |
20140227.2039 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for viewing ERC logs |
erc-youtube |
20150603.2136 |
available |
melpa |
Show info about a YouTube URL in an ERC buffer. |
erc-yt |
20150426.1249 |
available |
melpa |
An erc module to display youtube links nicely |
ercn |
20150523.1503 |
available |
melpa |
Flexible ERC notifications |
ereader |
20170810.501 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for reading ebooks with org-mode integration |
eredis |
20181119.131 |
available |
melpa |
eredis, a Redis client in emacs lisp |
erefactor |
20160121.959 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs-Lisp refactoring utilities |
ergoemacs-status |
20160318.538 |
available |
melpa |
Adaptive Status Bar / Mode Line |
erlang |
20190404.928 |
available |
melpa |
Erlang major mode |
erlstack-mode |
20190204.1609 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for analysing Erlang stacktraces |
eros |
20180415.618 |
available |
melpa |
Evaluation Result OverlayS for Emacs Lisp |
ert-async |
20151011.1359 |
available |
melpa |
Async support for ERT |
ert-expectations |
20121009.734 |
available |
melpa |
The simplest unit test framework in the world |
ert-junit |
20181118.2256 |
available |
melpa |
JUnit XML reports from ert results |
ert-modeline |
20140115.1015 |
available |
melpa |
displays ert test results in the modeline. |
ert-runner |
20180831.1145 |
available |
melpa |
Opinionated Ert testing workflow |
es-lib |
20141111.1830 |
available |
melpa |
A collection of emacs utilities |
es-mode |
20181004.2217 |
available |
melpa |
A major mode for editing and executing Elasticsearch queries |
es-windows |
20140211.904 |
available |
melpa |
Window-management utilities |
esa |
20180403.1525 |
available |
melpa |
Interface to esa.io |
esh-autosuggest |
20190228.401 |
available |
melpa |
History autosuggestions for eshell |
esh-buf-stack |
20140107.1018 |
available |
melpa |
Add a buffer stack feature to Eshell |
esh-help |
20170830.411 |
available |
melpa |
Add some help functions and support for Eshell |
eshell-autojump |
20150927.724 |
available |
melpa |
autojump command for Eshell |
eshell-bookmark |
20170922.1514 |
available |
melpa |
Integrate bookmarks with eshell. |
eshell-did-you-mean |
20150915.1952 |
available |
melpa |
command not found ("did you mean…" feature) in Eshell |
eshell-fixed-prompt |
20190111.2235 |
available |
melpa |
Restrict eshell to a single fixed prompt |
eshell-fringe-status |
20170117.2316 |
available |
melpa |
Show last status in fringe |
eshell-git-prompt |
20170909.1452 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Some Eshell prompt for Git users |
eshell-prompt-extras |
20181229.1418 |
available |
melpa |
Display extra information for your eshell prompt. |
eshell-up |
20170425.1737 |
available |
melpa |
Quickly go to a specific parent directory in eshell |
eshell-z |
20170117.438 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
cd to frequent directory in eshell |
eslint-fix |
20180514.700 |
available |
melpa |
Fix JavaScript files using ESLint |
eslintd-fix |
20180429.1455 |
available |
melpa |
use eslint_d to automatically fix js files |
esonify |
20190110.1621 |
available |
melpa |
Sonify your code |
espresso-theme |
20181025.826 |
available |
melpa |
Espresso Tutti Colori port for Emacs |
espuds |
20160905.1300 |
available |
melpa |
Ecukes step definitions |
espy |
20180929.1602 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs Simple Password Yielder |
esqlite |
20151206.1206 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Manipulate sqlite file from Emacs |
esqlite-helm |
20151116.850 |
available |
melpa |
Define helm source for sqlite database |
ess |
20190503.1220 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs Speaks Statistics |
ess-R-data-view |
20130509.1158 |
available |
melpa |
Data viewer for GNU R |
ess-smart-equals |
20190204.449 |
available |
melpa |
flexible, context-sensitive assignment key for R/S |
ess-smart-underscore |
20190309.101 |
available |
melpa |
Ess Smart Underscore |
ess-view |
20181001.1730 |
available |
melpa |
View R dataframes in a spreadsheet software |
esup |
20180727.342 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
the Emacs StartUp Profiler (ESUP) |
esxml |
20171129.807 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Library for working with xml via esxml and sxml |
etable |
20161028.2009 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Implementation of javax.swing.JTable for Emacs. |
eterm-256color |
20190123.401 |
available |
melpa |
Customizable 256 colors for term. |
ethan-wspace |
20170507.2030 |
available |
melpa |
whitespace customizations for emacs |
euslisp-mode |
20170830.1929 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for Euslisp-formatted text |
eval-expr |
20120619.647 |
available |
melpa |
enhanced eval-expression command |
eval-in-repl |
20171122.1343 |
available |
melpa |
Consistent ESS-like eval interface for various REPLs |
eval-sexp-fu |
20190109.809 |
available |
melpa |
Tiny functionality enhancements for evaluating sexps. |
evalator |
20160213.128 |
available |
melpa |
Package for interactive transformation of data with helm |
evalator-clojure |
20160208.2148 |
available |
melpa |
Clojure evaluation context for evalator via CIDER. |
eve-mode |
20170822.2231 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Eve documents. |
evil |
20190222.1212 |
available |
melpa |
Extensible Vi layer for Emacs. |
evil-anzu |
20170124.718 |
available |
melpa |
anzu for evil-mode |
evil-args |
20180908.2157 |
available |
melpa |
Motions and text objects for delimited arguments in Evil. |
evil-avy |
20150908.748 |
available |
melpa |
set-based completion |
evil-better-visual-line |
20181026.1028 |
available |
melpa |
gj and gk visual line mode fix |
evil-cleverparens |
20170718.413 |
available |
melpa |
Evil friendly minor-mode for editing lisp. |
evil-colemak-basics |
20170425.1209 |
available |
melpa |
Basic Colemak key bindings for evil-mode |
evil-colemak-minimal |
20171006.1317 |
available |
melpa |
Minimal Colemak key bindings for evil-mode |
evil-collection |
20190503.201 |
available |
melpa |
A set of keybindings for Evil mode |
evil-commentary |
20170413.1451 |
available |
melpa |
Comment stuff out. A port of vim-commentary. |
evil-dvorak |
20160416.1841 |
available |
melpa |
evil keybindings for that work with dvorak mode |
evil-easymotion |
20180114.654 |
available |
melpa |
A port of vim's easymotion to emacs |
evil-ediff |
20170724.1923 |
available |
melpa |
Make ediff a little evil |
evil-embrace |
20160519.1829 |
available |
melpa |
Evil integration of embrace.el |
evil-escape |
20180910.1234 |
available |
melpa |
No description available. |
evil-ex-fasd |
20180903.612 |
available |
melpa |
using fasd right from evil-ex |
evil-ex-shell-command |
20181226.226 |
available |
melpa |
invoke shell-command right from evil-ex |
evil-exchange |
20170511.259 |
available |
melpa |
Exchange text more easily within Evil |
evil-expat |
20190112.540 |
available |
melpa |
Evil ex commands |
evil-extra-operator |
20161213.403 |
available |
melpa |
Evil operator for evaluating codes, taking notes, searching via google, etc. |
evil-find-char-pinyin |
20160514.2041 |
available |
melpa |
Evil's f/F/t/T/evil-snipe commands with Pinyin support |
evil-fringe-mark |
20190320.453 |
available |
melpa |
Display evil-mode marks in the fringe |
evil-god-state |
20141117.255 |
available |
melpa |
use god-mode keybindings in evil-mode |
evil-goggles |
20181123.1946 |
available |
melpa |
Add a visual hint to evil operations |
evil-iedit-state |
20180607.558 |
available |
melpa |
Evil states to interface iedit mode. |
evil-indent-plus |
20151109.1906 |
available |
melpa |
Evil textobjects based on indentation |
evil-indent-textobject |
20130831.2219 |
available |
melpa |
evil textobjects based on indentation |
evil-leader |
20140606.1243 |
available |
melpa |
let there be <leader> |
evil-ledger |
20180802.1612 |
available |
melpa |
Make `ledger-mode' more `evil'. |
evil-lion |
20170811.614 |
available |
melpa |
Evil align operator, port of vim-lion |
evil-lisp-state |
20160404.248 |
available |
melpa |
An evil state to edit Lisp code |
evil-lispy |
20190502.739 |
available |
melpa |
precision Lisp editing with Evil and Lispy |
evil-magit |
20190224.2028 |
available |
melpa |
evil-based key bindings for magit |
evil-mark-replace |
20150424.718 |
available |
melpa |
replace the thing in marked area |
evil-matchit |
20190307.1013 |
available |
melpa |
Vim matchit ported to Evil |
evil-mc |
20190321.1606 |
available |
melpa |
Multiple cursors for evil-mode |
evil-mc-extras |
20170202.1649 |
available |
melpa |
Extra functionality for evil-mc |
evil-mu4e |
20180613.1039 |
available |
melpa |
evil-based key bindings for mu4e |
evil-multiedit |
20190103.715 |
available |
melpa |
multiple cursors for evil-mode |
evil-nerd-commenter |
20190407.828 |
available |
melpa |
Comment/uncomment lines efficiently. Like Nerd Commenter in Vim |
evil-nl-break-undo |
20181125.2054 |
available |
melpa |
Break evil's undo sequence on CR |
evil-numbers |
20140606.1251 |
available |
melpa |
increment/decrement numbers like in vim |
evil-opener |
20161207.1810 |
available |
melpa |
opening urls as buffers in evil |
evil-org |
20180323.2306 |
available |
melpa |
evil keybindings for org-mode |
evil-paredit |
20150413.2048 |
available |
melpa |
Paredit support for evil keybindings |
evil-python-movement |
20180724.1420 |
available |
melpa |
Port Neovim's python movement to Evil |
evil-quickscope |
20160202.1924 |
available |
melpa |
Highlight unique characters in words for f,F,t,T navigation |
evil-rails |
20160621.2258 |
available |
melpa |
Rails support for Evil Mode |
evil-replace-with-char |
20180324.2206 |
available |
melpa |
replace chars of a text object with a char |
evil-replace-with-register |
20170713.925 |
available |
melpa |
Port of vim plugin ReplaceWithRegister |
evil-rsi |
20160221.2104 |
available |
melpa |
Use emacs motion keys in evil, inspired by vim-rsi |
evil-search-highlight-persist |
20170523.334 |
available |
melpa |
Persistent highlights after search |
evil-smartparens |
20171210.1513 |
available |
melpa |
Evil support for smartparens |
evil-snipe |
20180731.1731 |
available |
melpa |
emulate vim-sneak & vim-seek |
evil-space |
20151208.1228 |
available |
melpa |
Repeat motion in Evil. Correct the behaviour of what SPC should do. |
evil-string-inflection |
20180313.1755 |
available |
melpa |
snake_case -> CamelCase -> etc. for text objects |
evil-surround |
20190403.418 |
available |
melpa |
emulate surround.vim from Vim |
evil-swap-keys |
20170726.1820 |
available |
melpa |
intelligently swap keys on text input with evil |
evil-tabs |
20160217.1520 |
available |
melpa |
Integrating Vim-style tabs for Evil mode users. |
evil-terminal-cursor-changer |
20170401.842 |
available |
melpa |
Change cursor shape and color by evil state in terminal |
evil-test-helpers |
20190104.1026 |
available |
melpa |
unit test helpers for Evil |
evil-text-object-python |
20181126.1324 |
available |
melpa |
Python specific evil text objects |
evil-textobj-anyblock |
20170905.1907 |
available |
melpa |
Textobject for the closest user-defined blocks. |
evil-textobj-column |
20170905.1905 |
available |
melpa |
Provides column text objects. |
evil-textobj-entire |
20150422.1254 |
available |
melpa |
text object for entire lines of buffer for evil |
evil-textobj-line |
20150729.1522 |
available |
melpa |
evil textobj line |
evil-textobj-syntax |
20181210.1213 |
available |
melpa |
Provides syntax text objects. |
evil-tutor |
20150103.650 |
available |
melpa |
Vimtutor adapted to Evil and wrapped in a major-mode |
evil-tutor-ja |
20160917.132 |
available |
melpa |
Japanese Vimtutor adapted to Evil and wrapped in a major-mode |
evil-vimish-fold |
20171030.1151 |
available |
melpa |
Integrate vimish-fold with evil |
evil-visual-mark-mode |
20190116.1557 |
available |
melpa |
Display evil marks on buffer |
evil-visual-replace |
20171016.613 |
available |
melpa |
search/replace commands for evil visual state, inc. blocks |
evil-visualstar |
20160223.48 |
available |
melpa |
Starts a * or # search from the visual selection |
evm |
20141007.1156 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs Version Manager |
ewmctrl |
20170922.217 |
available |
melpa |
Use `wmctrl' to manage desktop windows via EWMH/NetWM. |
eww-lnum |
20150102.1512 |
available |
melpa |
Conkeror-like functionality for eww |
exato |
20180305.1042 |
available |
melpa |
EXATO: Evil XML/HTML Attributes Text Object |
exec-path-from-shell |
20190426.2227 |
available |
melpa |
Get environment variables such as $PATH from the shell |
exiftool |
20190203.2006 |
available |
melpa |
Elisp wrapper around ExifTool |
exotica-theme |
20180212.2329 |
available |
melpa |
A dark theme with vibrant colors |
expand-line |
20151006.207 |
available |
melpa |
Expand selection by line |
expand-region |
20190416.538 |
available |
melpa |
Increase selected region by semantic units. |
express |
20140508.2041 |
available |
melpa |
Alternatives to `message' |
exsqlaim-mode |
20170607.1003 |
available |
melpa |
Use variables inside sql queries |
extempore-mode |
20180105.621 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs major mode for Extempore source files |
extend-dnd |
20151122.1850 |
available |
melpa |
R drag and Drop |
extmap |
20181028.1645 |
available |
melpa |
Externally-stored constant mapping for Elisp |
exunit |
20190216.340 |
available |
melpa |
ExUnit test runner |
exwm-edit |
20180905.743 |
available |
melpa |
Edit mode for EXWM |
exwm-firefox-core |
20190402.2125 |
available |
melpa |
Firefox hotkeys to functions |
exwm-firefox-evil |
20190403.1845 |
available |
melpa |
Firefox hotkeys to functions |
exwm-surf |
20171204.1140 |
available |
melpa |
Interface for Surf (surf.suckless.org) under exwm |
exwm-x |
20190224.1152 |
available |
melpa |
A derivative wm based on EXWM (emacs x window manager) |
eyebrowse |
20190322.933 |
available |
melpa |
Easy window config switching |
eyuml |
20141028.2227 |
available |
melpa |
Write textual uml diagram from emacs using yuml.me |
ez-query-replace |
20170814.1321 |
available |
melpa |
a smarter context-sensitive query-replace that can be reapplied |
eziam-theme |
20190425.1051 |
available |
melpa |
A mostly monochrome theme, inspired by Tao and Leuven, with dark and light versions. |
f |
20190109.906 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Modern API for working with files and directories |
f3 |
20180130.1158 |
available |
melpa |
a helm interface to find |
fabric |
20171116.656 |
available |
melpa |
Launch Fabric using Emacs |
face-explorer |
20170710.1901 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Library and tools for faces and text properties |
faceup |
20170925.1946 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Markup language for faces and font-lock regression testing |
factlog |
20130210.140 |
available |
melpa |
File activity logger |
faff-theme |
20190423.1616 |
available |
melpa |
Light Emacs color theme on cornsilk3 background |
fakespace |
20120818.6 |
available |
melpa |
fake namespaces with defpackage |
fakir |
20140729.1652 |
available |
melpa |
fakeing bits of Emacs |
fancy-battery |
20150101.1204 |
available |
melpa |
Fancy battery display |
fancy-narrow |
20171031.16 |
available |
melpa |
narrow-to-region with more eye candy. |
farmhouse-theme |
20160713.2244 |
available |
melpa |
Farmhouse Theme, Emacs edition |
fasd |
20180606.505 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs integration for the command-line productivity booster `fasd' |
fastdef |
20160713.1329 |
available |
melpa |
Insert terminology from Google top search results |
fastnav |
20120211.1457 |
available |
melpa |
Fast navigation and editing routines. |
faust-mode |
20180205.926 |
available |
melpa |
Faust syntax colorizer for Emacs. |
faustine |
20171122.1202 |
available |
melpa |
Edit, visualize, build and run Faust code |
fcitx |
20170914.200 |
available |
melpa |
Make fcitx better in Emacs |
fcopy |
20150304.1403 |
available |
melpa |
Funny Copy, set past point HERE then search copy text |
fd-dired |
20180731.1049 |
available |
melpa |
find-dired alternative using fd |
feature-mode |
20170907.1448 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Gherkin (i.e. Cucumber) user stories |
feebleline |
20190402.1525 |
available |
melpa |
Replace modeline with a slimmer proxy |
fennel-mode |
20190401.1808 |
available |
melpa |
a major-mode for editing Fennel code |
fetch |
20131201.730 |
available |
melpa |
Fetch and unpack resources |
fic-mode |
20180603.2035 |
available |
melpa |
Show FIXME/TODO/BUG(...) in special face only in comments and strings |
fifo-class |
20160425.558 |
available |
melpa |
First in first out abstract class |
figlet |
20160218.2237 |
available |
melpa |
Annoy people with big, ascii art text |
filelock |
20180524.2215 |
available |
melpa |
Functions for manipulating file locks |
fill-column-indicator |
20171209.1924 |
available |
melpa |
Graphically indicate the fill column |
fill-function-arguments |
20180427.1702 |
available |
melpa |
Convert function arguments to/from single line |
fillcode |
20171029.1625 |
available |
melpa |
Fill (wrap) function calls and expressions in source code |
finalize |
20170418.1945 |
available |
melpa |
finalizers for Emacs Lisp |
find-by-pinyin-dired |
20180210.218 |
available |
melpa |
Find file by first PinYin character of Chinese Hanzi |
find-file-in-project |
20190408.325 |
available |
melpa |
Find file/directory and review Diff/Patch/Commit efficiently everywhere |
find-file-in-repository |
20190404.828 |
available |
melpa |
Quickly find files in a git, mercurial or other repository |
find-temp-file |
20170107.1339 |
available |
melpa |
Open quickly a temporary file |
find-things-fast |
20150519.2226 |
available |
melpa |
Find things fast, leveraging the power of git |
findr |
20130127.2032 |
available |
melpa |
Breadth-first file-finding facility for (X)Emacs |
fingers |
20160817.829 |
available |
melpa |
Modal editing with universal text manipulation helpers. |
fiplr |
20140724.645 |
available |
melpa |
Fuzzy Search for Files in Projects |
firecode-theme |
20170808.1311 |
available |
melpa |
an Emacs 24 theme based on FireCode (tmTheme) |
firefox-controller |
20160320.1847 |
available |
melpa |
An improved Firefox controller |
fireplace |
20181211.1927 |
available |
melpa |
A cozy fireplace for emacs |
firestarter |
20161219.1323 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Execute (shell) commands on save |
firrtl-mode |
20190224.344 |
available |
melpa |
mode for working with FIRRTL files |
fish-completion |
20190429.822 |
available |
melpa |
Add fish completion to pcomplete (shell and Eshell) |
fish-mode |
20180827.303 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Major mode for fish shell scripts |
fix-input |
20190101.708 |
available |
melpa |
Make input methods play nicely with alternative keyboard layout on OS level |
fix-muscle-memory |
20160823.439 |
available |
melpa |
Simple hacks to fix muscle memory problems |
fix-word |
20190215.2038 |
available |
melpa |
Convenient word transformation |
fixmee |
20150223.1355 |
available |
melpa |
Quickly navigate to FIXME notices in code |
flame |
20180303.2016 |
available |
melpa |
automatic generation of flamage, as if we needed more. |
flappymacs |
20171023.1004 |
available |
melpa |
flappybird clone for emacs |
flash-region |
20130923.1817 |
available |
melpa |
Flash a region |
flatland-black-theme |
20170808.1312 |
available |
melpa |
an Emacs 24 theme based on Flatland Black (tmTheme) |
flatland-theme |
20171113.1521 |
available |
melpa |
A simple theme for Emacs based on the Flatland theme for Sublime Text |
flatui-dark-theme |
20170513.1422 |
available |
melpa |
Dark color theme with colors from https://flatuicolors.com/ |
flatui-theme |
20160619.127 |
available |
melpa |
A color theme for Emacs based on flatuicolors.com |
flex-autopair |
20120809.1218 |
available |
melpa |
Automatically insert pair braces and quotes, insertion conditions & actions are highly customizable. |
flex-compile |
20181228.648 |
available |
melpa |
Run, evaluate and compile for a many languages and modes. |
flex-isearch |
20170308.2010 |
available |
melpa |
Flex matching (like ido) in isearch. |
flim |
20180328.2324 |
available |
melpa |
A library to provide basic features about message representation or encoding. |
flimenu |
20170418.147 |
available |
melpa |
Flatten imenu automatically |
fliptext |
20171124.2056 |
available |
melpa |
Input method for flipping characters upside down |
floobits |
20180801.524 |
available |
melpa |
Floobits plugin for real-time collaborative editing |
flow-js2-mode |
20190214.1030 |
available |
melpa |
Support for flow annotations in js2-mode |
flow-minor-mode |
20180315.1824 |
available |
melpa |
Flow type mode based on web-mode. |
flower |
20190215.1746 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs task tracker client. |
flucui-themes |
20190321.2313 |
available |
melpa |
Custom theme inspired by the Flat UI palette |
flutter |
20190204.601 |
available |
melpa |
Tools for working with Flutter SDK |
fluxus-mode |
20170210.1941 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for interfacing with Fluxus |
flx |
20151030.1812 |
available |
melpa |
fuzzy matching with good sorting |
flx-ido |
20180117.1519 |
available |
melpa |
flx integration for ido |
flx-isearch |
20180103.514 |
available |
melpa |
Fuzzy incremental searching for emacs |
flycheck |
20190503.853 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
On-the-fly syntax checking |
flycheck-apertium |
20181211.1038 |
available |
melpa |
Apertium checkers in flycheck |
flycheck-ats2 |
20170225.1636 |
available |
melpa |
Flycheck: ATS2 support |
flycheck-bashate |
20160630.440 |
available |
melpa |
Integrate bashate with flycheck |
flycheck-cask |
20160928.926 |
available |
melpa |
Cask support in Flycheck |
flycheck-checkbashisms |
20190403.218 |
available |
melpa |
checkbashisms checker for flycheck |
flycheck-checkpatch |
20170217.1025 |
available |
melpa |
Flycheck support for checkpatch.pl tool |
flycheck-clang-analyzer |
20180917.1425 |
available |
melpa |
Integrate Clang Analyzer with flycheck |
flycheck-clang-tidy |
20171024.808 |
available |
melpa |
Flycheck syntax checker using clang-tidy |
flycheck-clangcheck |
20150712.710 |
available |
melpa |
A Flycheck checker difinition for ClangCheck. |
flycheck-clj-kondo |
20190410.1515 |
available |
melpa |
Add clj-kondo linter to flycheck |
flycheck-clojure |
20180721.1412 |
available |
melpa |
Flycheck: Clojure support |
flycheck-color-mode-line |
20171122.707 |
available |
melpa |
Change mode line color with Flycheck status |
flycheck-coverity |
20170704.59 |
available |
melpa |
Integrate Coverity with flycheck |
flycheck-credo |
20170526.1545 |
available |
melpa |
flycheck checker for elixir credo |
flycheck-crystal |
20180627.242 |
available |
melpa |
Add support for Crystal to Flycheck |
flycheck-css-colorguard |
20161031.1122 |
available |
melpa |
Detect similar colors in CSS |
flycheck-cstyle |
20160905.2341 |
available |
melpa |
Integrate cstyle with flycheck |
flycheck-cython |
20170724.958 |
available |
melpa |
Support Cython in flycheck |
flycheck-d-unittest |
20160522.417 |
available |
melpa |
Add D unittest support to flycheck |
flycheck-dedukti |
20171103.1212 |
available |
melpa |
Flycheck integration of Dedukti |
flycheck-demjsonlint |
20161115.718 |
available |
melpa |
Flychecker for json-mode using jsonlint from demjson |
flycheck-dialyxir |
20170515.1525 |
available |
melpa |
flycheck checker for elixir dialyxir |
flycheck-dialyzer |
20160326.1430 |
available |
melpa |
Support dialyzer in flycheck |
flycheck-dmd-dub |
20180625.1635 |
available |
melpa |
Sets flycheck-dmd-include-paths from dub package information |
flycheck-dogma |
20170125.721 |
available |
melpa |
flycheck checker for elixir dogma |
flycheck-dtrace |
20180903.1630 |
available |
melpa |
Flycheck: DTrace support |
flycheck-elixir |
20180810.642 |
available |
melpa |
Support Elixir in flycheck |
flycheck-elm |
20181107.146 |
available |
melpa |
Flycheck support for the elm language |
flycheck-elsa |
20190211.1921 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Flycheck for Elsa. |
flycheck-ensime |
20190212.1042 |
available |
melpa |
ensime for flycheck |
flycheck-flawfinder |
20170116.327 |
available |
melpa |
Integrate flawfinder with flycheck |
flycheck-flow |
20190304.1459 |
available |
melpa |
Support Flow in flycheck |
flycheck-ghcmod |
20150114.632 |
available |
melpa |
A flycheck checker for Haskell using ghcmod |
flycheck-golangci-lint |
20190330.1412 |
available |
melpa |
Flycheck checker for golangci-lint |
flycheck-gometalinter |
20180424.941 |
available |
melpa |
flycheck checker for gometalinter |
flycheck-gradle |
20190315.234 |
available |
melpa |
Flycheck extension for Gradle. |
flycheck-grammalecte |
20190417.2009 |
available |
melpa |
Integrate Grammalecte with Flycheck |
flycheck-haskell |
20181207.1646 |
available |
melpa |
Flycheck: Automatic Haskell configuration |
flycheck-hdevtools |
20160926.702 |
available |
melpa |
A flycheck checker for Haskell using hdevtools |
flycheck-ini-pyinilint |
20190312.1931 |
available |
melpa |
Flycheck integration for PyINILint |
flycheck-inline |
20190320.1611 |
available |
melpa |
Display Flycheck errors inline |
flycheck-irony |
20180604.2152 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Flycheck: C/C++ support via Irony |
flycheck-jest |
20180411.328 |
available |
melpa |
Flycheck extension for Jest. |
flycheck-joker |
20180913.504 |
available |
melpa |
Add Clojure syntax checker (via Joker) to flycheck |
flycheck-julia |
20170729.2141 |
available |
melpa |
Julia support for Flycheck |
flycheck-kotlin |
20170122.1137 |
available |
melpa |
Support kotlin in flycheck |
flycheck-ledger |
20180819.321 |
available |
melpa |
Flycheck integration for ledger files |
flycheck-lilypond |
20171203.1332 |
available |
melpa |
LilyPond support in Flycheck |
flycheck-liquidhs |
20170412.2326 |
available |
melpa |
A flycheck checker for Haskell using liquid (i.e. liquidhaskell) |
flycheck-mercury |
20181118.1952 |
available |
melpa |
Mercury support in Flycheck |
flycheck-mix |
20170118.1430 |
available |
melpa |
Elixir mix flycheck integration |
flycheck-mmark |
20190101.657 |
available |
melpa |
Flycheck checker for the MMark markdown processor |
flycheck-mypy |
20180907.1016 |
available |
melpa |
Support mypy in flycheck |
flycheck-nim |
20160715.428 |
available |
melpa |
Defines a flycheck syntax checker for nim |
flycheck-nimsuggest |
20171027.2208 |
available |
melpa |
flycheck backend for Nim using nimsuggest |
flycheck-objc-clang |
20190421.1049 |
available |
melpa |
Flycheck: Objective-C support using Clang |
flycheck-ocaml |
20170730.2153 |
available |
melpa |
Flycheck: OCaml support |
flycheck-package |
20161111.2251 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
A Flycheck checker for elisp package authors |
flycheck-pact |
20180920.2052 |
available |
melpa |
Flycheck support for pact-mode |
flycheck-perl6 |
20180509.2201 |
available |
melpa |
Perl 6 support in Flycheck |
flycheck-phpstan |
20190227.1642 |
available |
melpa |
Flycheck integration for PHPStan |
flycheck-pkg-config |
20180430.2243 |
available |
melpa |
configure flycheck using pkg-config |
flycheck-plantuml |
20171018.111 |
available |
melpa |
Integrate plantuml with flycheck |
flycheck-pony |
20190227.235 |
available |
melpa |
Pony support in Flycheck |
flycheck-popup-tip |
20170812.2351 |
available |
melpa |
Display Flycheck error messages using popup.el |
flycheck-pos-tip |
20180610.1615 |
available |
melpa |
Display Flycheck errors in GUI tooltips |
flycheck-posframe |
20190327.1111 |
available |
melpa |
Show flycheck error messages using posframe.el |
flycheck-prospector |
20180524.450 |
available |
melpa |
Support prospector in flycheck |
flycheck-purescript |
20161121.1707 |
available |
melpa |
Flycheck: PureScript support |
flycheck-pycheckers |
20190409.2335 |
available |
melpa |
multiple syntax checker for Python, using Flycheck |
flycheck-pyflakes |
20170330.2311 |
available |
melpa |
Support pyflakes in flycheck |
flycheck-pyre |
20190215.1222 |
available |
melpa |
Support Pyre in flycheck |
flycheck-rebar3 |
20180806.2103 |
available |
melpa |
Rebar3 flycheck integration for Erlang projects |
flycheck-rtags |
20180619.824 |
available |
melpa |
RTags Flycheck integration. |
flycheck-rust |
20190319.1546 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Flycheck: Rust additions and Cargo support |
flycheck-soar |
20181106.852 |
available |
melpa |
Analyze the SQL statements using mi soar. |
flycheck-stack |
20160520.944 |
available |
melpa |
Flychecker using stack ghci |
flycheck-status-emoji |
20180330.2325 |
available |
melpa |
Show flycheck status using cute, compact emoji |
flycheck-swift |
20170129.549 |
available |
melpa |
Flycheck extension for Apple's Swift. |
flycheck-swift3 |
20190421.110 |
available |
melpa |
Flycheck: Swift support for Apple swift-mode |
flycheck-swiftlint |
20180830.340 |
available |
melpa |
Flycheck extension for Swiftlint. |
flycheck-tcl |
20180327.1259 |
available |
melpa |
A flycheck checker for Tcl using tclchecker |
flycheck-tip |
20171020.1048 |
available |
melpa |
Show flycheck/flymake errors by tooltip |
flycheck-title |
20170216.2346 |
available |
melpa |
show flycheck errors in the frame title |
flycheck-vale |
20180928.742 |
available |
melpa |
flycheck integration for vale |
flycheck-vdm |
20190304.839 |
available |
melpa |
Syntax checking for vdm-mode |
flycheck-xcode |
20180122.651 |
available |
melpa |
Flycheck extension for Apple's Xcode. |
flycheck-yamllint |
20170325.1735 |
available |
melpa |
Flycheck integration for YAMLLint |
flycheck-yang |
20180312.1831 |
available |
melpa |
YANG flycheck checker |
flycheck-ycmd |
20181016.618 |
available |
melpa |
flycheck integration for ycmd |
flymake-coffee |
20170723.146 |
available |
melpa |
A flymake handler for coffee script |
flymake-cppcheck |
20140415.1257 |
available |
melpa |
Flymake work with Cppcheck for C/C++ |
flymake-css |
20170723.146 |
available |
melpa |
Flymake support for css using csslint |
flymake-cursor |
20120322.1757 |
available |
melpa |
Show flymake messages in the minibuffer after delay |
flymake-diagnostic-at-point |
20180815.1004 |
available |
melpa |
Display flymake diagnostics at point |
flymake-easy |
20140818.755 |
available |
melpa |
Helpers for easily building flymake checkers |
flymake-elixir |
20130810.1417 |
available |
melpa |
A flymake handler for elixir-mode .ex files. |
flymake-eslint |
20190412.346 |
available |
melpa |
A Flymake backend for Javascript using eslint |
flymake-gjshint |
20130327.1232 |
available |
melpa |
A flymake handler for javascript using both jshint and gjslint |
flymake-go |
20150714.733 |
available |
melpa |
A flymake handler for go-mode files |
flymake-google-cpplint |
20140205.1325 |
available |
melpa |
Help to comply with the Google C++ Style Guide |
flymake-gradle |
20190315.233 |
available |
melpa |
Flymake extension for Gradle. |
flymake-haml |
20170723.146 |
available |
melpa |
A flymake handler for haml files |
flymake-haskell-multi |
20170723.146 |
available |
melpa |
Syntax-check haskell-mode using both ghc and hlint |
flymake-hlint |
20170723.146 |
available |
melpa |
A flymake handler for haskell-mode files using hlint |
flymake-jshint |
20140319.2200 |
available |
melpa |
making flymake work with JSHint |
flymake-jslint |
20170723.146 |
available |
melpa |
A flymake handler for javascript using jslint |
flymake-json |
20180511.911 |
available |
melpa |
A flymake handler for json using jsonlint |
flymake-ktlint |
20180831.346 |
available |
melpa |
Flymake extension for Ktlint. |
flymake-less |
20151111.738 |
available |
melpa |
Flymake handler for LESS stylesheets (lesscss.org) |
flymake-lua |
20170129.154 |
available |
melpa |
Flymake for Lua |
flymake-perlcritic |
20120328.814 |
available |
melpa |
Flymake handler for Perl to invoke Perl::Critic |
flymake-php |
20170723.146 |
available |
melpa |
A flymake handler for php-mode files |
flymake-phpcs |
20140713.631 |
available |
melpa |
making flymake work with PHP CodeSniffer |
flymake-puppet |
20170801.554 |
available |
melpa |
Flymake handler using puppet-lint |
flymake-python-pyflakes |
20170723.146 |
available |
melpa |
A flymake handler for python-mode files using pyflakes (or flake8) |
flymake-racket |
20180912.109 |
available |
melpa |
Flymake extension for Racket. |
flymake-ruby |
20170723.146 |
available |
melpa |
A flymake handler for ruby-mode files |
flymake-rust |
20170729.2139 |
available |
melpa |
A flymake handler for rust-mode files |
flymake-sass |
20170723.146 |
available |
melpa |
Flymake handler for sass and scss files |
flymake-shell |
20170723.146 |
available |
melpa |
A flymake syntax-checker for shell scripts |
flymake-shellcheck |
20181214.24 |
available |
melpa |
A bash/sh Flymake backend powered by ShellCheck |
flymake-solidity |
20170805.644 |
available |
melpa |
A flymake handler for solidity using solc |
flymake-vala |
20150326.531 |
available |
melpa |
A flymake handler for vala-mode files |
flymake-vnu |
20181128.216 |
available |
melpa |
Flymake extension for the v.Nu HTML validator. |
flymake-yaml |
20130423.1548 |
available |
melpa |
A flymake handler for YAML |
flymd |
20160617.1214 |
available |
melpa |
On the fly markdown preview |
flyparens |
20140723.1846 |
available |
melpa |
Check for unbalanced parens on the fly |
flyspell-correct |
20190408.1010 |
available |
melpa |
correcting words with flyspell via custom interface |
flyspell-correct-helm |
20181205.1932 |
available |
melpa |
correcting words with flyspell via helm interface |
flyspell-correct-ivy |
20181205.1932 |
available |
melpa |
correcting words with flyspell via ivy interface |
flyspell-correct-popup |
20181205.1932 |
available |
melpa |
correcting words with flyspell via popup interface |
flyspell-lazy |
20180224.2106 |
available |
melpa |
Improve flyspell responsiveness using idle timers |
flyspell-popup |
20170529.815 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Correcting words with Flyspell in popup menus |
fm-bookmarks |
20170104.1716 |
available |
melpa |
Use file manager bookmarks (eg Dolphin, Nautilus, PCManFM) in Dired |
fn |
20170210.204 |
available |
melpa |
Concise anonymous functions for Emacs Lisp |
focus |
20190318.242 |
available |
melpa |
Dim the font color of text in surrounding sections |
focus-autosave-mode |
20160519.2116 |
available |
melpa |
Automatically save files in focus-out-hook. |
foggy-night-theme |
20190123.1614 |
available |
melpa |
Dark low contrast theme with soft and muted colors. |
fold-dwim |
20140208.1637 |
available |
melpa |
Unified user interface for Emacs folding modes |
fold-dwim-org |
20131203.1351 |
available |
melpa |
Fold DWIM bound to org key-strokes. |
fold-this |
20180828.1336 |
available |
melpa |
Just fold this region please |
folding |
20170925.1538 |
available |
melpa |
A folding-editor-like minor mode. |
font-lock-profiler |
20170208.2008 |
available |
melpa |
Coverage and timing tool for font-lock keywords. |
font-lock-studio |
20170127.2051 |
available |
melpa |
interactive debugger for Font Lock keywords. |
font-utils |
20150806.1751 |
available |
melpa |
Utility functions for working with fonts |
fontawesome |
20170305.1356 |
available |
melpa |
fontawesome utility |
fontify-face |
20180420.1624 |
available |
melpa |
Fontify symbols representing faces with that face. |
forecast |
20190124.1828 |
available |
melpa |
Weather forecasts |
foreign-regexp |
20180224.1121 |
available |
melpa |
search and replace by foreign regexp. |
foreman-mode |
20170725.1422 |
available |
melpa |
View and manage Procfile-based applications |
forest-blue-theme |
20160627.842 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs theme with a dark background. |
forge |
20190502.1951 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Access Git forges from Magit. |
form-feed |
20160102.2253 |
available |
melpa |
Display ^L glyphs as horizontal lines |
format-all |
20190503.2057 |
available |
melpa |
Auto-format C, C++, JS, Python, Ruby and 30 other languages |
format-sql |
20150422.1333 |
available |
melpa |
Use format-sql to make your SQL readable in directly Emacs. |
format-table |
20181223.1616 |
available |
melpa |
Parse and reformat tabular data. |
forth-mode |
20170527.1930 |
available |
melpa |
Programming language mode for Forth |
fortpy |
20150715.2032 |
available |
melpa |
a Fortran auto-completion for Emacs |
fortune-cookie |
20181223.842 |
available |
melpa |
Print a fortune in your scratch buffer. |
fraktur-mode |
20160815.227 |
available |
melpa |
Easily insert Unicode mathematical Fraktur characters |
frame-local |
20180330.940 |
available |
melpa |
Variables local to a frame |
frame-mode |
20190307.349 |
available |
melpa |
Use frames instead of windows |
frame-purpose |
20190114.1403 |
available |
melpa |
Purpose-specific frames |
frame-tag |
20170111.6 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode that assigns a unique number to each frame for easy switching |
frames-only-mode |
20180114.1848 |
available |
melpa |
Use frames instead of Emacs windows |
frameshot |
20181219.2100 |
available |
melpa |
Take screenshots of a frame |
framesize |
20131017.2132 |
available |
melpa |
change the size of frames in Emacs |
frecency |
20170909.631 |
available |
melpa |
Library for sorting items by frequency and recency of access |
free-keys |
20160726.2050 |
available |
melpa |
Show free keybindings for modkeys or prefixes |
freeradius-mode |
20190401.1743 |
available |
melpa |
major mode for FreeRadius server config files |
fringe-current-line |
20140111.411 |
available |
melpa |
show current line on the fringe. |
fringe-helper |
20140620.2109 |
available |
melpa |
helper functions for fringe bitmaps |
fsbot-data-browser |
20160921.1533 |
available |
melpa |
browse the fsbot database using tabulated-list-mode |
fsharp-mode |
20190304.1317 |
available |
melpa |
F# mode for Emacs |
fstar-mode |
20190319.2101 |
available |
melpa |
Support for F* programming |
fuel |
20180224.2211 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for the Factor programming language. |
fuff |
20170202.1503 |
available |
melpa |
Find files with findutils, recursively |
full-ack |
20140223.1732 |
available |
melpa |
a front-end for ack |
fullframe |
20170816.1003 |
available |
melpa |
Generalized automatic execution in a single frame |
function-args |
20171031.1704 |
available |
melpa |
C++ completion for GNU Emacs |
fuo |
20180314.1648 |
available |
melpa |
feeluown client. |
furl |
20150509.316 |
available |
melpa |
Friendly URL retrieval |
futhark-mode |
20190412.937 |
available |
melpa |
major mode for editing Futhark source files |
fuzzy |
20150730.337 |
available |
melpa |
Fuzzy Matching |
fvwm-mode |
20160411.1138 |
available |
melpa |
A major mode for editing Fvwm configuration files |
fwb-cmds |
20180318.2219 |
available |
melpa |
misc frame, window and buffer commands |
fxrd-mode |
20170728.1801 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing fixed field width files |
fyure |
20130216.1314 |
available |
melpa |
An interface to fix Japanese hyoki-yure |
fzf |
20180619.145 |
available |
melpa |
A front-end for fzf. |
gams-ac |
20180423.926 |
available |
melpa |
auto-complete source file for GAMS mode |
gams-mode |
20181112.601 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) |
gandalf-theme |
20130809.947 |
available |
melpa |
Gandalf color theme |
gap-mode |
20180809.445 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing files in the GAP programing language. |
gather |
20141230.1338 |
available |
melpa |
Gather string in buffer. |
gcmh |
20190422.626 |
available |
melpa |
the Garbage Collector Magic Hack |
gdscript-mode |
20180118.456 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Godot GDScript files |
geben |
20170801.1251 |
available |
melpa |
DBGp protocol frontend, a script debugger |
geben-helm-projectile |
20160611.59 |
available |
melpa |
Integrate helm-projectile with geben |
geeknote |
20160717.1249 |
available |
melpa |
Use Evernote in Emacs through geeknote |
geiser |
20190224.2048 |
available |
melpa |
GNU Emacs and Scheme talk to each other |
general |
20190420.1440 |
available |
melpa |
Convenience wrappers for keybindings. |
genrnc |
20140612.1237 |
available |
melpa |
generate RELAX NG Compact Schema from RELAX NG Schema, XML Schema and DTD. |
german-holidays |
20181213.644 |
available |
melpa |
German holidays for Emacs calendar |
gerrit-download |
20150714.1408 |
available |
melpa |
Show gerrit reviews in a diff buffer. |
gf |
20181028.1542 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing GF code |
ggo-mode |
20130524.1143 |
available |
melpa |
Gengetopt major mode |
gh |
20180308.2138 |
available |
melpa |
A GitHub library for Emacs |
gh-md |
20151207.1740 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Render markdown using the Github api |
ghc |
20180121.1218 |
available |
melpa |
Sub mode for Haskell mode |
ghc-imported-from |
20141124.1932 |
available |
melpa |
Haskell documentation lookup with ghc-imported-from |
ghci-completion |
20151125.1257 |
available |
melpa |
Completion for GHCi commands in inferior-haskell buffers |
gherkin-mode |
20171224.1353 |
available |
melpa |
An emacs major mode for editing gherkin files. |
ghost-blog |
20171023.742 |
available |
melpa |
A package to manage Ghost blog |
ghq |
20160803.1557 |
available |
melpa |
Ghq interface for emacs |
ghub+ |
20181113.32 |
available |
melpa |
a thick GitHub API client built on ghub |
ghub |
20190319.2343 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Minuscule client libraries for Git forge APIs. |
gif-screencast |
20190326.849 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
One-frame-per-action GIF recording |
gift-mode |
20180530.1235 |
available |
melpa |
major mode for editing GIFT format quizzes |
gildas-mode |
20181022.649 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for Gildas |
gist |
20171128.406 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs integration for gist.github.com |
git |
20140128.1041 |
available |
melpa |
An Elisp API for programmatically using Git |
git-annex |
20180427.1556 |
available |
melpa |
Mode for easy editing of git-annex'd files |
git-attr |
20180925.2003 |
available |
melpa |
Git attributes of buffer file |
git-auto-commit-mode |
20161229.1617 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs Minor mode to automatically commit and push |
git-blamed |
20161028.1926 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for incremental blame for Git |
git-command |
20190311.511 |
available |
melpa |
Git Command-Line interface |
git-commit |
20190501.1823 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Edit Git commit messages |
git-commit-insert-issue |
20171102.1841 |
available |
melpa |
Get issues list when typing "Fixes #" |
git-dwim |
20170126.1214 |
available |
melpa |
Context-aware git commands such as branch handling |
git-gutter+ |
20151204.1723 |
available |
melpa |
Manage Git hunks straight from the buffer |
git-gutter |
20161105.1356 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Port of Sublime Text plugin GitGutter |
git-gutter-fringe+ |
20140729.1103 |
available |
melpa |
Fringe version of git-gutter+.el |
git-gutter-fringe |
20170113.533 |
available |
melpa |
Fringe version of git-gutter.el |
git-identity |
20190424.1147 |
available |
melpa |
Identity management for (ma)git |
git-io |
20180317.1752 |
available |
melpa |
git.io integration |
git-lens |
20190319.1342 |
available |
melpa |
Show new, deleted or modified files in branch |
git-link |
20190309.2326 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Get the GitHub/Bitbucket/GitLab URL for a buffer location |
git-messenger |
20170102.440 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Pop up last commit information of current line |
git-msg-prefix |
20180118.1446 |
available |
melpa |
Insert commit message prefix (issue number) |
git-ps1-mode |
20181115.349 |
available |
melpa |
Global minor-mode to print __git_ps1 |
git-time-metric |
20181116.2011 |
available |
melpa |
Provide function to record time with gtm ( git time metric ) |
git-timemachine |
20190317.1547 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Walk through git revisions of a file |
git-wip-timemachine |
20150408.1006 |
available |
melpa |
Walk through git-wip revisions of a file |
gitattributes-mode |
20180318.1956 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing .gitattributes files |
gitconfig |
20130718.935 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs lisp interface to work with git-config variables |
gitconfig-mode |
20180318.1956 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Major mode for editing .gitconfig files |
github-browse-file |
20160205.1427 |
available |
melpa |
View the file you're editing on GitHub |
github-clone |
20160623.310 |
available |
melpa |
Fork and clone github repos |
github-elpa |
20180831.811 |
available |
melpa |
Build and publish ELPA repositories with GitHub Pages |
github-explorer |
20190421.510 |
available |
melpa |
Explore a GitHub repository on the fly |
github-issues |
20160616.1841 |
available |
melpa |
Functions and modes for managing GitHub projects' issues |
github-modern-theme |
20171109.1251 |
available |
melpa |
The GitHub color theme for Emacs. |
github-notifier |
20180421.316 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Displays your GitHub notifications unread count in mode-line |
github-pullrequest |
20170116.616 |
available |
melpa |
Create and fetch Github Pull requests with ease |
github-review |
20190327.732 |
available |
melpa |
GitHub based code review |
github-search |
20170824.323 |
available |
melpa |
Clone repositories by searching github |
github-stars |
20190415.1644 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Browse your Github Stars |
github-theme |
20170630.2201 |
available |
melpa |
The GitHub color theme for Emacs. |
gitignore-mode |
20180318.1956 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Major mode for editing .gitignore files |
gitignore-templates |
20180327.1326 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Access GitHub .gitignore templates |
gitlab |
20180312.1647 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs client for Gitlab |
gitlab-ci-mode |
20190425.2058 |
available |
melpa |
mode for editing GitLab CI files |
gitlab-ci-mode-flycheck |
20190323.1829 |
available |
melpa |
Flycheck support for ‘gitlab-ci-mode’ |
gitolite-clone |
20160609.2355 |
available |
melpa |
Clone gitolite repositories from a completing list |
gitpatch |
20170722.410 |
available |
melpa |
Git-format patch toolkit |
gitter |
20180122.856 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
An Emacs Gitter client |
gl-conf-mode |
20170714.1310 |
available |
melpa |
Mode for editing gitolite config files |
glab |
20180821.1551 |
available |
melpa |
minuscule client library for the Gitlab API |
glsl-mode |
20190326.1951 |
available |
melpa |
major mode for Open GLSL shader files |
gmail-message-mode |
20160627.1847 |
available |
melpa |
A major-mode for editing gmail messages using markdown syntax. |
gmail2bbdb |
20170423.1144 |
available |
melpa |
import email and name into bbdb from vcard. |
gmpl-mode |
20171031.2054 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing GMPL(MathProg) files |
gn-mode |
20190428.1812 |
available |
melpa |
major mode for editing GN (generate ninja) files |
gnome-calendar |
20161110.1256 |
available |
melpa |
Integration with the GNOME Shell calendar |
gnomenm |
20150316.1918 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs interface to Gnome nmcli command |
gntp |
20141025.250 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Growl Notification Protocol for Emacs |
gnu-apl-mode |
20181217.854 |
available |
melpa |
Integrate GNU APL with Emacs |
gnuplot |
20141231.2137 |
available |
melpa |
drive gnuplot from within emacs |
gnuplot-mode |
20171013.1616 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing gnuplot scripts |
gnus-alias |
20150316.42 |
available |
melpa |
an alternative to gnus-posting-styles |
gnus-desktop-notify |
20180623.1538 |
available |
melpa |
Gnus Desktop Notification global minor mode |
gnus-recent |
20190423.1146 |
available |
melpa |
article breadcrumbs for Gnus |
gnus-select-account |
20170722.511 |
available |
melpa |
Select an account before writing a mail in gnus |
gnus-summary-ext |
20180113.1316 |
available |
melpa |
Extra limit and process mark commands for the gnus summary buffer |
gnus-summary-repo |
20190421.533 |
available |
melpa |
Import and export files between IMAP and local by using GNUS |
gnus-x-gm-raw |
20140610.731 |
available |
melpa |
Search mail of Gmail using X-GM-RAW as web interface |
go |
20161111.249 |
available |
melpa |
Play GO, translate and transfer between GO back ends |
go-add-tags |
20161123.1227 |
available |
melpa |
Add field tags for struct fields |
go-autocomplete |
20150904.240 |
available |
melpa |
auto-complete-mode backend for go-mode |
go-complete |
20190409.516 |
available |
melpa |
Native code completion for Go |
go-direx |
20150316.143 |
available |
melpa |
Tree style source code viewer for Go language |
go-dlv |
20190413.1623 |
available |
melpa |
Go Delve - Debug Go programs interactively with the GUD. |
go-eldoc |
20170305.1427 |
available |
melpa |
eldoc for go-mode |
go-errcheck |
20160723.43 |
available |
melpa |
errcheck integration for go-mode |
go-fill-struct |
20171225.331 |
available |
melpa |
Fill struct for golang. |
go-gen-test |
20171023.358 |
available |
melpa |
Generate tests for go code with gotests |
go-gopath |
20160705.1034 |
available |
melpa |
Will guess GOPATH using gb and projectile. |
go-guru |
20181012.330 |
available |
melpa |
Integration of the Go 'guru' analysis tool into Emacs. |
go-imenu |
20181029.1029 |
available |
melpa |
Enhance imenu for go language |
go-impl |
20170125.1552 |
available |
melpa |
impl integration for go-mode |
go-imports |
20180710.528 |
available |
melpa |
Insert go import statement given package name |
go-mode |
20181012.329 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for the Go programming language |
go-playground |
20181103.1846 |
available |
melpa |
Local Golang playground for short snippets. |
go-playground-cli |
20160503.914 |
available |
melpa |
Go Playground client tool |
go-projectile |
20181023.2144 |
available |
melpa |
Go add-ons for Projectile |
go-rename |
20180627.648 |
available |
melpa |
Integration of the 'gorename' tool into Emacs. |
go-scratch |
20150810.440 |
available |
melpa |
*scratch* buffer for Go |
go-snippets |
20180113.611 |
available |
melpa |
Yasnippets for go |
go-stacktracer |
20150430.2142 |
available |
melpa |
parse Go stack traces |
go-tag |
20180227.411 |
available |
melpa |
Edit Golang struct field tag |
gobgen |
20161020.1523 |
available |
melpa |
Generate GObject descendants using a detailed form |
god-mode |
20180117.1134 |
available |
melpa |
God-like command entering minor mode |
godoctor |
20180710.2152 |
available |
melpa |
Frontend for godoctor |
gold-mode |
20140607.206 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing .gold files |
golden-ratio |
20150819.1120 |
available |
melpa |
Automatic resizing of Emacs windows to the golden ratio |
golden-ratio-scroll-screen |
20170224.229 |
available |
melpa |
Scroll half screen down or up, and highlight current line |
goldendict |
20180121.920 |
available |
melpa |
query word smartly with goldendict.el |
golint |
20180221.2015 |
available |
melpa |
lint for the Go source code |
gom-mode |
20131008.253 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for Gomfile |
google |
20140416.1748 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs interface to the Google API |
google-c-style |
20180130.1736 |
available |
melpa |
Google's C/C++ style for c-mode |
google-contacts |
20180919.1314 |
available |
melpa |
Support for Google Contacts in Emacs |
google-maps |
20181121.1532 |
available |
melpa |
Access Google Maps from Emacs |
google-this |
20170810.1215 |
available |
melpa |
A set of functions and bindings to google under point. |
google-translate |
20190206.1229 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Emacs interface to Google Translate. |
goose-theme |
20160828.1245 |
available |
melpa |
A gray color theme |
gore-mode |
20151123.1927 |
available |
melpa |
Simple mode for gore, a command-line evaluator for golang. |
gorepl-mode |
20170905.945 |
available |
melpa |
Go REPL Interactive Development in top of Gore |
gotest |
20180617.1333 |
available |
melpa |
Launch GO unit tests |
gotham-theme |
20171013.1916 |
available |
melpa |
A very dark Emacs color theme. |
goto-char-preview |
20190418.829 |
available |
melpa |
Preview character when executing `goto-char` command. |
goto-chg |
20190110.2114 |
available |
melpa |
goto last change |
goto-gem |
20140729.1845 |
available |
melpa |
Open dired in gem directory |
goto-last-change |
20150109.1823 |
available |
melpa |
Move point through buffer-undo-list positions |
goto-line-preview |
20190308.736 |
available |
melpa |
Preview line when executing `goto-line` command. |
govc |
20180524.2023 |
available |
melpa |
Interface to govc for managing VMware ESXi and vCenter |
govet |
20170808.1724 |
available |
melpa |
linter/problem finder for the Go source code |
grab-mac-link |
20190419.1307 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Grab link from Mac Apps and insert it into Emacs |
grab-x-link |
20180205.1146 |
available |
melpa |
Grab links from X11 apps and insert into Emacs |
gradle-mode |
20150313.1905 |
available |
melpa |
Gradle integration with Emacs' compile |
grails |
20160417.636 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for Grails projects |
grails-mode |
20160504.911 |
available |
melpa |
minor-mode that adds some Grails project management to a grails project |
grails-projectile-mode |
20160327.1324 |
available |
melpa |
Grails mode with Projectile for projects management. |
grandshell-theme |
20180606.517 |
available |
melpa |
Dark color theme for Emacs > 24 with intensive colors. |
graphene |
20180529.1112 |
available |
melpa |
Friendly Emacs defaults |
graphene-meta-theme |
20161204.1607 |
available |
melpa |
Integrated theming for common packages |
graphql |
20180912.31 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
GraphQL utilities |
graphql-mode |
20190503.1122 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing GraphQL schemas |
graphviz-dot-mode |
20181118.551 |
available |
melpa |
Mode for the dot-language used by graphviz (att). |
grapnel |
20131001.1534 |
available |
melpa |
HTTP request lib with flexible callback dispatch |
grass-mode |
20170503.1500 |
available |
melpa |
Provides Emacs modes for interacting with the GRASS GIS program |
grayscale-theme |
20171005.802 |
available |
melpa |
A simple grayscale theme |
greek-polytonic |
20190303.1358 |
available |
melpa |
Quail package for inputting polytonic Greek |
green-is-the-new-black-theme |
20190313.1905 |
available |
melpa |
A cool and minimalist green blackened theme engine |
green-phosphor-theme |
20150515.1447 |
available |
melpa |
A light color theme with muted, autumnal colors. |
green-screen-theme |
20180816.1502 |
available |
melpa |
A nice color theme for those who miss green CRTs |
gregorio-mode |
20170705.1451 |
available |
melpa |
Gregorio Mode for .gabc files |
grep-a-lot |
20131006.1347 |
available |
melpa |
manages multiple search results buffers for grep.el |
grep-context |
20181002.1654 |
available |
melpa |
Increase context in compilation and grep buffers |
greymatters-theme |
20150621.1123 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs 24 theme with a light background. |
grin |
20110806.658 |
available |
melpa |
run grin and grind (python replacements for grep and find) putting hits in a grep buffer |
grizzl |
20160818.737 |
available |
melpa |
Fast fuzzy search index for Emacs. |
groovy-imports |
20161003.851 |
available |
melpa |
Code for dealing with Groovy imports |
groovy-mode |
20190407.2314 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for Groovy source files |
gruber-darker-theme |
20180529.712 |
available |
melpa |
Gruber Darker color theme for Emacs 24. |
grunt |
20160316.1528 |
available |
melpa |
Some glue to stick Emacs and Gruntfiles together |
gruvbox-theme |
20190425.622 |
available |
melpa |
A retro-groove colour theme for Emacs |
gs-mode |
20151202.1006 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing GrADS script files |
gscholar-bibtex |
20190130.555 |
available |
melpa |
Retrieve BibTeX from Google Scholar and other online sources(ACM, IEEE, DBLP) |
gtk-pomodoro-indicator |
20171230.1640 |
available |
melpa |
A pomodoro indicator for the GTK tray |
guide-key |
20150108.635 |
available |
melpa |
Guide the following key bindings automatically and dynamically |
guide-key-tip |
20161011.823 |
available |
melpa |
Show guide-key.el hints using pos-tip.el |
guix |
20190107.1926 |
available |
melpa |
Interface for GNU Guix |
gulp-task-runner |
20170718.2041 |
available |
melpa |
Gulp task runner |
guru-mode |
20170730.731 |
available |
melpa |
Become an Emacs guru |
gvpr-mode |
20131208.1718 |
available |
melpa |
A major mode offering basic syntax coloring for gvpr scripts. |
gxref |
20170411.1753 |
available |
melpa |
xref backend using GNU Global. |
habamax-theme |
20181001.850 |
available |
melpa |
Boring white background color that gets the job done. |
habitica |
20190402.421 |
available |
melpa |
Interface for habitica.com |
hack-mode |
20190430.1617 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for the Hack programming language |
hack-time-mode |
20170527.1610 |
available |
melpa |
Forge time |
hacker-typer |
20170206.1520 |
available |
melpa |
Pretend to write code like a pro |
hackernews |
20190211.2335 |
available |
melpa |
Hacker News Client for Emacs |
hal-mode |
20160704.1746 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing HAL files |
ham-mode |
20150811.1306 |
available |
melpa |
Html As Markdown. Transparently edit an html file using markdown |
hamburg-theme |
20160123.740 |
available |
melpa |
Color Theme with a dark blue background. |
hamburger-menu |
20160825.2031 |
available |
melpa |
Mode line hamburger menu |
haml-mode |
20190219.2102 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Haml files |
hamlet-mode |
20131208.724 |
available |
melpa |
Hamlet editing mode |
handlebars-mode |
20150211.1749 |
available |
melpa |
A major mode for editing Handlebars files. |
handlebars-sgml-mode |
20130623.2333 |
available |
melpa |
Add Handlebars contextual indenting support to sgml-mode |
handoff |
20150917.600 |
available |
melpa |
Get your hand off that mouse, damn it! |
hardcore-mode |
20151114.701 |
available |
melpa |
Disable arrow keys + optionally backspace and return |
hardhat |
20160414.1413 |
available |
melpa |
Protect against clobbering user-writable files |
harvest |
20170822.1746 |
available |
melpa |
Harvest integration |
haskell-emacs |
20160904.2026 |
available |
melpa |
Write emacs extensions in haskell |
haskell-emacs-base |
20150714.1559 |
available |
melpa |
Haskell functions from Prelude |
haskell-emacs-text |
20150713.1416 |
available |
melpa |
Haskell functions from Data.Text |
haskell-mode |
20190417.309 |
available |
melpa |
A Haskell editing mode |
haskell-snippets |
20160919.22 |
available |
melpa |
Yasnippets for Haskell |
haskell-tab-indent |
20170701.958 |
available |
melpa |
tab-based indentation for haskell-mode |
hasklig-mode |
20181110.1859 |
available |
melpa |
Hasklig ligatures |
hasky-extensions |
20190204.2016 |
available |
melpa |
Toggle Haskell language extensions |
hasky-stack |
20190304.2248 |
available |
melpa |
Interface to the Stack Haskell development tool |
haste |
20141030.2034 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs client for hastebin (http://hastebin.com/about.md) |
haxe-imports |
20170330.2304 |
available |
melpa |
Code for dealing with Haxe imports |
haxe-mode |
20131004.842 |
available |
melpa |
An Emacs major mode for Haxe |
haxor-mode |
20160618.1129 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Haxor Assembly Files |
hayoo |
20140831.1221 |
available |
melpa |
Query hayoo and show results in a tabulated buffer. |
hc-zenburn-theme |
20150928.1633 |
available |
melpa |
An higher contrast version of the Zenburn theme. |
hcl-mode |
20170107.827 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for Hashicorp |
headlong |
20150417.1526 |
available |
melpa |
reckless completion |
heaven-and-hell |
20180421.921 |
available |
melpa |
easy toggle light/dark themes |
helm |
20190502.1238 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Helm is an Emacs incremental and narrowing framework |
helm-R |
20120820.14 |
available |
melpa |
helm-sources and some utilities for GNU R. |
helm-ack |
20141030.1226 |
available |
melpa |
Ack command with helm interface |
helm-ad |
20151209.1015 |
available |
melpa |
helm source for Active Directory |
helm-addressbook |
20170903.728 |
available |
melpa |
Helm for addressbook bookmarks. |
helm-ag |
20170209.1545 |
available |
melpa |
the silver searcher with helm interface |
helm-ag-r |
20131123.1531 |
available |
melpa |
Search something by ag and display by helm |
helm-aws |
20180514.1032 |
available |
melpa |
Manage AWS EC2 server instances directly from Emacs |
helm-backup |
20180911.614 |
available |
melpa |
Backup each file change using git |
helm-bbdb |
20180505.1508 |
available |
melpa |
Helm interface for bbdb |
helm-bibtex |
20190430.1818 |
available |
melpa |
A bibliography manager based on Helm |
helm-bibtexkey |
20140214.1504 |
available |
melpa |
Bibtexkey source for helm |
helm-bind-key |
20141109.515 |
available |
melpa |
helm-source for for bind-key. |
helm-bitbucket |
20190422.1102 |
available |
melpa |
Search Bitbucket with Helm |
helm-bm |
20160321.1331 |
available |
melpa |
helm sources for bm.el |
helm-books |
20170325.631 |
available |
melpa |
Helm interface for searching books |
helm-bundle-show |
20151221.1230 |
available |
melpa |
bundle show with helm interface |
helm-c-moccur |
20151230.924 |
available |
melpa |
helm source for color-moccur.el |
helm-c-yasnippet |
20170128.1542 |
available |
melpa |
helm source for yasnippet.el |
helm-catkin |
20190425.1520 |
available |
melpa |
Package for compile ROS workspaces with catkin-tools |
helm-charinfo |
20170810.1231 |
available |
melpa |
A helm source for character information |
helm-chrome |
20160719.520 |
available |
melpa |
Helm interface for Chrome bookmarks |
helm-chronos |
20150528.2036 |
available |
melpa |
helm interface for chronos timers |
helm-cider |
20180307.458 |
available |
melpa |
Helm interface to CIDER |
helm-cider-history |
20150719.2120 |
available |
melpa |
Helm interface for cider history |
helm-circe |
20160207.652 |
available |
melpa |
helm circe buffer management. |
helm-clojuredocs |
20160405.723 |
available |
melpa |
search for help in clojuredocs.org |
helm-cmd-t |
20170125.1459 |
available |
melpa |
cmd-t style completion |
helm-codesearch |
20190412.1153 |
available |
melpa |
helm interface for codesearch |
helm-commandlinefu |
20150611.545 |
available |
melpa |
Search and browse commandlinefu.com from helm |
helm-company |
20180828.1612 |
available |
melpa |
Helm interface for company-mode |
helm-core |
20190426.1525 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Development files for Helm |
helm-cscope |
20190406.851 |
available |
melpa |
Helm interface for xcscope.el. |
helm-css-scss |
20140627.25 |
available |
melpa |
CSS/SCSS/LESS Selectors with helm interface |
helm-ctest |
20180821.1005 |
available |
melpa |
Run ctest from within emacs |
helm-dash |
20190316.2009 |
available |
melpa |
Offline documentation browser for +150 APIs using Dash docsets. |
helm-descbinds |
20190501.935 |
available |
melpa |
A convenient `describe-bindings' with `helm' |
helm-describe-modes |
20160212.518 |
available |
melpa |
Helm interface to major and minor modes. |
helm-dictionary |
20160817.2033 |
available |
melpa |
Helm source for looking up dictionaries |
helm-directory |
20170706.402 |
available |
melpa |
selecting directory before select the file |
helm-dired-history |
20170524.1046 |
available |
melpa |
Show dired history with helm.el support. |
helm-dired-recent-dirs |
20131228.1414 |
available |
melpa |
Show recent dirs with helm.el support. |
helm-dirset |
20151209.12 |
available |
melpa |
helm sources for multi directories |
helm-elscreen |
20170709.914 |
available |
melpa |
Elscreen with helm interface |
helm-emmet |
20160713.1231 |
available |
melpa |
helm sources for emmet-mode's snippets |
helm-emms |
20190422.1522 |
available |
melpa |
Emms for Helm. |
helm-etags-plus |
20170113.1414 |
available |
melpa |
Another Etags helm.el interface |
helm-eww |
20190315.907 |
available |
melpa |
Helm UI wrapper for EWW. |
helm-ext |
20180526.350 |
available |
melpa |
A few extensions to Helm |
helm-exwm |
20180827.837 |
available |
melpa |
Helm for EXWM buffers |
helm-filesets |
20140929.1835 |
available |
melpa |
A helm source for emacs filesets |
helm-firefox |
20161202.1317 |
available |
melpa |
Firefox bookmarks |
helm-flx |
20180103.516 |
available |
melpa |
Sort helm candidates by flx score |
helm-flycheck |
20160710.829 |
available |
melpa |
Show flycheck errors with helm |
helm-flymake |
20160610.2 |
available |
melpa |
helm interface for flymake |
helm-flyspell |
20170210.1901 |
available |
melpa |
Helm extension for correcting words with flyspell |
helm-frame |
20170515.1950 |
available |
melpa |
open helm buffers in a dedicated frame |
helm-fuzzier |
20160605.2145 |
available |
melpa |
Better fuzzy matching for Helm |
helm-fuzzy-find |
20171106.400 |
available |
melpa |
Find file using Fuzzy Search |
helm-ghc |
20141105.1459 |
available |
melpa |
A Helm datasource for ghc-mod errors |
helm-ghq |
20161015.817 |
available |
melpa |
ghq with helm interface |
helm-ghs |
20170715.541 |
available |
melpa |
ghs with helm interface |
helm-git |
20120630.2103 |
available |
melpa |
Helm extension for Git. |
helm-git-files |
20141212.1317 |
available |
melpa |
helm for git files |
helm-git-grep |
20170614.1411 |
available |
melpa |
helm for git grep, an incremental git-grep(1) |
helm-github-stars |
20190428.1047 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Helm interface for your github's stars |
helm-gitignore |
20170211.8 |
available |
melpa |
Generate .gitignore files with gitignore.io. |
helm-gitlab |
20180312.1647 |
available |
melpa |
Helm interface to Gitlab |
helm-go-package |
20161103.153 |
available |
melpa |
helm sources for Go programming language's package |
helm-google |
20180606.520 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs Helm Interface for quick Google searches |
helm-grepint |
20161001.1413 |
available |
melpa |
Generic helm interface to grep |
helm-growthforecast |
20140120.344 |
available |
melpa |
helm extensions for growthforecast. |
helm-gtags |
20170116.529 |
available |
melpa |
GNU GLOBAL helm interface |
helm-hatena-bookmark |
20180804.546 |
available |
melpa |
Hatena::Bookmark with helm interface |
helm-hayoo |
20151014.651 |
available |
melpa |
Source and configured helm for searching hayoo |
helm-helm-commands |
20130902.1748 |
available |
melpa |
List all helm commands with helm |
helm-hoogle |
20161027.534 |
available |
melpa |
Use helm to navigate query results from Hoogle |
helm-hunks |
20171217.1933 |
available |
melpa |
A helm interface for git hunks - browsing, staging, unstaging and killing |
helm-idris |
20141202.1757 |
available |
melpa |
A Helm datasource for Idris documentation, queried from the compiler |
helm-img |
20151224.2321 |
available |
melpa |
Utilities for making image sources for helm. |
helm-img-tiqav |
20151224.2322 |
available |
melpa |
An helm-source for joking. |
helm-ispell |
20151231.853 |
available |
melpa |
ispell-complete-word with helm interface |
helm-itunes |
20151013.648 |
available |
melpa |
Play local iTunes and Spotify tracks |
helm-j-cheatsheet |
20170217.829 |
available |
melpa |
Quick J reference for Emacs |
helm-jira |
20180802.815 |
available |
melpa |
Helm bindings for JIRA/Bitbucket/stash |
helm-js-codemod |
20171106.1044 |
available |
melpa |
A helm interface for running js-codemods |
helm-jstack |
20150603.422 |
available |
melpa |
Helm interface to Jps & Jstack for Java/JVM processes |
helm-kythe |
20170709.726 |
available |
melpa |
Google Kythe helm interface |
helm-lastpass |
20180722.806 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Helm interface of LastPass |
helm-lean |
20171102.1454 |
available |
melpa |
Helm interfaces for lean-mode |
helm-lib-babel |
20180510.1324 |
available |
melpa |
helm insertion of babel function references |
helm-lines |
20180601.2033 |
available |
melpa |
A helm interface for completing by lines |
helm-lobsters |
20150213.1546 |
available |
melpa |
helm front-end for lobste.rs |
helm-ls-git |
20190105.722 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
list git files. |
helm-ls-hg |
20150909.543 |
available |
melpa |
List hg files in hg project. |
helm-ls-svn |
20190316.2203 |
available |
melpa |
helm extension to list svn files |
helm-lsp |
20190423.548 |
available |
melpa |
LSP helm integration |
helm-lxc |
20190116.2050 |
available |
melpa |
Helm interface to manage LXC containers |
helm-make |
20190403.1324 |
available |
melpa |
Select a Makefile target with helm |
helm-migemo |
20151010.356 |
available |
melpa |
Migemo plug-in for helm |
helm-mode-manager |
20151124.938 |
available |
melpa |
Select and toggle major and minor modes with helm |
helm-mt |
20160918.452 |
available |
melpa |
helm multi-term management |
helm-mu |
20190410.1718 |
available |
melpa |
Helm sources for searching emails and contacts |
helm-navi |
20181226.29 |
available |
melpa |
Helm for navi-mode |
helm-nixos-options |
20151013.2309 |
available |
melpa |
Helm Interface for nixos-options |
helm-notmuch |
20190320.1048 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Search emails with Notmuch and Helm |
helm-open-github |
20170220.159 |
available |
melpa |
Utilities of Opening Github Page |
helm-org-rifle |
20181216.1129 |
available |
melpa |
Rifle through your Org files |
helm-orgcard |
20151001.1524 |
available |
melpa |
browse the orgcard by helm |
helm-pages |
20161121.226 |
available |
melpa |
Pages in current buffer as Helm datasource |
helm-pass |
20190315.1335 |
available |
melpa |
helm interface of pass, the standard Unix password manager |
helm-perldoc |
20160918.556 |
available |
melpa |
perldoc with helm interface |
helm-perspeen |
20170228.1345 |
available |
melpa |
Helm interface for perspeen. |
helm-phpunit |
20160513.853 |
available |
melpa |
Helm integration for phpunit.el |
helm-posframe |
20180610.1748 |
available |
melpa |
Using posframe to show helm window |
helm-proc |
20161006.305 |
available |
melpa |
Helm interface for managing system processes |
helm-project-persist |
20151210.1543 |
available |
melpa |
Helm integration for project-persist package |
helm-projectile |
20190408.1508 |
available |
melpa |
Helm integration for Projectile |
helm-prosjekt |
20140129.717 |
available |
melpa |
Helm integration for prosjekt. |
helm-pt |
20160214.2342 |
available |
melpa |
Helm interface to the platinum searcher |
helm-purpose |
20170114.1636 |
available |
melpa |
Helm Interface for Purpose |
helm-pydoc |
20160918.542 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
pydoc with helm interface |
helm-qiita |
20180301.1435 |
available |
melpa |
Qiita with helm interface |
helm-rage |
20180118.1532 |
available |
melpa |
Helm command for rage characters. |
helm-rails |
20130424.1519 |
available |
melpa |
Helm extension for Rails projects. |
helm-rb |
20131123.1639 |
available |
melpa |
Search Ruby's method by ag and display helm |
helm-rdefs |
20161130.536 |
available |
melpa |
rdefs with helm interface |
helm-recoll |
20160731.921 |
available |
melpa |
helm interface for the recoll desktop search tool. |
helm-rg |
20190130.1734 |
available |
melpa |
a helm interface to ripgrep |
helm-rhythmbox |
20160524.1158 |
available |
melpa |
control Rhythmbox's play queue via Helm |
helm-robe |
20151209.355 |
available |
melpa |
completing read function for robe |
helm-ros |
20160812.1752 |
available |
melpa |
Interfaces ROS with helm |
helm-rtags |
20170813.411 |
available |
melpa |
A front-end for rtags |
helm-rubygems-local |
20130712.111 |
available |
melpa |
Installed local rubygems find-file for helm |
helm-rubygems-org |
20140826.1156 |
available |
melpa |
Use helm to search rubygems.org |
helm-safari |
20160404.324 |
available |
melpa |
Browse your Safari bookmarks and history |
helm-sage |
20160514.745 |
available |
melpa |
A helm extension for sage-shell-mode. |
helm-selected |
20171223.210 |
available |
melpa |
helm extension for selected.el |
helm-sheet |
20130630.1239 |
available |
melpa |
helm sources for sheet |
helm-slime |
20190315.912 |
available |
melpa |
helm-sources and some utilities for SLIME. |
helm-smex |
20171004.2008 |
available |
melpa |
Helm interface for smex |
helm-spaces |
20161001.1409 |
available |
melpa |
helm sources for spaces |
helm-spotify |
20160905.2147 |
available |
melpa |
Control Spotify with Helm. |
helm-spotify-plus |
20181229.1145 |
available |
melpa |
Control Spotify search and select music with Helm. |
helm-sql-connect |
20170319.1251 |
available |
melpa |
Choose a database to connect to via Helm. |
helm-swoop |
20180215.1154 |
available |
melpa |
Efficiently hopping squeezed lines powered by helm interface |
helm-system-packages |
20190325.1015 |
available |
melpa |
Helm UI wrapper for system package managers. |
helm-systemd |
20180131.434 |
available |
melpa |
helm's systemd interface |
helm-tail |
20181124.439 |
available |
melpa |
Read recent output from various sources |
helm-taskswitch |
20190304.1414 |
available |
melpa |
Use helm to switch windows and buffers |
helm-themes |
20160918.545 |
available |
melpa |
Color theme selection with helm interface |
helm-tramp |
20190125.447 |
available |
melpa |
Tramp helm interface for ssh, docker, vagrant |
helm-unicode |
20180608.1407 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Helm command for unicode characters. |
helm-w32-launcher |
20141223.2014 |
available |
melpa |
Start Menu entry launcher using Helm |
helm-w3m |
20181029.726 |
available |
melpa |
W3m bookmark - helm interface. |
helm-wordnet |
20160128.1507 |
available |
melpa |
Helm interface to local wordnet dictionary |
helm-xcdoc |
20160116.1018 |
available |
melpa |
Search Xcode Document by docsetutil and eww with helm interface |
helm-xref |
20190213.659 |
available |
melpa |
Helm interface for xref results |
helm-youtube |
20190101.1733 |
available |
melpa |
Query YouTube and play videos in your browser |
helm-z |
20171204.325 |
available |
melpa |
Show z directory list with helm.el support. |
helm-zhihu-daily |
20160625.1145 |
available |
melpa |
Helm interface for 知乎日报 (http://daily.zhihu.com) |
help-find-org-mode |
20181204.234 |
available |
melpa |
Advise help to find org source over tangled code |
helpful |
20190407.2236 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
a better *help* buffer |
hemera-theme |
20180916.924 |
available |
melpa |
Light theme |
hemisu-theme |
20130508.1844 |
available |
melpa |
Hemisu for Emacs. |
heroku |
20120629.1813 |
available |
melpa |
Interface to Heroku apps. |
heroku-theme |
20150523.219 |
available |
melpa |
Heroku color theme |
hexo |
20180815.219 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode & tools for Hexo |
hfst-mode |
20160708.1202 |
available |
melpa |
major mode for editing HFST files |
hgignore-mode |
20160501.7 |
available |
melpa |
a major mode for editing hgignore files |
hgrc-mode |
20150409.2043 |
available |
melpa |
major mode for editing hgrc files |
hi2 |
20141005.1931 |
available |
melpa |
indentation module for Haskell Mode |
hide-lines |
20151127.1840 |
available |
melpa |
Commands for hiding lines based on a regexp |
hide-mode-line |
20180302.1910 |
available |
melpa |
minor mode that hides/masks your modeline |
hideshow-org |
20120223.2250 |
available |
melpa |
Provides org-mode like hide and show for hideshow.el |
hierarchy |
20190425.842 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Library to create and display hierarchy structures |
highlight |
20181002.1151 |
available |
melpa |
Highlighting commands. |
highlight-blocks |
20190318.1557 |
available |
melpa |
Highlight the blocks point is in |
highlight-context-line |
20181122.2203 |
available |
melpa |
Improve orientation when scrolling |
highlight-defined |
20181106.1718 |
available |
melpa |
Syntax highlighting of known Elisp symbols |
highlight-doxygen |
20180829.1818 |
available |
melpa |
Highlight Doxygen comments |
highlight-function-calls |
20170908.500 |
available |
melpa |
Highlight function/macro calls |
highlight-indent-guides |
20190108.3 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode to highlight indentation |
highlight-indentation |
20181204.839 |
available |
melpa |
Minor modes for highlighting indentation |
highlight-leading-spaces |
20151216.1222 |
available |
melpa |
Highlight leading spaces |
highlight-numbers |
20181013.1744 |
available |
melpa |
Highlight numbers in source code |
highlight-operators |
20170213.2220 |
available |
melpa |
a face for operators in programming modes |
highlight-parentheses |
20180704.1102 |
available |
melpa |
highlight surrounding parentheses |
highlight-quoted |
20140916.1822 |
available |
melpa |
Highlight Lisp quotes and quoted symbols |
highlight-refontification |
20170211.2024 |
available |
melpa |
Visualize font-lock refontification. |
highlight-stages |
20161212.1457 |
available |
melpa |
highlight staged (quasi-quoted) expressions |
highlight-symbol |
20160102.2009 |
available |
melpa |
automatic and manual symbol highlighting |
highlight-thing |
20181229.1301 |
available |
melpa |
Minimalistic minor mode to highlight current thing under point. |
highlight-unique-symbol |
20130612.542 |
available |
melpa |
highlight symbols which not appear in the repository |
highlight2clipboard |
20151020.1840 |
available |
melpa |
Copy text to clipboard with highlighting. |
hindent |
20180518.902 |
available |
melpa |
Indent haskell code using the "hindent" program |
hippie-exp-ext |
20160502.2326 |
available |
melpa |
Extension of hippie-expand |
hippie-expand-slime |
20170723.146 |
available |
melpa |
Hook slime's completion into hippie-expand |
hippie-namespace |
20140508.2041 |
available |
melpa |
Special treatment for namespace prefixes in hippie-expand |
historian |
20190111.313 |
available |
melpa |
Persistently store selected minibuffer candidates |
history |
20160821.1602 |
available |
melpa |
History utility for source code navigation |
historyf |
20151124.159 |
available |
melpa |
file history library like browser |
hive |
20131217.1512 |
available |
melpa |
Hive SQL mode extension |
hiwin |
20150825.827 |
available |
melpa |
Visible active window mode. |
hl-anything |
20160422.1708 |
available |
melpa |
Highlight symbols, selections, enclosing parens and more. |
hl-fill-column |
20181210.1204 |
available |
melpa |
Highlight fill column. |
hl-indent |
20170429.2104 |
available |
melpa |
Highlight irregular indentation. |
hl-sentence |
20171018.1519 |
available |
melpa |
highlight a sentence based on customizable face |
hl-todo |
20190415.2300 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
highlight TODO and similar keywords |
hledger-mode |
20190222.1601 |
available |
melpa |
A mode for writing journal entries for hledger. |
hlint-refactor |
20190115.900 |
available |
melpa |
Apply HLint suggestions |
hlinum |
20180422.412 |
available |
melpa |
Extension for linum.el to highlight current line number |
hmac |
20180429.2010 |
available |
melpa |
hash-based message authentication code |
hoa-mode |
20151203.1650 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for the Hanoi Omega Automata format |
hoa-pp-mode |
20151027.736 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for Hoa PP grammars |
holiday-pascha-etc |
20160822.58 |
available |
melpa |
Eastern Christian analog to holiday-easter-etc |
home-end |
20180817.855 |
available |
melpa |
Smart multi-purpose home / end keys |
homebrew-mode |
20160615.1320 |
available |
melpa |
minor mode for editing Homebrew formulae |
honcho |
20180707.24 |
available |
melpa |
Run and manage long-running services |
hookify |
20141216.2209 |
available |
melpa |
Interactive commands to create temporary hooks |
horoscope |
20180409.641 |
available |
melpa |
generate horoscopes. |
hound |
20170627.1959 |
available |
melpa |
Display hound search results in a compilation window |
how-many-lines-in-project |
20140807.442 |
available |
melpa |
Calculate how many lines are there in your project. |
howdoi |
20150204.43 |
available |
melpa |
Instant coding answers via Emacs. |
howm |
20180929.1214 |
available |
melpa |
Wiki-like note-taking tool |
hsluv |
20181127.1206 |
available |
melpa |
hsluv color space conversions |
ht |
20190404.1202 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
The missing hash table library for Emacs |
html-check-frag |
20160131.535 |
available |
melpa |
Check html-fragments |
html-script-src |
20120403.1815 |
available |
melpa |
Insert <script src=".."> for popular JavaScript libraries |
html-to-hiccup |
20161028.1401 |
available |
melpa |
Convert HTML to Hiccup syntax |
html-to-markdown |
20151105.840 |
available |
melpa |
HTML to Markdown converter written in Emacs-lisp. |
html2org |
20170418.501 |
available |
melpa |
Convert html to org format text |
htmlize |
20180923.1829 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Convert buffer text and decorations to HTML. |
htmltagwrap |
20181211.1406 |
available |
melpa |
Wraps a chunk of HTML code in tags. |
http |
20181008.2121 |
available |
melpa |
Yet another HTTP client |
http-post-simple |
20170715.940 |
available |
melpa |
HTTP POST requests using the url library |
http-twiddle |
20160801.1911 |
available |
melpa |
send & twiddle & resend HTTP requests |
httpcode |
20121002.345 |
available |
melpa |
explains the meaning of an HTTP status code |
httprepl |
20141101.1734 |
available |
melpa |
hugsql-ghosts |
20180425.1129 |
available |
melpa |
Display hugsql defqueries in clojure code as an overlay. |
hungarian-holidays |
20161020.1138 |
available |
melpa |
Adds a list of Hungarian public holidays to Emacs calendar |
hungry-delete |
20170412.102 |
available |
melpa |
hungry delete minor mode |
hy-mode |
20190310.1721 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for Hylang |
hyai |
20170301.1447 |
available |
melpa |
Haskell Yet Another Indentation |
hydandata-light-theme |
20160816.418 |
available |
melpa |
A light color theme that is easy on your eyes |
hyde |
20160508.308 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode to help create and manage Jekyll blogs |
hyperspace |
20190428.337 |
available |
melpa |
Get there from here |
i2b2-mode |
20140710.104 |
available |
melpa |
Highlights corresponding PHI data in the text portion of an i2b2 XML Document. |
i3wm |
20170822.1438 |
available |
melpa |
i3wm integration library |
ialign |
20181202.1146 |
available |
melpa |
visual align-regexp |
iasm-mode |
20171023.1422 |
available |
melpa |
interactive assembly major mode. |
ibuffer-git |
20110508.731 |
available |
melpa |
show git status in ibuffer column |
ibuffer-project |
20181216.2125 |
available |
melpa |
Group ibuffer's list by project |
ibuffer-projectile |
20181202.352 |
available |
melpa |
Group ibuffer's list by projectile root |
ibuffer-rcirc |
20150215.2118 |
available |
melpa |
Ibuffer integration for rcirc |
ibuffer-sidebar |
20180219.131 |
available |
melpa |
Sidebar for `ibuffer' |
ibuffer-tramp |
20151118.1739 |
available |
melpa |
Group ibuffer's list by TRAMP connection |
ibuffer-vc |
20181225.2227 |
available |
melpa |
Group ibuffer's list by VC project, or show VC status |
id-manager |
20170320.1246 |
available |
melpa |
id-password management |
idea-darkula-theme |
20160416.2303 |
available |
melpa |
Color theme based on IntelliJ IDEA Darkula color theme |
identica-mode |
20130204.2253 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode API client for status.net open microblogging |
idle-highlight-in-visible-buffers-mode |
20181027.1531 |
available |
melpa |
highlight the word the point is on |
idle-highlight-mode |
20120920.1648 |
available |
melpa |
highlight the word the point is on |
idle-org-agenda |
20190106.1844 |
available |
melpa |
Shows your agenda when editor is idle. |
idle-require |
20090715.2203 |
available |
melpa |
load elisp libraries while Emacs is idle |
ido-at-point |
20151021.757 |
available |
melpa |
ido-style completion-at-point |
ido-clever-match |
20151011.1726 |
available |
melpa |
Alternative matcher for ido. |
ido-complete-space-or-hyphen |
20180929.150 |
available |
melpa |
Complete SPACE or HYPHEN when type SPACE in ido |
ido-completing-read+ |
20190502.2120 |
available |
melpa |
A completing-read-function using ido |
ido-describe-bindings |
20161023.1102 |
available |
melpa |
Yet another `describe-bindings' with `ido'. |
ido-exit-target |
20170717.1851 |
available |
melpa |
Commands and keys for selecting other window and frame targets within ido |
ido-flex-with-migemo |
20190408.350 |
available |
melpa |
use ido with flex and migemo |
ido-gnus |
20140216.1646 |
available |
melpa |
Access gnus groups or servers using ido |
ido-grid-mode |
20160122.1139 |
available |
melpa |
Display ido-prospects in the minibuffer in a grid. |
ido-hacks |
20190206.2153 |
available |
melpa |
Put more IDO in your IDO |
ido-load-library |
20140611.1600 |
available |
melpa |
Load-library alternative using ido-completing-read |
ido-migemo |
20150921.2244 |
available |
melpa |
Migemo plug-in for Ido |
ido-occasional |
20150214.1248 |
available |
melpa |
Use ido where you choose. |
ido-occur |
20160820.1440 |
available |
melpa |
Yet another `occur' with `ido'. |
ido-select-window |
20131220.2047 |
available |
melpa |
Select a window using ido and buffer names |
ido-skk |
20151111.950 |
available |
melpa |
ido interface for skk henkan |
ido-sort-mtime |
20171121.859 |
available |
melpa |
Sort Ido's file list by modification time |
ido-springboard |
20170106.755 |
available |
melpa |
Temporarily change default-directory for one command |
ido-vertical-mode |
20180618.2101 |
available |
melpa |
Makes ido-mode display vertically. |
ido-yes-or-no |
20161108.2351 |
available |
melpa |
Use Ido to answer yes-or-no questions |
idomenu |
20141123.2120 |
available |
melpa |
imenu tag selection a la ido |
idris-mode |
20190427.1539 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Idris code |
ids-edit |
20170818.1502 |
available |
melpa |
IDS (Ideographic Description Sequence) editing tool |
iedit |
20190419.803 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Edit multiple regions in the same way simultaneously. |
ietf-docs |
20190420.851 |
available |
melpa |
Fetch, Cache and Load IETF documents |
iflipb |
20190427.1809 |
available |
melpa |
interactively flip between recently visited buffers |
ignoramus |
20160414.1409 |
available |
melpa |
Ignore backups, build files, et al. |
igv |
20141210.1227 |
available |
melpa |
Control Integrative Genomic Viewer within Emacs |
image+ |
20150707.1616 |
available |
melpa |
Image manipulate extensions for Emacs |
image-archive |
20150621.132 |
available |
melpa |
Image thumbnails in archive file with non-blocking |
image-dired+ |
20150430.544 |
available |
melpa |
Image-dired extensions |
imakado |
20141024.923 |
available |
melpa |
imakado's usefull macros and functions |
imake |
20180318.2259 |
available |
melpa |
Simple, opinionated make target runner |
imapfilter |
20180318.2027 |
available |
melpa |
run the imapfilter executable |
imenu-anywhere |
20170805.1855 |
available |
melpa |
ido/ivy/helm imenu across same mode/project/etc buffers |
imenu-list |
20190115.2130 |
available |
melpa |
Show imenu entries in a separate buffer |
imenus |
20180505.1717 |
available |
melpa |
Imenu for multiple buffers and without subgroups |
imgbb |
20180609.1649 |
available |
melpa |
Simple image upload client for imgbb.com |
immaterial-theme |
20190412.1115 |
available |
melpa |
A flexible theme based on material design principles |
immortal-scratch |
20160517.2118 |
available |
melpa |
respawn the scratch buffer when it's killed |
immutant-server |
20140311.2208 |
available |
melpa |
Run your Immutant server in Emacs |
impatient-mode |
20181002.1231 |
available |
melpa |
Serve buffers live over HTTP |
import-js |
20180709.1833 |
available |
melpa |
Import Javascript dependencies |
import-popwin |
20170218.1407 |
available |
melpa |
popwin buffer near by import statements with popwin |
importmagic |
20180520.303 |
available |
melpa |
Fix Python imports using importmagic. |
indent-guide |
20170221.1127 |
available |
melpa |
show vertical lines to guide indentation |
indent-info |
20180423.1912 |
available |
melpa |
show indentation information in status bar |
indent-tools |
20180124.1208 |
available |
melpa |
Indent, navigate (and more) by blocks of indentation: yaml, python etc. |
indicators |
20161211.1126 |
available |
melpa |
Display the buffer relative location of line in the fringe. |
indium |
20190305.2108 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
JavaScript Awesome Development Environment |
indy |
20150610.1706 |
available |
melpa |
A minor mode and EDSL to manage your mode's indentation rules. |
inf-clojure |
20190327.1608 |
available |
melpa |
Run an external Clojure process in an Emacs buffer |
inf-crystal |
20180119.211 |
available |
melpa |
Run a Inferior-Crystal process in a buffer |
inf-mongo |
20180408.1338 |
available |
melpa |
Run a MongoDB shell process in a buffer |
inf-ruby |
20190219.1147 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Run a Ruby process in a buffer |
inferior-spim |
20160826.1346 |
available |
melpa |
inferior mode for spim. |
inflections |
20170913.916 |
available |
melpa |
convert english words between singular and plural |
info-beamer |
20180604.2122 |
available |
melpa |
Utilities for working with info-beamer |
info-buffer |
20170112.1422 |
available |
melpa |
Display info topics in separate buffers |
info-colors |
20180205.1150 |
available |
melpa |
Extra colors for Info-mode |
inherit-local |
20170409.1649 |
available |
melpa |
Inherited buffer-local variables |
ini-mode |
20170424.909 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for Windows-style ini files. |
init-loader |
20160528.1315 |
available |
melpa |
Loader for configuration files |
init-open-recentf |
20161206.1445 |
available |
melpa |
Open recentf immediately after Emacs is started |
initsplit |
20160919.1818 |
available |
melpa |
code to split customizations into different files |
ink-mode |
20160814.1116 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for writing interactive fiction in Ink |
inkpot-theme |
20181119.706 |
available |
melpa |
port of vim's inkpot theme |
inline-crypt |
20170824.900 |
available |
melpa |
Simple inline encryption via openssl |
inline-docs |
20170523.450 |
available |
melpa |
Show inline contextual docs. |
inlineR |
20120520.1432 |
available |
melpa |
insert Tag for inline image of R graphics |
insert-shebang |
20180403.1214 |
available |
melpa |
Insert shebang line automatically. |
insfactor |
20141117.2 |
available |
melpa |
Client for a Clojure project with insfactor in it |
instapaper |
20130104.1421 |
available |
melpa |
add URLs to instapaper from emacs |
intel-hex-mode |
20180423.31 |
available |
melpa |
Mode for Intel Hex files. |
intellij-theme |
20171017.1415 |
available |
melpa |
Inspired by IntelliJ's default theme |
interaction-log |
20160305.1301 |
available |
melpa |
exhaustive log of interactions with Emacs |
interleave |
20171004.624 |
available |
melpa |
Interleaving text books since 2015 |
intero |
20190308.1634 |
available |
melpa |
Complete development mode for Haskell |
interval-list |
20150327.1718 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Interval list data structure for 1D selections |
interval-tree |
20130325.1407 |
available |
melpa |
Interval tree data structure for 1D range queries |
inverse-acme-theme |
20170823.254 |
available |
melpa |
A theme that looks like an inverse of Acme's color scheme. |
io-mode |
20161004.756 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode to edit Io language files in Emacs |
io-mode-inf |
20140128.1934 |
available |
melpa |
Interaction with an Io interpreter. |
iodine-theme |
20151031.1639 |
available |
melpa |
A light emacs color theme |
ipcalc |
20170926.805 |
available |
melpa |
IP subnet calculator |
iplayer |
20161120.2120 |
available |
melpa |
Browse and download BBC TV/radio shows |
ipretty |
20180606.522 |
available |
melpa |
Interactive Emacs Lisp pretty-printing |
ipython-shell-send |
20190220.2246 |
available |
melpa |
Send code (including magics) to ipython shell |
iqa |
20181024.2253 |
available |
melpa |
Init file(and directory) Quick Access. |
ir-black-theme |
20130303.755 |
available |
melpa |
Port of ir-black theme |
iregister |
20150515.2107 |
available |
melpa |
Interactive register commands for Emacs. |
irony |
20190125.1234 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
C/C++ minor mode powered by libclang |
irony-eldoc |
20170502.1908 |
available |
melpa |
irony-mode support for eldoc-mode |
isearch-dabbrev |
20141224.622 |
available |
melpa |
Use dabbrev in isearch |
isearch-project |
20190504.1554 |
available |
melpa |
Incremental search through the whole project. |
isearch-symbol-at-point |
20130728.2221 |
available |
melpa |
Use isearch to search for the symbol at point |
isend-mode |
20190201.832 |
available |
melpa |
Interactively send parts of an Emacs buffer to an interpreter |
isgd |
20150414.936 |
available |
melpa |
Shorten URLs using the isgd.com shortener service |
isolate |
20190206.329 |
available |
melpa |
Surrounding tool with flexible customizations. |
isortify |
20190315.2004 |
available |
melpa |
(automatically) format python buffers using isort. |
iss-mode |
20141001.1913 |
available |
melpa |
Mode for InnoSetup install scripts |
itail |
20171112.804 |
available |
melpa |
An interactive tail mode |
itasca |
20170601.1622 |
available |
melpa |
Major modes for Itasca software data files. |
iter2 |
20190113.1424 |
available |
melpa |
Reimplementation of Elisp generators |
iterator |
20170207.838 |
available |
melpa |
A library to create and use elisp iterators objects. |
ivariants |
20170823.224 |
available |
melpa |
Ideographic variants editor and browser |
ivs-edit |
20170818.1441 |
available |
melpa |
IVS (Ideographic Variation Sequence) editing tool |
ivy-bibtex |
20190430.1818 |
available |
melpa |
A bibliography manager based on Ivy |
ivy-dired-history |
20170626.556 |
available |
melpa |
use ivy to open recent directories |
ivy-erlang-complete |
20190406.1736 |
available |
melpa |
Erlang context sensitive completion at point using ivy. It also support xref and eldoc. |
ivy-feedwrangler |
20180618.1522 |
available |
melpa |
No description available. |
ivy-gitlab |
20181228.826 |
available |
melpa |
Ivy interface to Gitlab |
ivy-historian |
20190111.313 |
available |
melpa |
Persistently store selected minibuffer candidates |
ivy-hydra |
20190328.1545 |
available |
melpa |
Additional key bindings for Ivy |
ivy-lobsters |
20171202.2041 |
available |
melpa |
Browse lobste.rs stories with ivy. |
ivy-mpdel |
20190428.920 |
available |
melpa |
Ivy interface to navigate MPD |
ivy-omni-org |
20190420.1238 |
available |
melpa |
Browse anything in Org mode |
ivy-pages |
20160728.1920 |
available |
melpa |
Complete current buffer's pages with Ivy |
ivy-pass |
20170812.1955 |
available |
melpa |
ivy interface for pass |
ivy-phpunit |
20180219.915 |
available |
melpa |
Ivy integration for phpunit.el |
ivy-posframe |
20190421.1121 |
available |
melpa |
Using posframe to show Ivy |
ivy-prescient |
20190414.1641 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
prescient.el + Ivy |
ivy-purpose |
20160724.1003 |
available |
melpa |
Ivy Interface for Purpose |
ivy-rich |
20190317.615 |
available |
melpa |
More friendly display transformer for ivy. |
ivy-rtags |
20170523.454 |
available |
melpa |
RTags completion back-end for ivy |
ivy-todo |
20171208.1609 |
available |
melpa |
Manage org-mode TODOs with ivy |
ivy-xcdoc |
20160917.1055 |
available |
melpa |
Search Xcode documents with ivy interface. |
ivy-xref |
20180821.1211 |
available |
melpa |
Ivy interface for xref results |
ivy-yasnippet |
20181002.1655 |
available |
melpa |
Preview yasnippets with ivy |
ivy-ycmd |
20180909.1225 |
available |
melpa |
Ivy interface to ycmd |
ivy-youtube |
20181126.1039 |
available |
melpa |
Query YouTube and play videos in your browser |
ix |
20131027.1629 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs client for http://ix.io pastebin |
iy-go-to-char |
20141029.1546 |
available |
melpa |
Go to next CHAR which is similar to "f" and "t" in vim |
j-mode |
20171224.1856 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing J programs |
jabber |
20180927.2325 |
available |
melpa |
A Jabber client for Emacs. |
jabber-otr |
20150918.1144 |
available |
melpa |
Off-The-Record messaging for jabber.el |
jack-connect |
20190311.1920 |
available |
melpa |
Manage jack connections within Emacs |
jade-mode |
20160525.1441 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing .jade files |
jammer |
20160310.859 |
available |
melpa |
Punish yourself for using Emacs inefficiently |
japanese-holidays |
20190317.1220 |
available |
melpa |
calendar functions for the Japanese calendar |
japanlaw |
20160615.643 |
available |
melpa |
Japan law from law.e-gov.go.jp |
jape-mode |
20140903.1506 |
available |
melpa |
An Emacs editing mode mode for GATE's JAPE files |
jar-manifest-mode |
20160501.26 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode to edit JAR manifest files |
jasminejs-mode |
20150527.5 |
available |
melpa |
A minor mode for manipulating jasmine test files |
jastadd-ast-mode |
20161219.926 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing JastAdd AST files |
java-imports |
20170913.1410 |
available |
melpa |
Code for dealing with Java imports |
java-snippets |
20160627.252 |
available |
melpa |
Yasnippets for Java |
javadoc-lookup |
20160214.31 |
available |
melpa |
Javadoc Emacs integration with Maven |
javap-mode |
20120223.2208 |
available |
melpa |
Javap major mode |
jaword |
20170426.627 |
available |
melpa |
Minor-mode for handling Japanese words better |
jazz-theme |
20170411.1411 |
available |
melpa |
A warm color theme for Emacs 24+. |
jbeans-theme |
20180309.1625 |
available |
melpa |
Jbeans theme for GNU Emacs 24 (deftheme) |
jdecomp |
20170224.2200 |
available |
melpa |
Interface to Java decompilers |
jdee |
20190418.1626 |
available |
melpa |
Java Development Environment for Emacs |
jedi |
20160426.456 |
available |
melpa |
a Python auto-completion for Emacs |
jedi-core |
20181207.1 |
available |
melpa |
Common code of jedi.el and company-jedi.el |
jedi-direx |
20140310.936 |
available |
melpa |
Tree style source code viewer for Python buffer |
jekyll-modes |
20141117.1314 |
available |
melpa |
Major modes (markdown and HTML) for authoring Jekyll content |
jemdoc-mode |
20170704.2027 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing jemdoc files |
jenkins |
20170721.936 |
available |
melpa |
Minimalistic Jenkins client for Emacs |
jenkins-watch |
20121004.2326 |
available |
melpa |
Watch continuous integration build status |
jest |
20181216.459 |
available |
melpa |
helpers to run jest |
jetbrains |
20180301.502 |
available |
melpa |
JetBrains IDE bridge |
jg-quicknav |
20170809.130 |
available |
melpa |
Quickly navigate the file system to find a file. |
jinja2-mode |
20141128.1007 |
available |
melpa |
A major mode for jinja2 |
jira-markup-mode |
20150601.2109 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs Major mode for JIRA-markup-formatted text files |
jist |
20161229.1721 |
available |
melpa |
Gist integration |
jknav |
20121006.2025 |
available |
melpa |
Automatically enable j/k keys for line-based navigation |
jonprl-mode |
20160819.59 |
available |
melpa |
A major mode for editing JonPRL files |
jpop |
20170410.1250 |
available |
melpa |
Lightweight project caching and navigation framework |
jq-format |
20190428.1434 |
available |
melpa |
Reformat JSON and JSONLines using jq |
jq-mode |
20181103.1258 |
available |
melpa |
Edit jq scripts. |
jquery-doc |
20150812.758 |
available |
melpa |
jQuery api documentation interface for emacs |
js-auto-beautify |
20161031.509 |
available |
melpa |
auto format you js/jsx file |
js-auto-format-mode |
20180807.1352 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for auto-formatting JavaScript code |
js-codemod |
20171104.1154 |
available |
melpa |
Run js-codemod on current line or selected region |
js-comint |
20181106.2238 |
available |
melpa |
JavaScript interpreter in window. |
js-doc |
20160715.434 |
available |
melpa |
Insert JsDoc style comment easily |
js-format |
20170119.102 |
available |
melpa |
Format or transform code style using NodeJS server with different javascript formatter |
js-import |
20190218.1319 |
available |
melpa |
Import Javascript files from your current project or dependencies |
js2-closure |
20170816.1918 |
available |
melpa |
Google Closure dependency manager |
js2-highlight-vars |
20170418.1829 |
available |
melpa |
highlight occurrences of the variable under cursor |
js2-refactor |
20180502.1042 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
A JavaScript refactoring library for emacs. |
js3-mode |
20160515.1550 |
available |
melpa |
An improved JavaScript editing mode |
jscs |
20151015.1749 |
available |
melpa |
Consistent JavaScript editing using JSCS |
jsfmt |
20180920.1008 |
available |
melpa |
Interface to jsfmt command for javascript files |
json-navigator |
20190131.1031 |
available |
melpa |
View and navigate JSON structures |
json-reformat |
20160212.853 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Reformatting tool for JSON |
json-reformatter-jq |
20190425.925 |
available |
melpa |
reformat json using jq |
json-rpc |
20180104.1528 |
available |
melpa |
JSON-RPC library |
json-snatcher |
20150512.347 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Grabs the path to JSON values in a JSON file |
jsonnet-mode |
20181211.1853 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing jsonnet files |
jss |
20130508.1423 |
available |
melpa |
An emacs interface to webkit and mozilla debuggers |
jst |
20150604.1138 |
available |
melpa |
JS test mode |
jsx-mode |
20130908.1724 |
available |
melpa |
major mode for JSX |
jtags |
20160211.2029 |
available |
melpa |
enhanced tags functionality for Java development |
julia-mode |
20190407.2119 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Julia source code |
julia-repl |
20190420.1455 |
available |
melpa |
A minor mode for a Julia REPL |
julia-shell |
20161125.1910 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for an inferior Julia shell |
jumblr |
20170727.2043 |
available |
melpa |
an anagram game for emacs |
jump |
20161127.128 |
available |
melpa |
build functions which contextually jump between files |
jump-char |
20180601.1348 |
available |
melpa |
navigation by char |
jump-to-line |
20130122.1653 |
available |
melpa |
Jump to line number at point. |
jump-tree |
20171014.1551 |
available |
melpa |
Treat position history as a tree |
jumplist |
20151120.345 |
available |
melpa |
Jump like vim jumplist or ex jumplist |
jupyter |
20190310.939 |
available |
melpa |
Jupyter |
jvm-mode |
20150422.708 |
available |
melpa |
Monitor and manage your JVMs |
k8s-mode |
20181231.741 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for Kubernetes configuration file |
kaesar |
20160128.1008 |
available |
melpa |
Another AES algorithm encrypt/decrypt string with password. |
kaesar-file |
20160128.1008 |
available |
melpa |
Encrypt/Decrypt file by AES with password. |
kaesar-mode |
20160128.1008 |
available |
melpa |
Encrypt/Decrypt buffer by AES with password. |
kakapo-mode |
20171004.451 |
available |
melpa |
TABS (hard or soft) for indentation (leading whitespace), and SPACES for alignment. |
kaleidoscope |
20170808.817 |
available |
melpa |
Controlling Kaleidoscope-powered devices. |
kaleidoscope-evil-state-flash |
20170728.1020 |
available |
melpa |
Flash keyboard LEDs when changing Evil state |
kanban |
20170418.810 |
available |
melpa |
Parse org-todo headlines to use org-tables as Kanban tables |
kanji-mode |
20160826.1139 |
available |
melpa |
View stroke order for kanji characters at cursor |
kaolin-themes |
20190501.1320 |
available |
melpa |
A set of eye pleasing themes |
kaomoji |
20171227.440 |
available |
melpa |
Input kaomoji superb easily |
kapacitor |
20190414.1908 |
available |
melpa |
Main file for kapacitor-mode |
karma |
20160220.1245 |
available |
melpa |
Karma Test Runner Emacs Integration |
kdeconnect |
20180126.2340 |
available |
melpa |
An interface for KDE Connect |
kerl |
20150424.2005 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs integration for kerl |
key-chord |
20160227.1238 |
available |
melpa |
map pairs of simultaneously pressed keys to commands |
key-combo |
20150324.1439 |
available |
melpa |
map key sequence to commands |
key-intercept |
20140211.749 |
available |
melpa |
Intercept prefix keys |
key-leap |
20160831.1447 |
available |
melpa |
Leap between lines by typing keywords |
key-seq |
20150907.756 |
available |
melpa |
map pairs of sequentially pressed keys to commands |
keycast |
20190317.135 |
available |
melpa |
Show current command and its key in the mode line |
keychain-environment |
20180318.2223 |
available |
melpa |
load keychain environment variables |
keydef |
20090428.1931 |
available |
melpa |
a simpler way to define keys, with kbd syntax |
keyfreq |
20160516.1416 |
available |
melpa |
track command frequencies |
keymap-utils |
20180318.2237 |
available |
melpa |
keymap utilities |
keypress-multi-event |
20190109.530 |
available |
melpa |
Perform different actions for the same keypress. |
keyset |
20150220.530 |
available |
melpa |
A small library for structuring key bindings. |
keystore-mode |
20190409.1946 |
available |
melpa |
A major mode for viewing and managing (java) keystores |
keyswap |
20160813.957 |
available |
melpa |
swap bindings between key pairs |
keyword-search |
20180424.1102 |
available |
melpa |
browser keyword search from Emacs |
kfg |
20140909.538 |
available |
melpa |
an emacs configuration system |
kibit-helper |
20150508.1533 |
available |
melpa |
Conveniently use the Kibit Leiningen plugin from Emacs |
kill-or-bury-alive |
20190101.704 |
available |
melpa |
Precise control over buffer killing in Emacs |
kill-ring-search |
20140422.1555 |
available |
melpa |
incremental search for the kill ring |
killer |
20190128.10 |
available |
melpa |
kill and delete text |
kite |
20130201.1938 |
available |
melpa |
WebKit inspector front-end |
kite-mini |
20160508.1106 |
available |
melpa |
Remotely evaluate JavaScript in the WebKit debugger |
kivy-mode |
20180702.2029 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs major mode for editing Kivy files |
kiwix |
20190325.352 |
available |
melpa |
Searching offline Wikipedia through Kiwix. |
kixtart-mode |
20150611.1604 |
available |
melpa |
major mode for Kixtart scripting files |
klere-theme |
20180415.1823 |
available |
melpa |
A dark theme with lambent color highlights and incremental grays |
know-your-http-well |
20160208.2304 |
available |
melpa |
Look up the meaning of HTTP headers, methods, relations, status codes |
kodi-remote |
20190322.2003 |
available |
melpa |
Remote Control for Kodi |
kolon-mode |
20140122.1134 |
available |
melpa |
Syntax highlighting for Text::Xslate's Kolon syntax |
kooten-theme |
20161023.905 |
available |
melpa |
Dark color theme |
korean-holidays |
20190102.1558 |
available |
melpa |
Korean holidays for calendar. |
kosmos-theme |
20170502.1850 |
available |
melpa |
Black and lightgray theme with not so much syntax highlighting. |
kotlin-mode |
20190116.2055 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for kotlin |
kpm-list |
20170924.1352 |
available |
melpa |
An emacs buffer list that tries to intelligently group together buffers. |
kroman |
20150827.2340 |
available |
melpa |
Korean hangul romanization |
ksp-cfg-mode |
20190414.2348 |
available |
melpa |
major mode for editing KSP CFG files |
kubel |
20190314.1707 |
available |
melpa |
extension for controlling Kubernetes with limited permissions |
kubernetes |
20190328.44 |
available |
melpa |
Magit-like porcelain for Kubernetes. |
kubernetes-evil |
20171123.219 |
available |
melpa |
Kubernetes keybindings for evil-mode. |
kubernetes-helm |
20190201.320 |
available |
melpa |
extension for helm, the package manager for kubernetes |
kubernetes-tramp |
20181228.922 |
available |
melpa |
TRAMP integration for kubernetes containers |
kurecolor |
20180401.1221 |
available |
melpa |
color editing goodies for Emacs |
kv |
20140108.1534 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
key/value data structure functions |
kwin |
20150308.1812 |
available |
melpa |
communicatewith the KWin window manager |
lab-themes |
20190320.1827 |
available |
melpa |
A custom theme carefully constructed in the LAB space |
labburn-theme |
20170502.907 |
available |
melpa |
A lab color space zenburn theme. |
lammps-mode |
20180801.1319 |
available |
melpa |
basic syntax highlighting for LAMMPS files |
lang-refactor-perl |
20131122.2127 |
available |
melpa |
Simple refactorings, primarily for Perl |
langdoc |
20150218.645 |
available |
melpa |
Help to define help document mode for various languages |
langtool |
20190303.2227 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Grammar check utility using LanguageTool |
language-detection |
20161123.1813 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Automatic language detection from code snippets |
language-id |
20190207.1057 |
available |
melpa |
Library to work with programming language identifiers |
lastpass |
20171208.1016 |
available |
melpa |
LastPass command wrapper |
latex-extra |
20170817.147 |
available |
melpa |
Adds several useful functionalities to LaTeX-mode. |
latex-math-preview |
20190123.802 |
available |
melpa |
preview LaTeX mathematical expressions. |
latex-pretty-symbols |
20151112.1044 |
available |
melpa |
Display many latex symbols as their unicode counterparts |
latex-preview-pane |
20181008.1822 |
available |
melpa |
Makes LaTeX editing less painful by providing a updatable preview pane |
latex-unicode-math-mode |
20170123.1816 |
available |
melpa |
Input method for Unicode math symbols |
latexdiff |
20180521.2232 |
available |
melpa |
Latexdiff integration in Emacs |
launch |
20130619.2204 |
available |
melpa |
launch files with OS-standard associated applications. |
launch-mode |
20170106.512 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for launch-formatted text |
launchctl |
20150518.1309 |
available |
melpa |
Interface to launchctl on Mac OS X. |
lavender-theme |
20170808.1313 |
available |
melpa |
an Emacs 24 theme based on Lavender (tmTheme) |
lcb-mode |
20160816.540 |
available |
melpa |
LiveCode Builder major mode |
lcr |
20180902.1919 |
available |
melpa |
lightweight coroutines |
lean-mode |
20180906.1645 |
available |
melpa |
A major mode for the Lean language |
leanote |
20161223.139 |
available |
melpa |
A minor mode writing markdown leanote |
ledger-import |
20190502.456 |
available |
melpa |
Fetch OFX files from bank and push them to Ledger |
ledger-mode |
20190412.1429 |
available |
melpa |
Helper code for use with the "ledger" command-line tool |
leerzeichen |
20170422.1313 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode to display whitespace characters. |
legalese |
20150820.1724 |
available |
melpa |
Add legalese to your program files |
lemon-mode |
20130216.1304 |
available |
melpa |
A major mode for editing lemon grammar files |
lenlen-theme |
20170329.245 |
available |
melpa |
a solarized-based kawaii light theme |
lentic |
20190102.2124 |
available |
melpa |
One buffer as a view of another |
lentic-server |
20160717.2052 |
available |
melpa |
Web Server for Emacs Literate Source |
less-css-mode |
20161001.453 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing LESS CSS files (lesscss.org) |
letcheck |
20160202.1948 |
available |
melpa |
Check the erroneous assignments in let forms |
letterbox-mode |
20170702.125 |
available |
melpa |
hide sensitive text on a buffer |
leuven-theme |
20190308.1534 |
available |
melpa |
Awesome Emacs color theme on white background |
levenshtein |
20090830.1040 |
available |
melpa |
Edit distance between two strings. |
lexbind-mode |
20141027.1429 |
available |
melpa |
Puts the value of lexical-binding in the mode line |
lfe-mode |
20170121.1254 |
available |
melpa |
Lisp Flavoured Erlang mode |
libelcouch |
20180604.753 |
available |
melpa |
Communication with CouchDB |
libgit |
20190419.1223 |
available |
melpa |
Thin bindings to libgit2. |
libmpdee |
20160117.2301 |
available |
melpa |
Client end library for mpd, a music playing daemon |
libmpdel |
20190427.528 |
available |
melpa |
Communication with an MPD server |
lice |
20170220.943 |
available |
melpa |
License And Header Template |
light-soap-theme |
20150607.1445 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs 24 theme with a light background. |
line-reminder |
20190413.1001 |
available |
melpa |
Line annotation similar to Visual Studio. |
line-up-words |
20180219.1024 |
available |
melpa |
Align words in an intelligent way |
lines-at-once |
20180422.247 |
available |
melpa |
Insert and edit multiple lines at once |
lingr |
20100807.1731 |
available |
melpa |
Lingr Client for GNU Emacs |
linguistic |
20181129.2116 |
available |
melpa |
A package for basic linguistic analysis. |
link |
20140718.329 |
available |
melpa |
Hypertext links in text buffers |
link-hint |
20190312.2304 |
available |
melpa |
Use avy to open, copy, etc. visible links. |
linphone |
20130524.1109 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs interface to Linphone |
linum-off |
20160217.2137 |
available |
melpa |
Provides an interface for turning line-numbering off |
linum-relative |
20180124.1047 |
available |
melpa |
display relative line number in emacs. |
liquid-types |
20151202.735 |
available |
melpa |
show inferred liquid-types |
liso-theme |
20160410.2029 |
available |
melpa |
Eclectic Dark Theme for GNU Emacs |
lisp-extra-font-lock |
20181008.1921 |
available |
melpa |
Highlight bound variables and quoted exprs. |
lispxmp |
20170926.23 |
available |
melpa |
Automagic emacs lisp code annotation |
lispy |
20190411.1254 |
available |
melpa |
vi-like Paredit |
lispyscript-mode |
20170720.1917 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for LispyScript code. |
lispyville |
20181217.1447 |
available |
melpa |
A minor mode for integrating evil with lispy. |
list-environment |
20151227.256 |
available |
melpa |
A tabulated process environment editor |
list-packages-ext |
20151115.1716 |
available |
melpa |
Extras for list-packages |
list-unicode-display |
20181121.2316 |
available |
melpa |
Search for and list unicode characters by name |
list-utils |
20160414.1402 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
List-manipulation utility functions |
lit-mode |
20141123.1736 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for lit |
litable |
20160922.1559 |
available |
melpa |
dynamic evaluation replacement with emacs |
litecoin-ticker |
20160612.11 |
available |
melpa |
litecoin price in modeline |
literal-string |
20170301.1530 |
available |
melpa |
edit string literals in a dedicated buffer |
literate-coffee-mode |
20170211.1515 |
available |
melpa |
major-mode for Literate CoffeeScript |
literate-elisp |
20190109.1321 |
available |
melpa |
literate program to write elisp codes in org mode |
literate-starter-kit |
20150730.1854 |
available |
melpa |
A literate starter kit to configure Emacs using Org-mode files. |
live-code-talks |
20180907.1647 |
available |
melpa |
Support for slides with live code in them |
live-py-mode |
20190330.1741 |
available |
melpa |
Live Coding in Python |
lively |
20171005.754 |
available |
melpa |
interactively updating text |
livereload |
20170629.650 |
available |
melpa |
Livereload server |
livescript-mode |
20140613.421 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing LiveScript files |
livid-mode |
20131116.1344 |
available |
melpa |
Live browser eval of JavaScript every time a buffer changes |
lms |
20181216.2246 |
available |
melpa |
Squeezebox / Logitech Media Server frontend |
load-bash-alias |
20181220.1755 |
available |
melpa |
Convert bash aliases into eshell ones |
load-env-vars |
20180511.2210 |
available |
melpa |
Load environment variables from files |
load-theme-buffer-local |
20120702.2036 |
available |
melpa |
Install emacs24 color themes by buffer. |
lockfile-mode |
20170625.507 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for .lock files |
lodgeit |
20150312.1349 |
available |
melpa |
Paste to a lodgeit powered pastebin |
log4e |
20170401.1304 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
provide logging framework for elisp |
log4j-mode |
20160108.1918 |
available |
melpa |
major mode for viewing log files |
logalimacs |
20131021.1829 |
available |
melpa |
Front-end to logaling-command for Ruby gems |
logito |
20120225.2055 |
available |
melpa |
logging library for Emacs |
lognav-mode |
20190217.1632 |
available |
melpa |
Navigate Log Error Messages |
logpad |
20180607.1915 |
available |
melpa |
Simulate Windows Notepad for logging. |
logstash-conf |
20170524.1929 |
available |
melpa |
basic mode for editing logstash configuration |
logview |
20181027.1757 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for viewing log files |
lolcode-mode |
20111002.847 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing LOLCODE |
look-dired |
20160729.2323 |
available |
melpa |
Extensions to look-mode for dired buffers |
look-mode |
20151211.1826 |
available |
melpa |
quick file viewer for image and text file browsing |
loop |
20160813.1407 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
friendly imperative loop structures |
lorem-ipsum |
20140911.2108 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Insert dummy pseudo Latin text. |
love-minor-mode |
20170727.536 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for working on LÖVE projects |
lsp-clangd |
20180828.1657 |
available |
melpa |
clangd support for lsp-mode |
lsp-css |
20181219.504 |
available |
melpa |
CSS/LESS/SASS support for lsp-mode |
lsp-dart |
20181021.1708 |
available |
melpa |
Dart support for lsp-mode |
lsp-elixir |
20190105.2059 |
available |
melpa |
Elixir tooling integration into Emacs |
lsp-elixir.el |
20190105.2059 |
available |
melpa |
No description available. |
lsp-fortran |
20180904.1636 |
available |
melpa |
Fortran support for lsp-mode |
lsp-go |
20180914.515 |
available |
melpa |
Go support for lsp-mode |
lsp-hack |
20190329.1931 |
available |
melpa |
lsp-mode client for hacklang |
lsp-haskell |
20190329.548 |
available |
melpa |
Haskell support for lsp-mode |
lsp-html |
20180629.725 |
available |
melpa |
HTML support for lsp-mode |
lsp-intellij |
20180831.2051 |
available |
melpa |
intellij lsp client |
lsp-java |
20190430.1754 |
available |
melpa |
Java support for lsp-mode |
lsp-javacomp |
20190124.1755 |
available |
melpa |
Provide Java IDE features powered by JavaComp. |
lsp-javascript-flow |
20181219.442 |
available |
melpa |
Javascript/Flow support for lsp-mode |
lsp-javascript-typescript |
20181219.442 |
available |
melpa |
Javascript/Typescript support for lsp-mode |
lsp-mode |
20190504.1457 |
available |
melpa |
LSP mode |
lsp-ocaml |
20180610.1854 |
available |
melpa |
OCaml support for lsp-mode |
lsp-origami |
20190331.1723 |
available |
melpa |
origami.el support for lsp-mode |
lsp-p4 |
20190127.1049 |
available |
melpa |
P4 support for lsp-mode |
lsp-php |
20180331.1644 |
available |
melpa |
PHP support for lsp-mode |
lsp-pyre |
20190406.335 |
available |
melpa |
lsp-mode client for python using pyre |
lsp-python |
20181108.754 |
available |
melpa |
Python support for lsp-mode |
lsp-python-ms |
20190421.2332 |
available |
melpa |
lsp-mode client for Microsoft python-language-server |
lsp-ruby |
20181219.507 |
available |
melpa |
Ruby support for lsp-mode |
lsp-rust |
20180305.1308 |
available |
melpa |
Rust support for lsp-mode |
lsp-scala |
20190116.2132 |
available |
melpa |
Scala support for lsp-mode |
lsp-sh |
20180913.158 |
available |
melpa |
Shell support for lsp-mode |
lsp-sourcekit |
20181216.1450 |
available |
melpa |
sourcekit-lsp client for lsp-mode |
lsp-treemacs |
20190503.956 |
available |
melpa |
LSP treemacs |
lsp-typescript |
20181219.442 |
available |
melpa |
Javascript/Typescript support for lsp-mode |
lsp-ui |
20190428.1045 |
available |
melpa |
UI modules for lsp-mode |
lsp-vue |
20181030.1136 |
available |
melpa |
Vue support for lsp-mode |
lua-mode |
20190113.1050 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
a major-mode for editing Lua scripts |
luarocks |
20170430.2305 |
available |
melpa |
luarocks tools |
lush-theme |
20180816.2200 |
available |
melpa |
A dark theme with lush colors |
lusty-explorer |
20180628.1346 |
available |
melpa |
Dynamic filesystem explorer and buffer switcher |
lv |
20181110.1740 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Other echo area |
lxc |
20140410.2022 |
available |
melpa |
lxc integration with Emacs |
lxc-tramp |
20180523.2024 |
available |
melpa |
TRAMP integration for LXC containers |
lxd-tramp |
20181023.7 |
available |
melpa |
TRAMP integration for LXD containers |
lyrics |
20180812.1841 |
available |
melpa |
Show lyrics |
m-buffer |
20170407.2141 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
List-Oriented, Functional Buffer Manipulation |
mac-pseudo-daemon |
20170728.1940 |
available |
melpa |
Daemon mode that plays nice with Mac OS. |
maces-game |
20170903.1551 |
available |
melpa |
another anagram game. |
macro-math |
20130328.1604 |
available |
melpa |
in-buffer mathematical operations |
macrostep |
20161120.2106 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
interactive macro expander |
madhat2r-theme |
20170203.30 |
available |
melpa |
dark color theme that is easy on the eyes |
mag-menu |
20150505.1850 |
available |
melpa |
Intuitive keyboard-centric menu system |
magic-filetype |
20180219.1552 |
available |
melpa |
Enhance filetype major mode |
magic-latex-buffer |
20170531.5 |
available |
melpa |
Magically enhance LaTeX-mode font-locking for semi-WYSIWYG editing |
magik-mode |
20190421.1706 |
available |
melpa |
mode for editing Magik + some utils. |
magit |
20190504.1425 |
available |
melpa |
A Git porcelain inside Emacs. |
magit-annex |
20190421.241 |
available |
melpa |
Control git-annex from Magit |
magit-filenotify |
20151116.2340 |
available |
melpa |
Refresh status buffer when git tree changes |
magit-find-file |
20150702.830 |
available |
melpa |
completing-read over all files in Git |
magit-gerrit |
20160226.930 |
available |
melpa |
Magit plugin for Gerrit Code Review |
magit-gh-pulls |
20180716.1636 |
available |
melpa |
GitHub pull requests extension for Magit |
magit-gitflow |
20170929.824 |
available |
melpa |
gitflow extension for magit |
magit-imerge |
20190219.553 |
available |
melpa |
Magit extension for git-imerge |
magit-lfs |
20190504.1909 |
available |
melpa |
Magit plugin for Git LFS |
magit-libgit |
20190419.1545 |
available |
melpa |
Libgit functionality |
magit-org-todos |
20180709.1950 |
available |
melpa |
Add local todo items to the magit status buffer |
magit-p4 |
20170414.1246 |
available |
melpa |
git-p4 plug-in for Magit |
magit-popup |
20190223.2234 |
available |
melpa |
Define prefix-infix-suffix command combos |
magit-rbr |
20181009.2016 |
available |
melpa |
Support for git rbr in Magit |
magit-reviewboard |
20190211.2244 |
available |
melpa |
Show open Reviewboard reviews in Magit |
magit-stgit |
20190313.1155 |
available |
melpa |
No description available. |
magit-svn |
20190324.1459 |
available |
melpa |
Git-Svn extension for Magit |
magit-tbdiff |
20190421.518 |
available |
melpa |
Magit extension for range diffs |
magit-todos |
20190114.1450 |
available |
melpa |
Show source file TODOs in Magit |
magit-topgit |
20160313.1954 |
available |
melpa |
TopGit extension for Magit |
magithub |
20190118.2147 |
available |
melpa |
Magit interfaces for GitHub |
magma-mode |
20181205.1708 |
available |
melpa |
Magma mode for Emacs |
magnatune |
20151030.1935 |
available |
melpa |
browse magnatune's music catalog |
majapahit-theme |
20160817.1848 |
available |
melpa |
Color theme with a dark and light versions |
major-mode-hydra |
20190227.346 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode keybindings managed by Hydra |
major-mode-icons |
20170301.714 |
available |
melpa |
display icon for major-mode on mode-line. |
make-color |
20140625.1150 |
available |
melpa |
Alternative to picking color - update fg/bg color by pressing r/g/b/... keys |
make-it-so |
20180128.2107 |
available |
melpa |
Transform files with Makefile recipes. |
makefile-executor |
20180720.832 |
available |
melpa |
Commands for conveniently running makefile targets |
makey |
20131231.1430 |
available |
melpa |
interactive commandline mode |
malinka |
20171202.1021 |
available |
melpa |
A C/C++ project configuration package for Emacs |
mallard-mode |
20131204.425 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Mallard files |
mallard-snippets |
20131023.1851 |
available |
melpa |
Yasnippets for Mallard |
malyon |
20161208.2125 |
available |
melpa |
mode to execute Z-code files version 3, 5, 8 |
man-commands |
20151221.2221 |
available |
melpa |
Add interactive commands for every manpages installed in your computer. |
manage-minor-mode |
20140310.1600 |
available |
melpa |
Manage your minor-modes easily |
mandm-theme |
20180915.1940 |
available |
melpa |
An M&M color theme. |
mandoku |
20180403.1106 |
available |
melpa |
A tool to access repositories of premodern Chinese texts |
mandoku-tls |
20171118.240 |
available |
melpa |
A tool to access the TLS database |
map-progress |
20190128.16 |
available |
melpa |
mapping macros that report progress |
map-regexp |
20190128.18 |
available |
melpa |
map over matches of a regular expression |
marcopolo |
20160421.1004 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs client to the Docker HUB/Registry API |
mark-multiple |
20121118.1554 |
available |
melpa |
Sorta lets you mark several regions at once. |
mark-tools |
20130614.1025 |
available |
melpa |
Some simple tools to access the mark-ring in Emacs |
markdown-mode+ |
20170320.2104 |
available |
melpa |
extra functions for markdown-mode |
markdown-mode |
20190305.319 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Major mode for Markdown-formatted text |
markdown-preview-eww |
20160111.1502 |
available |
melpa |
Realtime preview by eww |
markdown-preview-mode |
20181213.1339 |
available |
melpa |
markdown realtime preview minor mode. |
markdown-toc |
20170711.1949 |
available |
melpa |
A simple TOC generator for markdown file |
markdownfmt |
20160609.1241 |
available |
melpa |
Format markdown using markdownfmt |
markless |
20190306.1002 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for Markless documents |
markup |
20170420.1129 |
available |
melpa |
Simple markup generation helpers. |
markup-faces |
20141110.817 |
available |
melpa |
collection of faces for markup language modes |
marmalade-client |
20141231.2007 |
available |
melpa |
client for marmalade API from emacs |
marshal |
20180124.1239 |
available |
melpa |
eieio extension for automatic (un)marshalling |
maruo-macro-mode |
20160616.1349 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Hidemaru/Maruo macro script |
mastodon |
20190305.344 |
available |
melpa |
Client for Mastodon |
material-theme |
20171123.1840 |
available |
melpa |
A Theme based on the colors of the Google Material Design |
math-symbols |
20170818.1459 |
available |
melpa |
Math Symbol Input methods and conversion tools |
matlab-mode |
20180928.1526 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for MATLAB(R) dot-m files |
maude-mode |
20160222.1607 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs mode for the programming language Maude |
maven-test-mode |
20141220.557 |
available |
melpa |
Utilities for navigating test files and running maven test tasks. |
maxframe |
20170120.1705 |
available |
melpa |
maximize the emacs frame based on display size |
mb-url |
20181225.1724 |
available |
melpa |
Multiple Backends for Emacs URL package. |
mbe |
20151126.1134 |
available |
melpa |
Macros by Example |
mbo70s-theme |
20170808.1315 |
available |
melpa |
70s style palette, with similarities to mbo theme |
mbsync |
20181002.640 |
available |
melpa |
run mbsync to fetch mails |
mc-extras |
20181109.1735 |
available |
melpa |
Extra functions for multiple-cursors mode. |
md-readme |
20160811.1646 |
available |
melpa |
Markdown-formatted READMEs for your ELisp |
md4rd |
20190313.240 |
available |
melpa |
Mode for reddit (browse it). |
mediawiki |
20170813.555 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
mediawiki frontend |
meghanada |
20190426.1358 |
available |
melpa |
A better java development mode |
melancholy-theme |
20190504.220 |
available |
melpa |
No description available. |
mellow-theme |
20170808.1317 |
available |
melpa |
an Emacs 24 theme based on Mellow (tmTheme) |
melpa-upstream-visit |
20130720.1033 |
available |
melpa |
A set of kludges to visit a melpa-hosted package's homepage |
memoize |
20180614.1930 |
available |
melpa |
Memoization functions |
memolist |
20150804.1721 |
available |
melpa |
memolist.el is Emacs port of memolist.vim. |
mentor |
20190417.1244 |
available |
melpa |
Frontend for the rTorrent bittorrent client |
merlin |
20190323.930 |
available |
melpa |
Mode for Merlin, an assistant for OCaml. |
merlin-eldoc |
20190314.806 |
available |
melpa |
eldoc for OCaml and Reason |
mermaid-mode |
20190503.1726 |
available |
melpa |
major mode for working with mermaid graphs |
meson-mode |
20181115.2125 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for the Meson build system files |
messages-are-flowing |
20170219.120 |
available |
melpa |
visible indication when composing "flowed" emails |
meta-presenter |
20190414.1720 |
available |
melpa |
A simple multi-file presentation tool for Emacs |
metalheart-theme |
20160710.641 |
available |
melpa |
Low-contrast theme with a dark blue-green background. |
metamorph |
20180930.2028 |
available |
melpa |
Transform your buffers with lisp |
metascript-mode |
20150709.57 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for the Metascript programming language |
metaweblog |
20190212.238 |
available |
melpa |
An emacs library to access metaweblog based weblogs |
mew |
20190415.338 |
available |
melpa |
Messaging in the Emacs World |
mexican-holidays |
20160109.2142 |
available |
melpa |
Mexico holidays for Emacs calendar. |
mgmtconfig-mode |
20190324.1908 |
available |
melpa |
mgmt configuration management language |
mhc |
20190117.546 |
available |
melpa |
Message Harmonized Calendaring system. |
mic-paren |
20170731.1907 |
available |
melpa |
advanced highlighting of matching parentheses |
micgoline |
20160415.326 |
available |
melpa |
powerline mode, color schemes from microsoft and google's logo. |
midje-mode |
20170809.403 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for running Midje tests in emacs |
migemo |
20190112.516 |
available |
melpa |
Japanese incremental search through dynamic pattern expansion |
milkode |
20140927.529 |
available |
melpa |
Command line search and direct jump with Milkode |
minesweeper |
20150414.522 |
available |
melpa |
play minesweeper in Emacs |
mingus |
20190106.1443 |
available |
melpa |
MPD Interface |
mini-header-line |
20170621.1221 |
available |
melpa |
a minimal header-line |
minibuf-isearch |
20151226.1943 |
available |
melpa |
incremental search on minibuffer history |
minibuffer-complete-cycle |
20130813.1645 |
available |
melpa |
Cycle through the *Completions* buffer |
minibuffer-cua |
20130906.1134 |
available |
melpa |
Make CUA mode's S-up/S-down work in minibuffer |
miniedit |
20100419.1745 |
available |
melpa |
Enhanced editing for minibuffer fields. |
minimal-session-saver |
20140508.2041 |
available |
melpa |
Very lean session saver |
minimal-theme |
20190113.2132 |
available |
melpa |
A light/dark minimalistic Emacs 24 theme. |
minions |
20181030.2101 |
available |
melpa |
A minor-mode menu for the mode line |
minitest |
20160628.1820 |
available |
melpa |
An Emacs mode for ruby minitest files |
minizinc-mode |
20180201.1450 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for MiniZinc code |
minor-mode-hack |
20170926.34 |
available |
melpa |
Change priority of minor-mode keymaps |
mip-mode |
20151127.617 |
available |
melpa |
virtual projects for emacs. |
mips-mode |
20180502.1457 |
available |
melpa |
Major-mode for MIPS assembly |
mixed-pitch |
20190307.2210 |
available |
melpa |
Use a variable pitch, keeping fixed pitch where it's sensible |
mkdown |
20140517.1418 |
available |
melpa |
Pretty Markdown previews based on mkdown.com |
mmm-jinja2 |
20170313.1420 |
available |
melpa |
MMM submode class for Jinja2 Templates |
mmm-mako |
20121020.651 |
available |
melpa |
MMM submode class for Mako Templates |
mmt |
20190101.707 |
available |
melpa |
Missing macro tools for Emacs Lisp |
mo-git-blame |
20160129.1759 |
available |
melpa |
An interactive, iterative 'git blame' mode for Emacs |
mo-vi-ment-mode |
20181217.206 |
available |
melpa |
Provide vi-like cursor movement that's easy on the fingers |
mobdebug-mode |
20140110.346 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for MobDebug |
mocha |
20180321.2322 |
available |
melpa |
Run Mocha or Jasmine tests |
mocha-snippets |
20190417.1931 |
available |
melpa |
Yasnippets for the Mocha JS Testing Framework |
mocker |
20150917.154 |
available |
melpa |
mocking framework for emacs |
modalka |
20190101.700 |
available |
melpa |
Easily introduce native modal editing of your own design |
mode-icons |
20190429.2053 |
available |
melpa |
Show icons for modes |
mode-line-bell |
20181029.516 |
available |
melpa |
Flash the mode line instead of ringing the bell |
mode-line-debug |
20180318.2225 |
available |
melpa |
show status of `debug-on-error' in the mode-line |
modern-cpp-font-lock |
20190331.1528 |
available |
melpa |
Font-locking for "Modern C++" |
modtime-skip-mode |
20140128.2201 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for disabling modtime and supersession checks on files. |
moe-theme |
20180617.200 |
available |
melpa |
A colorful eye-candy theme. Moe, moe, kyun! |
molecule |
20180527.743 |
available |
melpa |
Simple wrapper for molecule |
molokai-theme |
20151016.1545 |
available |
melpa |
molokai theme with Emacs theme engine |
mongo |
20150315.1219 |
available |
melpa |
MongoDB driver for Emacs Lisp |
monitor |
20161018.1144 |
available |
melpa |
Utilities for monitoring expressions. |
monky |
20190502.1417 |
available |
melpa |
Control Hg from Emacs. |
monochrome-theme |
20140326.1050 |
available |
melpa |
A dark Emacs 24 theme for your focused hacking sessions |
monokai-alt-theme |
20170630.2048 |
available |
melpa |
Theme with a dark background. Based on sublime monokai theme. |
monokai-pro-theme |
20190425.2303 |
available |
melpa |
A simple theme based on the Monokai Pro Sublime color schemes |
monokai-theme |
20180730.1329 |
available |
melpa |
A fruity color theme for Emacs. |
monotropic-theme |
20181015.1230 |
available |
melpa |
Monotropic Theme |
monroe |
20190109.1347 |
available |
melpa |
Yet another client for nREPL |
mood-line |
20190422.2105 |
available |
melpa |
A minimal mode-line inspired by doom-modeline. |
mood-one-theme |
20190422.2124 |
available |
melpa |
A dark color scheme inspired by the Doom One theme. |
moody |
20190203.1747 |
available |
melpa |
Tabs and ribbons for the mode line |
moom |
20180910.438 |
available |
melpa |
Commands to control frame position and size |
moonscript |
20170831.2226 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing MoonScript code |
morganey-mode |
20170118.934 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Morganey files |
morlock |
20180318.2023 |
available |
melpa |
more font-lock keywords for elisp |
mosey |
20180614.1649 |
available |
melpa |
Mosey around your buffers |
mote-mode |
20160123.29 |
available |
melpa |
Mote minor mode |
motion-mode |
20140920.156 |
available |
melpa |
major mode for RubyMotion enviroment |
mouse-slider-mode |
20161021.1914 |
available |
melpa |
scale numbers dragged under the mouse |
move-dup |
20190408.1246 |
available |
melpa |
Eclipse-like moving and duplicating lines or rectangles. |
move-text |
20170909.330 |
available |
melpa |
Move current line or region with M-up or M-down. |
mowedline |
20161122.235 |
available |
melpa |
elisp utilities for using mowedline |
moz |
20150805.1706 |
available |
melpa |
Lets current buffer interact with inferior mozilla. |
moz-controller |
20151209.206 |
available |
melpa |
Control Firefox from Emacs |
mozc |
20180101.800 |
available |
melpa |
minor mode to input Japanese with Mozc |
mozc-im |
20160412.22 |
available |
melpa |
Mozc with input-method-function interface. |
mozc-popup |
20150224.34 |
available |
melpa |
Mozc with popup |
mozc-temp |
20160228.840 |
available |
melpa |
Use mozc temporarily |
mpages |
20150710.1404 |
available |
melpa |
An Emacs buffer for quickly writing your Morning Pages |
mpdel |
20190428.918 |
available |
melpa |
Play and control your MPD music |
mpmc-queue |
20180303.2029 |
available |
melpa |
a multiple-producer-multiple-consumer queue |
mpv |
20180602.1014 |
available |
melpa |
control mpv for easy note-taking |
mqr |
20180527.1204 |
available |
melpa |
Multi-dimensional query and replace |
mqtt-mode |
20180605.1731 |
available |
melpa |
client for interaction with MQTT servers |
ms-python |
20190413.516 |
available |
melpa |
A lsp client for microsoft python language server. |
msvc |
20190426.1045 |
available |
melpa |
Microsoft Visual C/C++ mode |
mtg-deck-mode |
20180613.2010 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode to edit MTG decks |
mu-cite |
20160130.1100 |
available |
melpa |
A library to provide MIME features. |
mu4e-alert |
20190418.558 |
available |
melpa |
Desktop notification for mu4e |
mu4e-conversation |
20190305.1636 |
available |
melpa |
Show a complete thread in a single buffer |
mu4e-jump-to-list |
20190419.1442 |
available |
melpa |
mu4e jump-to-list extension |
mu4e-maildirs-extension |
20180606.812 |
available |
melpa |
Show mu4e maildirs summary in mu4e-main-view |
mu4e-overview |
20190421.612 |
available |
melpa |
Show overview of maildir |
mu4e-query-fragments |
20170923.1322 |
available |
melpa |
mu4e query fragments extension |
muban |
20180415.1219 |
available |
melpa |
Lightweight template expansion tool |
multi |
20131013.1544 |
available |
melpa |
Clojure-style multi-methods for emacs lisp |
multi-compile |
20160306.2223 |
available |
melpa |
Multi target interface to compile. |
multi-line |
20170822.226 |
available |
melpa |
multi-line statements |
multi-project |
20190217.1632 |
available |
melpa |
Find files, compile, and search for multiple projects. |
multi-run |
20190401.2158 |
available |
melpa |
Manage multiple terminals and run commands on them |
multi-term |
20160619.933 |
available |
melpa |
Managing multiple terminal buffers in Emacs. |
multi-web-mode |
20130824.354 |
available |
melpa |
multiple major mode support for web editing |
multicolumn |
20150202.2251 |
available |
melpa |
Creating and managing multiple side-by-side windows. |
multifiles |
20130615.2133 |
available |
melpa |
View and edit parts of multiple files in one buffer |
multiple-cursors |
20190317.1211 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Multiple cursors for Emacs. |
multitran |
20190402.2004 |
available |
melpa |
Interface to multitran |
mustache |
20170923.1233 |
available |
melpa |
a mustache templating library in emacs lisp |
mustache-mode |
20141024.1432 |
available |
melpa |
A major mode for editing Mustache files. |
mustang-theme |
20170719.946 |
available |
melpa |
port of vim's mustang theme |
mustard-theme |
20170808.1319 |
available |
melpa |
an Emacs 24 theme based on Mustard (tmTheme) |
mutant |
20160124.1353 |
available |
melpa |
An interface for the Mutant testing tool |
mutt-mode |
20190302.1515 |
available |
melpa |
major mode for editing mutt configuration |
mvn |
20181002.1617 |
available |
melpa |
helpers for compiling with maven |
mw-thesaurus |
20180629.525 |
available |
melpa |
Merriam-Webster Thesaurus |
mwim |
20181110.1900 |
available |
melpa |
Switch between the beginning/end of line or code |
mxf-view |
20180501.740 |
available |
melpa |
Simple MXF viewer |
myanmar-input-methods |
20160106.1537 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs Input Method for Myanmar |
mykie |
20150808.2205 |
available |
melpa |
Command multiplexer: Register multiple functions to a keybind |
mynt-mode |
20150512.2049 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode to work with the mynt static site generator |
mysql-to-org |
20181012.2034 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode to output the results of mysql queries to org tables |
mysql2sqlite |
20170725.2216 |
available |
melpa |
Convert mysql databases into sqlite databases. |
myterminal-controls |
20190426.421 |
available |
melpa |
Quick toggle controls at a key-stroke |
n4js |
20150714.231 |
available |
melpa |
Neo4j Shell |
name-this-color |
20151014.2030 |
available |
melpa |
Match RGB codes to names easily and precisely |
named-timer |
20181120.2224 |
available |
melpa |
Simplified timer management for Emacs Lisp |
nameframe |
20171107.56 |
available |
melpa |
Manage frames by name. |
nameframe-perspective |
20170406.119 |
available |
melpa |
Nameframe integration with perspective.el |
nameframe-projectile |
20160928.403 |
available |
melpa |
Nameframe integration with Projectile |
namespaces |
20130326.2250 |
available |
melpa |
An implementation of namespaces for Elisp, with an emphasis on immutabilty. |
nand2tetris |
20171201.1813 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for HDL files in the nand2tetris course |
nand2tetris-assembler |
20171201.1813 |
available |
melpa |
Assembler For the Nand2tetris Course |
nanowrimo |
20151105.228 |
available |
melpa |
Track progress for nanowrimo |
naquadah-theme |
20190225.1427 |
available |
melpa |
A theme based on Tango color set |
narrow-reindent |
20150722.1906 |
available |
melpa |
Defines a minor mode to left-align narrowed regions. |
narrowed-page-navigation |
20150109.519 |
available |
melpa |
A minor mode for showing one page at a time |
nash-mode |
20160830.1212 |
available |
melpa |
Nash major mode |
nasm-mode |
20190410.342 |
available |
melpa |
NASM x86 assembly major mode |
nav |
20120507.707 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs mode for filesystem navigation |
nav-flash |
20140508.2041 |
available |
melpa |
Briefly highlight the current line |
navi-mode |
20190102.123 |
available |
melpa |
major-mode for easy buffer-navigation |
navi2ch |
20150330.216 |
available |
melpa |
Navigator for 2ch for Emacsen |
navorski |
20141203.1824 |
available |
melpa |
Helping you live in the terminal, like Viktor did. |
ncl-mode |
20180129.703 |
available |
melpa |
Major Mode for editing NCL scripts and other goodies |
nclip |
20130617.2015 |
available |
melpa |
Network (HTTP) Clipboard |
neato-graph-bar |
20181130.1649 |
available |
melpa |
Neat-o graph bars CPU/memory etc. |
nemerle |
20161029.2023 |
available |
melpa |
major mode for editing nemerle programs |
neon-mode |
20180406.1156 |
available |
melpa |
Simple major mode for editing neon files |
neotree |
20181121.2026 |
available |
melpa |
A tree plugin like NerdTree for Vim |
nerdtab |
20180811.339 |
available |
melpa |
Keyboard-oriented tabs |
netease-music |
20181028.1254 |
available |
melpa |
listen netease music |
netherlands-holidays |
20150202.1617 |
available |
melpa |
Netherlands holidays for Emacs calendar. |
netrunner |
20160910.2332 |
available |
melpa |
Create Android: Netrunner decklists using Company, Helm and org-mode |
network-watch |
20171123.1146 |
available |
melpa |
Support for intermittent network connectivity |
never-comment |
20140104.2207 |
available |
melpa |
Never blocks are comment |
newlisp-mode |
20160226.1545 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
newLISP editing mode for Emacs |
nexus |
20140114.1305 |
available |
melpa |
REST Client for Nexus Maven Repository servers |
ng2-mode |
20181212.10 |
available |
melpa |
Major modes for editing Angular 2 |
nginx-mode |
20170612.437 |
available |
melpa |
major mode for editing nginx config files |
niceify-info |
20160416.1244 |
available |
melpa |
improve usability of Info pages |
niconama |
20170910.1501 |
available |
melpa |
Tools for Niconico Live Broadcast |
night-owl-theme |
20180630.2131 |
available |
melpa |
A color theme for the night owls out there |
nikola |
20170703.2021 |
available |
melpa |
Simple wrapper for nikola |
nim-mode |
20190503.1027 |
available |
melpa |
A major mode for the Nim programming language |
nimbus-theme |
20190423.923 |
available |
melpa |
An awesome dark theme. |
ninja-mode |
20181024.1439 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing .ninja files |
nix-buffer |
20180212.1518 |
available |
melpa |
Set up buffer environments with nix |
nix-mode |
20190119.925 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing .nix files |
nix-sandbox |
20171004.1706 |
available |
melpa |
Utility functions to work with nix-shell sandboxes |
nix-update |
20190124.1935 |
available |
melpa |
Update "fetch" blocks in .nix expressions |
nixos-options |
20160209.1841 |
available |
melpa |
Interface for browsing and completing NixOS options. |
nlinum-hl |
20190301.2117 |
available |
melpa |
heal nlinum's line numbers |
nlinum-relative |
20160526.708 |
available |
melpa |
Relative line number with nlinum |
nm |
20151110.1910 |
available |
melpa |
NEVERMORE: an email interface for Notmuch |
nnir-est |
20180710.2103 |
available |
melpa |
Gnus nnir interface for HyperEstraier |
no-emoji |
20180515.1837 |
available |
melpa |
Show :emoji-name: instead of emoji characters |
no-littering |
20190409.1154 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
help keeping ~/.emacs.d clean |
noaa |
20190202.1634 |
available |
melpa |
Get NOAA weather data |
noccur |
20150514.2120 |
available |
melpa |
Run multi-occur on project/dired files |
nocomments-mode |
20170213.2037 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Minor mode that makes comments invisible. |
noctilux-theme |
20161113.1442 |
available |
melpa |
Dark theme inspired by LightTable |
node-resolver |
20140930.1723 |
available |
melpa |
hook to install node modules in background |
nodejs-repl |
20181024.1654 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Run Node.js REPL |
nodemcu-mode |
20180501.2225 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for NodeMCU |
nodenv |
20181023.1543 |
available |
melpa |
Integration with nodenv |
noflet |
20141102.1454 |
available |
melpa |
locally override functions |
nofrils-acme-theme |
20180620.1248 |
available |
melpa |
Port of "No Frils Acme" Vim theme. |
nord-theme |
20180913.1749 |
available |
melpa |
An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant theme |
nordless-theme |
20180613.750 |
available |
melpa |
A mostly colorless theme |
northcode-theme |
20180423.1649 |
available |
melpa |
A dark theme focused on blue and orange colors. |
nose |
20140520.1648 |
available |
melpa |
Easy Python test running in Emacs |
notmuch |
20190426.1118 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
run notmuch within emacs |
notmuch-labeler |
20131230.1719 |
available |
melpa |
Improve notmuch way of displaying labels |
nov |
20190115.1854 |
available |
melpa |
Featureful EPUB reader mode |
nova-theme |
20190416.1856 |
available |
melpa |
A dark, pastel color theme |
noxml-fold |
20170823.1357 |
available |
melpa |
Fold away XML things. |
npm-mode |
20180720.1701 |
available |
melpa |
minor mode for working with npm projects |
nrepl-eval-sexp-fu |
20140311.1041 |
available |
melpa |
Tiny functionality enhancements for evaluating sexps. |
nrepl-sync |
20140807.1554 |
available |
melpa |
connect to nrepl port and eval .sync.clj. |
ns-auto-titlebar |
20181022.2154 |
available |
melpa |
Set the MacOS transparent titlebar to match theme |
nsis-mode |
20180719.308 |
available |
melpa |
NSIS-mode |
nswbuff |
20190320.740 |
available |
melpa |
Quick switching between buffers. |
nu-mode |
20190404.2032 |
available |
melpa |
Modern Emacs Prompts Based Keybinding. |
nubox |
20170619.910 |
available |
melpa |
Nubox color theme (dark, light and tty versions) |
number |
20170901.1312 |
available |
melpa |
Working with numbers at point. |
number-lock |
20160830.200 |
available |
melpa |
Enter symbols on your number keys without pressing shift |
numbers |
20170802.1134 |
available |
melpa |
Display information and trivia about numbers |
nummm-mode |
20131117.1014 |
available |
melpa |
Display the number of minor modes instead of their names |
nv-delete-back |
20170224.1249 |
available |
melpa |
backward delete like modern text editors |
nvm |
20171217.1636 |
available |
melpa |
Manage Node versions within Emacs |
nyan-mode |
20170423.740 |
available |
melpa |
Nyan Cat shows position in current buffer in mode-line. |
nyx-theme |
20170910.1307 |
available |
melpa |
Dark theme |
nz-holidays |
20190415.703 |
available |
melpa |
New Zealand public holidays for calendar. |
o-blog |
20151202.2339 |
available |
melpa |
Standalone orgmode blog exporter |
oauth |
20130128.151 |
available |
melpa |
Oauth library. |
ob-ammonite |
20190219.751 |
available |
melpa |
org-babel for scala evaluation in Ammonite. |
ob-applescript |
20160914.2027 |
available |
melpa |
org-babel functions for template evaluation |
ob-async |
20190220.710 |
available |
melpa |
Asynchronous org-babel src block execution |
ob-axiom |
20190223.1231 |
available |
melpa |
An org-babel backend for the axiom-environment system |
ob-blockdiag |
20170728.101 |
available |
melpa |
org-babel functions for blockdiag evaluation |
ob-browser |
20170720.1918 |
available |
melpa |
Render HTML in org-mode blocks. |
ob-cfengine3 |
20190329.2203 |
available |
melpa |
Org Babel functions for CFEngine 3 |
ob-clojurescript |
20180406.1828 |
available |
melpa |
org-babel functions for ClojureScript evaluation |
ob-coffee |
20170725.1424 |
available |
melpa |
org-babel functions for coffee-script evaluation |
ob-coffeescript |
20180126.719 |
available |
melpa |
org-babel functions for coffee-script evaluation, and fully implementation! |
ob-crystal |
20180126.718 |
available |
melpa |
org-babel functions for Crystal evaluation |
ob-cypher |
20170725.1420 |
available |
melpa |
query neo4j using cypher in org-mode blocks |
ob-dao |
20170816.1558 |
available |
melpa |
Org Babel Functions for Dao |
ob-dart |
20170106.1624 |
available |
melpa |
org-babel functions for Dart evaluation |
ob-diagrams |
20160407.1237 |
available |
melpa |
org-babel functions for diagrams evaluation |
ob-elixir |
20170725.1419 |
available |
melpa |
org-babel functions for elixir evaluation |
ob-elvish |
20180427.1900 |
available |
melpa |
org-babel functions for Elvish shell |
ob-fsharp |
20170618.1429 |
available |
melpa |
Org-Babel F# |
ob-go |
20190201.2040 |
available |
melpa |
org-babel functions for go evaluation |
ob-html-chrome |
20181219.1042 |
available |
melpa |
HTML code blocks converted to PNG using Chrome |
ob-http |
20180707.1448 |
available |
melpa |
http request in org-mode babel |
ob-hy |
20180702.540 |
available |
melpa |
org-babel functions for Hy-lang evaluation |
ob-ipython |
20180224.953 |
available |
melpa |
org-babel functions for IPython evaluation |
ob-kotlin |
20180823.1321 |
available |
melpa |
org-babel functions for kotlin evaluation |
ob-lfe |
20170725.1420 |
available |
melpa |
org-babel functions for lfe evaluation |
ob-mermaid |
20180522.1659 |
available |
melpa |
org-babel support for mermaid evaluation |
ob-ml-marklogic |
20190312.1314 |
available |
melpa |
org-babel functions for MarkLogic evaluation |
ob-mongo |
20170720.1919 |
available |
melpa |
Execute mongodb queries within org-mode blocks. |
ob-nim |
20170809.1830 |
available |
melpa |
Babel Functions for nim |
ob-prolog |
20190410.2130 |
available |
melpa |
org-babel functions for prolog evaluation. |
ob-restclient |
20180904.709 |
available |
melpa |
org-babel functions for restclient-mode |
ob-rust |
20180911.1535 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Org-babel functions for Rust |
ob-sagemath |
20170131.233 |
available |
melpa |
org-babel functions for SageMath evaluation |
ob-sml |
20130829.1843 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
org-babel functions for template evaluation |
ob-sql-mode |
20190421.1539 |
available |
melpa |
SQL code blocks evaluated by sql-mode |
ob-swift |
20170921.1325 |
available |
melpa |
org-babel functions for swift evaluation |
ob-tmux |
20180831.1017 |
available |
melpa |
Babel Support for Interactive Terminal |
ob-translate |
20170720.1919 |
available |
melpa |
Translation of text blocks in org-mode. |
ob-typescript |
20150804.1230 |
available |
melpa |
org-babel functions for typescript evaluation |
ob-uart |
20170521.858 |
available |
melpa |
org-babel support for UART communication |
oberon |
20120715.909 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Oberon/Oberon-2 program texts |
obfusurl |
20170809.1524 |
available |
melpa |
Obfuscate URLs so they aren't spoilers |
objc-font-lock |
20141021.1822 |
available |
melpa |
Highlight Objective-C method calls. |
obsidian-theme |
20170719.948 |
available |
melpa |
port of the eclipse obsidian theme |
occidental-theme |
20130312.1958 |
available |
melpa |
Custom theme for faces based on Adwaita |
occur-context-resize |
20170904.2309 |
available |
melpa |
dynamically resize context around matches in occur-mode |
occur-x |
20130610.1343 |
available |
melpa |
Extra functionality for occur |
oceanic-theme |
20161015.819 |
available |
melpa |
Oceanic theme. |
ocodo-svg-modelines |
20150516.1419 |
available |
melpa |
A collection of beautiful SVG modelines |
ocp-indent |
20180417.1549 |
available |
melpa |
automatic indentation with ocp-indent |
octicons |
20151101.340 |
available |
melpa |
octicons utility |
octo-mode |
20161008.1229 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for Octo assembly language |
octopress |
20190123.107 |
available |
melpa |
A lightweight wrapper for Jekyll and Octopress. |
oer-reveal |
20190418.1223 |
available |
melpa |
OER with reveal.js, plugins, and org-re-reveal |
offlineimap |
20150916.1158 |
available |
melpa |
Run OfflineIMAP from Emacs |
old-norse-input |
20170816.1842 |
available |
melpa |
An input method for Old Norse |
oldlace-theme |
20150705.1300 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs 24 theme with an 'oldlace' background. |
om-mode |
20140915.2110 |
available |
melpa |
Insert Om component template with life cycle. |
omni-kill |
20171016.2140 |
available |
melpa |
Kill all the things |
omni-log |
20170930.1235 |
available |
melpa |
Logging utilities |
omni-quotes |
20170425.1832 |
available |
melpa |
Random quotes displayer |
omni-scratch |
20171009.2151 |
available |
melpa |
Easy and mode-specific draft buffers |
omni-tags |
20170426.2109 |
available |
melpa |
Highlight and Actions for 'Tags' |
omnibox |
20180423.49 |
available |
melpa |
Selection package |
omnisharp |
20190422.748 |
available |
melpa |
Omnicompletion (intellisense) and more for C# |
omtose-phellack-theme |
20161111.2120 |
available |
melpa |
A dark theme, with cold bluish touch. |
on-parens |
20180202.2241 |
available |
melpa |
smartparens wrapper to fit with evil-mode/vim normal-state |
one-themes |
20190424.740 |
available |
melpa |
One Colorscheme |
one-time-pad-encrypt |
20160329.1513 |
available |
melpa |
One time pad encryption within file |
opam |
20150719.1220 |
available |
melpa |
OPAM tools |
open-in-msvs |
20170123.2228 |
available |
melpa |
Open current file:line:column in Microsoft Visual Studio |
open-junk-file |
20161210.1114 |
available |
melpa |
Open a junk (memo) file to try-and-error |
opencc |
20170722.816 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
中文简繁转换 <-> 中文簡繁轉換 (Convert Chinese with OpenCC) |
opencl-mode |
20170816.1249 |
available |
melpa |
Syntax coloring for opencl kernels |
opener |
20161207.1810 |
available |
melpa |
opening urls as buffers |
opensource |
20160926.1616 |
available |
melpa |
Client for Opensource API |
openstack-cgit-browse-file |
20130819.927 |
available |
melpa |
Browse the current file in OpenStack cgit |
openwith |
20120531.2136 |
available |
melpa |
Open files with external programs |
operate-on-number |
20150707.623 |
available |
melpa |
Operate on number at point with arithmetic functions |
orca |
20171030.1916 |
available |
melpa |
Org Capture |
ordinal |
20190104.1421 |
available |
melpa |
Convert number to ordinal number notation |
org-ac |
20170401.1307 |
available |
melpa |
Some auto-complete sources for org-mode |
org-agenda-property |
20140626.2116 |
available |
melpa |
Display org properties in the agenda buffer. |
org-alert |
20180524.133 |
available |
melpa |
Notify org deadlines via notify-send |
org-attach-screenshot |
20180420.525 |
available |
melpa |
screenshots integrated with org attachment dirs |
org-autolist |
20170924.1901 |
available |
melpa |
Improved list management in org-mode |
org-babel-eval-in-repl |
20170511.1214 |
available |
melpa |
Eval org-mode babel code blocks in various REPLs. |
org-beautify-theme |
20170908.2218 |
available |
melpa |
A sub-theme to make org-mode more beautiful. |
org-board |
20190203.1424 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
bookmarking and web archival system for Org mode. |
org-bookmark-heading |
20180904.1709 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs bookmark support for org-mode |
org-brain |
20190305.1416 |
available |
melpa |
Org-mode concept mapping |
org-bullets |
20180208.2343 |
available |
melpa |
Show bullets in org-mode as UTF-8 characters |
org-caldav |
20180403.2036 |
available |
melpa |
Sync org files with external calendar through CalDAV |
org-capture-pop-frame |
20160518.1008 |
available |
melpa |
Run org-capture in a new pop frame |
org-category-capture |
20180601.242 |
available |
melpa |
Contextualy capture of org-mode TODOs. |
org-chef |
20190320.2317 |
available |
melpa |
Cookbook and recipe management with org-mode. |
org-cliplink |
20181022.1239 |
available |
melpa |
insert org-mode links from the clipboard |
org-clock-convenience |
20190130.1610 |
available |
melpa |
convenience functions for org time tracking |
org-clock-csv |
20190418.1505 |
available |
melpa |
Export `org-mode' clock entries to CSV format. |
org-clock-split |
20180909.2047 |
available |
melpa |
Split clock entries |
org-clock-today |
20161014.920 |
available |
melpa |
Show the total clocked time of the current day in the mode line |
org-commentary |
20160802.637 |
available |
melpa |
generate or update conventional library headers using Org mode files |
org-context |
20170107.1337 |
available |
melpa |
Contextual capture and agenda commands for Org-mode |
org-cua-dwim |
20120203.534 |
available |
melpa |
Org-mode and Cua mode compatibility layer |
org-d20 |
20190415.2010 |
available |
melpa |
minor mode for d20 tabletop roleplaying games |
org-dashboard |
20171223.1924 |
available |
melpa |
Visually summarize progress in org files |
org-doing |
20161017.1620 |
available |
melpa |
Keep track of what you're doing |
org-dotemacs |
20190116.2155 |
available |
melpa |
Store your emacs config as an org file, and choose which bits to load. |
org-download |
20190404.1305 |
available |
melpa |
Image drag-and-drop for Emacs org-mode |
org-dp |
20180311.923 |
available |
melpa |
Declarative Local Programming with Org Elements |
org-drill-table |
20180115.1009 |
available |
melpa |
Generate drill cards from org tables |
org-dropbox |
20150114.509 |
available |
melpa |
move Dropbox notes from phone into org-mode datetree |
org-easy-img-insert |
20160915.2008 |
available |
melpa |
An easier way to add images from the web in org mode |
org-edit-latex |
20170908.1522 |
available |
melpa |
Edit embedded LaTeX in a dedicated buffer |
org-ehtml |
20150506.2358 |
available |
melpa |
Export Org-mode files as editable web pages |
org-elisp-help |
20161122.55 |
available |
melpa |
org links to emacs-lisp documentation |
org-emms |
20181010.1114 |
available |
melpa |
Play multimedia files from org-mode |
org-evil |
20180620.1517 |
available |
melpa |
Evil extensions for Org. |
org-fancy-priorities |
20180328.2331 |
available |
melpa |
Display org priorities as custom strings |
org-gcal |
20190401.1741 |
available |
melpa |
Org sync with Google Calendar |
org-gnome |
20150614.1457 |
available |
melpa |
Orgmode integration with the GNOME desktop |
org-grep |
20151202.1229 |
available |
melpa |
Kind of M-x rgrep adapted for Org mode. |
org-if |
20150920.1513 |
available |
melpa |
Interactive Fiction Authoring System for Org-Mode. |
org-index |
20190330.735 |
available |
melpa |
A personal adaptive index for org |
org-iv |
20171001.1022 |
available |
melpa |
a tool used to view html (in browser) generated by org-file once the org-file changes |
org-jira |
20190502.1337 |
available |
melpa |
Syncing between Jira and Org-mode. |
org-journal |
20190423.1849 |
available |
melpa |
a simple org-mode based journaling mode |
org-journal-list |
20190221.2052 |
available |
melpa |
Org mode Journal List |
org-kanban |
20190423.533 |
available |
melpa |
kanban dynamic block for org-mode. |
org-kindle |
20190315.439 |
available |
melpa |
Send org link file to ebook reader. |
org-link-minor-mode |
20170805.1852 |
available |
melpa |
Enable org-mode links in non-org modes |
org-link-travis |
20140405.2327 |
available |
melpa |
Insert/Export the link of Travis CI on org-mode |
org-linkany |
20160207.411 |
available |
melpa |
Insert link using anything.el/helm.el on org-mode |
org-listcruncher |
20180815.603 |
available |
melpa |
Parse Org mode list contents into table |
org-make-toc |
20190104.512 |
available |
melpa |
Automatic tables of contents for Org files |
org-mime |
20190402.1021 |
available |
melpa |
org html export for text/html MIME emails |
org-mind-map |
20180826.2340 |
available |
melpa |
Creates a directed graph from org-mode files |
org-mobile-sync |
20180606.524 |
available |
melpa |
automatically sync org-mobile on changes |
org-mru-clock |
20180419.1306 |
available |
melpa |
clock in/out of tasks with completion and persistent history |
org-msg |
20181111.1815 |
available |
melpa |
Org mode to send and reply to email in HTML. |
org-multiple-keymap |
20150329.106 |
available |
melpa |
Set keymap to elements, such as timestamp and priority. |
org-notebook |
20170322.452 |
available |
melpa |
Ease the use of org-mode as a notebook |
org-noter |
20190502.1425 |
available |
melpa |
A synchronized, Org-mode, document annotator |
org-octopress |
20170821.415 |
available |
melpa |
Compose octopress articles using org-mode. |
org-onenote |
20171008.500 |
available |
melpa |
export org-mode document to onenote. |
org-outline-numbering |
20180705.1501 |
available |
melpa |
Show outline numbering as overlays in org-mode |
org-outlook |
20160705.1338 |
available |
melpa |
Outlook org |
org-page |
20170807.224 |
available |
melpa |
a static site generator based on org mode |
org-parser |
20190207.521 |
available |
melpa |
parse org files into structured datatypes. |
org-password-manager |
20180227.1810 |
available |
melpa |
Password manager for Org Mode. |
org-pdfview |
20180225.1006 |
available |
melpa |
Support for links to documents in pdfview mode |
org-pivotal |
20181216.1436 |
available |
melpa |
Sync Pivotal Tracker to org buffer |
org-pomodoro |
20190426.2113 |
available |
melpa |
Pomodoro implementation for org-mode. |
org-present |
20180303.2330 |
available |
melpa |
Minimalist presentation minor-mode for Emacs org-mode. |
org-present-remote |
20181001.2141 |
available |
melpa |
A web-based remote control for org-present |
org-pretty-tags |
20190423.1645 |
available |
melpa |
Surrogates for tags |
org-preview-html |
20180625.619 |
available |
melpa |
automatically use eww to preview the current org file on save |
org-projectile |
20190130.1439 |
available |
melpa |
Repository todo management for org-mode |
org-projectile-helm |
20180601.1822 |
available |
melpa |
helm functions for org-projectile |
org-protocol-jekyll |
20170328.1639 |
available |
melpa |
Jekyll's handler for org-protocol |
org-radiobutton |
20180612.1028 |
available |
melpa |
Radiobutton for org-mode lists. |
org-random-todo |
20190214.2057 |
available |
melpa |
show a random TODO (with alert) every so often |
org-randomnote |
20190403.1633 |
available |
melpa |
Find a random note in your Org-Mode files |
org-re-reveal |
20190501.1553 |
available |
melpa |
Org export to reveal.js presentations |
org-re-reveal-ref |
20190301.1504 |
available |
melpa |
Citations and bibliography for org-re-reveal |
org-readme |
20151204.1217 |
incompat |
melpa |
Integrates Readme.org and Commentary/Change-logs. |
org-recent-headings |
20190115.1540 |
available |
melpa |
Jump to recently used Org headings |
org-recur |
20190304.1035 |
available |
melpa |
Recurring org-mode tasks. |
org-redmine |
20160711.1114 |
available |
melpa |
Redmine tools using Emacs OrgMode |
org-ref |
20190422.1744 |
available |
melpa |
citations, cross-references and bibliographies in org-mode |
org-repo-todo |
20171228.119 |
available |
melpa |
Simple repository todo management with org-mode |
org-reverse-datetree |
20190504.2008 |
available |
melpa |
Create reverse date trees in org-mode |
org-review |
20160907.537 |
available |
melpa |
schedule reviews for Org entries |
org-rich-yank |
20181120.1354 |
available |
melpa |
paste with org-mode markup and link to source |
org-rtm |
20160214.1236 |
available |
melpa |
Simple import/export from rememberthemilk to org-mode |
org-seek |
20161217.502 |
available |
melpa |
Searching Org-mode files with search tools. |
org-send-ebook |
20181016.800 |
available |
melpa |
Send org link file to ebook reader. |
org-snooze |
20181229.1424 |
available |
melpa |
Snooze your code, doc and feed |
org-sql |
20190403.335 |
available |
melpa |
Org-Mode SQL converter |
org-starter |
20190411.1323 |
available |
melpa |
A basic configuration framework for org mode |
org-static-blog |
20190403.1226 |
available |
melpa |
a simple org-mode based static blog generator |
org-sticky-header |
20190406.2313 |
available |
melpa |
Show off-screen Org heading at top of window |
org-super-agenda |
20190315.621 |
available |
melpa |
Supercharge your agenda |
org-sync |
20181204.23 |
available |
melpa |
Synchronize Org documents with External Issue Trackers |
org-sync-snippets |
20190318.1744 |
available |
melpa |
Export snippets to org-mode and vice versa |
org-table-comment |
20120209.1851 |
available |
melpa |
Org table comment modes. |
org-table-sticky-header |
20170409.114 |
available |
melpa |
Sticky header for org-mode tables |
org-tfl |
20170923.1218 |
available |
melpa |
Transport for London meets Orgmode |
org-themis |
20160122.404 |
available |
melpa |
Experimental project management mode for org-mode |
org-time-budgets |
20151111.801 |
available |
melpa |
Define time budgets and display clocked time. |
org-timeline |
20190213.1906 |
available |
melpa |
Add graphical view of agenda to agenda buffer. |
org-toodledo |
20150301.1113 |
available |
melpa |
Toodledo integration for Emacs Org mode |
org-tracktable |
20161118.1329 |
available |
melpa |
Track your writing progress in an org-table |
org-transform-tree-table |
20150110.1433 |
available |
melpa |
Transform org-mode tree with properties to a table, and the other way around |
org-tree-slide |
20181226.947 |
available |
melpa |
A presentation tool for org-mode |
org-trello |
20190304.900 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode to synchronize org-mode buffer and trello board |
org-variable-pitch |
20190409.1815 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for variable pitch text in org mode. |
org-vcard |
20170929.1110 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
org-mode support for vCard export and import. |
org-wc |
20180610.253 |
available |
melpa |
Count words in org mode trees. |
org-web-tools |
20190115.1752 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Display and capture web content with Org-mode |
org-wild-notifier |
20190312.1713 |
available |
melpa |
Customizable org-agenda notifications |
org-wunderlist |
20150818.213 |
available |
melpa |
Org sync with Wunderlist |
org2blog |
20190309.442 |
available |
melpa |
Blog from Org mode to wordpress |
org2ctex |
20181012.151 |
available |
melpa |
Export org to ctex (a latex macro for Chinese) |
org2elcomment |
20170324.945 |
available |
melpa |
Convert Org file to Elisp comments |
org2issue |
20160427.118 |
available |
melpa |
export org to github issue |
org2jekyll |
20170225.915 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode to publish org-mode post to jekyll without specific yaml |
org2web |
20171005.2317 |
available |
melpa |
A static site generator based on org mode. |
organic-green-theme |
20180522.1620 |
available |
melpa |
Low-contrast green color theme. |
organize-imports-java |
20190304.1847 |
available |
melpa |
Mimic Eclipse's Organize Imports functionality. |
orgbox |
20180827.218 |
available |
melpa |
Mailbox-like task scheduling Org. |
orgit |
20190417.1724 |
available |
melpa |
support for Org links to Magit buffers |
orglink |
20180318.2023 |
available |
melpa |
use Org Mode links in other modes |
orglue |
20171220.1226 |
available |
melpa |
more functionality to org-mode. |
orgnav |
20170608.1713 |
available |
melpa |
Org tree navigation using helm |
orgtbl-aggregate |
20180731.2154 |
available |
melpa |
Create an aggregated Org table from another one |
orgtbl-ascii-plot |
20151215.2151 |
available |
melpa |
ascii-art bar plots in org-mode tables |
orgtbl-join |
20150121.2246 |
available |
melpa |
join columns from another table |
orgtbl-show-header |
20141023.837 |
available |
melpa |
Show the header of the current column in the minibuffer |
origami |
20180101.1553 |
available |
melpa |
Flexible text folding |
osx-browse |
20140508.2041 |
available |
melpa |
Web browsing helpers for OS X |
osx-clipboard |
20141012.717 |
available |
melpa |
Use the OS X clipboard from terminal Emacs |
osx-dictionary |
20171026.734 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Interface for OSX Dictionary.app |
osx-lib |
20160920.0 |
available |
melpa |
Basic function for Apple/OSX. |
osx-location |
20150613.917 |
available |
melpa |
Watch and respond to changes in geographical location on OS X |
osx-org-clock-menubar |
20150205.2111 |
available |
melpa |
simple menubar integration for org-clock |
osx-pseudo-daemon |
20170722.607 |
available |
melpa |
Daemon mode that plays nice with OSX. |
osx-trash |
20160520.1300 |
available |
melpa |
System trash for OS X |
otama |
20160404.1032 |
available |
melpa |
Org-table Manipulator |
other-emacs-eval |
20180408.1348 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Evaluate the Emacs Lisp expression in other Emacs |
outline-magic |
20180619.1819 |
available |
melpa |
outline mode extensions for Emacs |
outline-minor-faces |
20181122.1121 |
available |
melpa |
Headings faces for outline-minor-mode |
outline-toc |
20170730.1130 |
available |
melpa |
Sidebar showing a "table of contents". |
outlined-elisp-mode |
20131108.1127 |
available |
melpa |
outline-minor-mode settings for emacs lisp |
outlook |
20180428.1430 |
available |
melpa |
send emails in MS Outlook style |
outorg |
20181224.921 |
available |
melpa |
Org-style comment editing |
outrespace |
20180711.1432 |
available |
melpa |
c++ namespace utility functions |
outshine |
20190313.1153 |
available |
melpa |
outline with outshine outshines outline |
ov |
20150312.528 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Overlay library for Emacs Lisp |
overcast-theme |
20190326.1646 |
available |
melpa |
A dark but vibrant color theme for Emacs |
overseer |
20180226.619 |
available |
melpa |
Ert-runner Integration Into Emacs |
ovpn-mode |
20190422.348 |
available |
melpa |
an openvpn management mode |
owdriver |
20170401.1312 |
available |
melpa |
Quickly perform various actions on other windows |
ox-asciidoc |
20181230.620 |
available |
melpa |
AsciiDoc Back-End for Org Export Engine |
ox-bibtex-chinese |
20170723.309 |
available |
melpa |
Let ox-bibtex work well for Chinese users |
ox-clip |
20180306.340 |
available |
melpa |
Cross-platform formatted copying for org-mode |
ox-epub |
20181101.1854 |
available |
melpa |
Export org mode projects to EPUB |
ox-gfm |
20170628.2102 |
available |
melpa |
Github Flavored Markdown Back-End for Org Export Engine |
ox-html5slide |
20131228.606 |
available |
melpa |
Export org-mode to HTML5 slide. |
ox-hugo |
20190429.1536 |
available |
melpa |
Hugo Markdown Back-End for Org Export Engine |
ox-impress-js |
20150412.1716 |
available |
melpa |
impress.js Back-End for Org Export Engine |
ox-ioslide |
20161015.1338 |
available |
melpa |
Export org-mode to Google I/O HTML5 slide. |
ox-jekyll-md |
20180831.1732 |
available |
melpa |
Export Jekyll on Markdown articles using org-mode. |
ox-jira |
20171001.916 |
available |
melpa |
JIRA Backend for Org Export Engine |
ox-mdx-deck |
20181115.1847 |
available |
melpa |
org-mode to mdx-deck exporter |
ox-mediawiki |
20180105.2154 |
available |
melpa |
Mediawiki Back-End for Org Export Engine |
ox-minutes |
20180202.1734 |
available |
melpa |
Plain text backend for Org for Meeting Minutes |
ox-nikola |
20151114.1116 |
available |
melpa |
Export Nikola articles using org-mode. |
ox-pandoc |
20180510.1338 |
available |
melpa |
org exporter for pandoc. |
ox-pukiwiki |
20150124.1716 |
available |
melpa |
Pukiwiki Back-End for Org Export Engine |
ox-qmd |
20170402.1657 |
available |
melpa |
Qiita Markdown Back-End for Org Export Engine |
ox-reveal |
20161027.926 |
incompat |
melpa |
reveal.js Presentation Back-End for Org Export Engine |
ox-rfc |
20190429.1133 |
available |
melpa |
RFC Back-End for Org Export Engine |
ox-rst |
20180315.13 |
available |
melpa |
Export reStructuredText using org-mode. |
ox-slack |
20181119.1131 |
available |
melpa |
Slack Exporter for org-mode |
ox-slimhtml |
20181219.850 |
available |
melpa |
a minimal HTML org export backend |
ox-spectacle |
20181211.953 |
available |
melpa |
spectacle.js Presentation Back-End for Org Export Engine |
ox-textile |
20180502.947 |
available |
melpa |
Textile Back-End for Org Export Engine |
ox-tiddly |
20180626.2052 |
available |
melpa |
org TiddlyWiki exporter |
ox-trac |
20171026.1823 |
available |
melpa |
Org Export Backend to Trac WikiFormat |
ox-tufte |
20160926.1607 |
available |
melpa |
Tufte HTML org-mode export backend |
ox-twbs |
20161103.2016 |
available |
melpa |
Bootstrap compatible HTML Back-End for Org |
ox-twiki |
20170803.2039 |
available |
melpa |
org Twiki and Foswiki export |
ox-wk |
20181111.934 |
available |
melpa |
Wiki Back-End for Org Export Engine |
p4 |
20150721.1937 |
available |
melpa |
Simple Perforce-Emacs Integration |
pacfiles-mode |
20181028.1744 |
available |
melpa |
pacnew and pacsave merging tool |
pack |
20190312.949 |
available |
melpa |
Pack and unpack archive files |
package+ |
20170816.256 |
available |
melpa |
Extensions for the package library. |
package-build |
20190314.440 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Tools for assembling a package archive |
package-filter |
20161122.719 |
available |
melpa |
package archive whitelist and blacklist |
package-lint |
20190423.808 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
A linting library for elisp package authors |
package-lint-flymake |
20181117.856 |
available |
melpa |
A package-lint Flymake backend |
package-safe-delete |
20150116.1607 |
available |
melpa |
Safely delete package.el packages |
package-utils |
20180514.1415 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Extensions for package.el |
packed |
20180318.1729 |
available |
melpa |
package manager agnostic Emacs Lisp package utilities |
pacmacs |
20160131.832 |
available |
melpa |
Pacman for Emacs |
pact-mode |
20180905.1647 |
available |
melpa |
Mode for Pact, a LISPlike smart contract language. |
paganini-theme |
20180815.1921 |
available |
melpa |
A colorful, dark and warm theme. |
page-break-lines |
20190428.218 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Display ^L page breaks as tidy horizontal lines |
pager |
20151202.120 |
available |
melpa |
windows-scroll commands |
pager-default-keybindings |
20130719.2057 |
available |
melpa |
Add the default keybindings suggested for pager.el |
palimpsest |
20170119.2032 |
available |
melpa |
Various deletion strategies when editing |
pallet |
20150512.702 |
available |
melpa |
A package management tool for Emacs, using Cask. |
pamparam |
20190122.1412 |
available |
melpa |
Simple and fast flashcards. |
panda |
20190501.1609 |
available |
melpa |
Client for Bamboo's REST API. |
panda-theme |
20181128.1738 |
available |
melpa |
Panda Theme |
pandoc |
20161128.1157 |
available |
melpa |
Pandoc interface |
pandoc-mode |
20190211.2112 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for interacting with Pandoc |
pangu-spacing |
20190422.514 |
available |
melpa |
Minor-mode to add space between Chinese and English characters. |
paper-theme |
20190124.1828 |
available |
melpa |
A minimal Emacs colour theme. |
paperless |
20180224.1245 |
available |
melpa |
A major mode for sorting and filing PDF documents. |
paradox |
20190429.1157 |
available |
melpa |
A modern Packages Menu. Colored, with package ratings, and customizable. |
parchment-theme |
20190424.2307 |
available |
melpa |
Light theme inspired by Acme and Leuven |
paredit |
20171127.205 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
minor mode for editing parentheses |
paredit-everywhere |
20180506.849 |
available |
melpa |
Enable some paredit features in non-lisp buffers |
paredit-menu |
20160128.1733 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Adds a menu to paredit.el as memory aid |
paren-completer |
20160501.1052 |
available |
melpa |
Automatically, language agnostically, fill in delimiters. |
paren-face |
20180318.2025 |
available |
melpa |
a face for parentheses in lisp modes |
parent-mode |
20150824.2300 |
available |
melpa |
get major mode's parent modes |
parinfer |
20180904.844 |
available |
melpa |
Simpler Lisp editing |
parrot |
20190311.2325 |
available |
melpa |
Party Parrot rotates gracefully in mode-line. |
parse-csv |
20160512.1723 |
available |
melpa |
Parse strings with CSV fields into s-expressions |
parsebib |
20181219.928 |
available |
melpa |
A library for parsing bib files |
parseclj |
20190327.851 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Clojure/EDN parser |
parseedn |
20190331.1058 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Clojure/EDN parser |
pasp-mode |
20180404.1700 |
available |
melpa |
- A major mode for editing Answer Set Programs. |
pass |
20190102.1311 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for password-store.el |
passmm |
20181130.1612 |
available |
melpa |
A minor mode for pass (Password Store). |
passthword |
20141201.923 |
available |
melpa |
Simple password manager |
password-generator |
20150222.2040 |
available |
melpa |
Password generator for humans. Good, Bad, Phonetic passwords included. |
password-mode |
20170412.629 |
available |
melpa |
Hide password text using overlays |
password-store |
20190426.242 |
available |
melpa |
Password store (pass) support |
password-store-otp |
20180815.610 |
available |
melpa |
Password store (pass) OTP extension support |
password-vault |
20160126.1820 |
available |
melpa |
A Password manager for Emacs. |
paste-of-code |
20170709.2355 |
available |
melpa |
paste code on https://paste.ofcode.org |
pastebin |
20101125.2002 |
available |
melpa |
A simple interface to the www.pastebin.com webservice |
pastehub |
20140615.620 |
available |
melpa |
A client for the PasteHub cloud service |
pastelmac-theme |
20151031.236 |
available |
melpa |
a soothing theme with a pastel color palette |
pastery |
20171114.349 |
available |
melpa |
paste snippets to pastery.net. |
path-headerline-mode |
20140423.1332 |
available |
melpa |
Displaying file path on headerline. |
path-helper |
20181208.2229 |
available |
melpa |
Set PATH environment variables from config files |
pathify |
20160423.846 |
available |
melpa |
Symlink your scripts into a PATH directory |
paxedit |
20160730.1727 |
available |
melpa |
Structured, Context Driven LISP Editing and Refactoring |
pbcopy |
20150225.459 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs Interface to pbcopy |
pc-bufsw |
20181221.856 |
available |
melpa |
PC style quick buffer switcher |
pcache |
20170105.2214 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
persistent caching for Emacs. |
pcap-mode |
20161025.1448 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for working with PCAP files |
pcmpl-args |
20190223.1613 |
available |
melpa |
Enhanced shell command completion |
pcmpl-git |
20170121.59 |
available |
melpa |
pcomplete for git |
pcmpl-homebrew |
20190213.318 |
available |
melpa |
pcomplete for homebrew |
pcmpl-pip |
20181229.1420 |
available |
melpa |
pcomplete for pip |
pcomplete-extension |
20180707.455 |
available |
melpa |
additional completion for pcomplete |
pcre2el |
20161120.2103 |
available |
melpa |
regexp syntax converter |
pcsv |
20150220.1131 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Parser of csv |
pdb-mode |
20150128.1751 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Protein Data Bank files |
pdf-tools |
20190413.2018 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Support library for PDF documents. |
pdf-view-restore |
20190423.1625 |
available |
melpa |
Support for opening last known pdf position in pdfview mode |
pdfgrep |
20181007.1728 |
available |
melpa |
run `pdfgrep' and display the results. |
peacock-theme |
20170808.1320 |
available |
melpa |
an Emacs 24 theme based on Peacock (tmTheme) |
peek-mode |
20130620.1946 |
available |
melpa |
Serve buffers live over HTTP with elnode backend |
peep-dired |
20160321.2237 |
available |
melpa |
Peep at files in another window from dired buffers |
pelican-mode |
20190124.2336 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for editing Pelican sites |
pepita |
20190503.304 |
available |
melpa |
Run Splunk search commands, export results to CSV/HTML/JSON |
per-buffer-theme |
20160318.2201 |
available |
melpa |
Change theme according to buffer name or major mode. |
perfect-margin |
20190426.245 |
available |
melpa |
auto center windows, work with minimap and/or linum-mode |
perl6-mode |
20180619.1159 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Perl 6 code |
perlbrew |
20161109.709 |
available |
melpa |
A perlbrew wrapper for Emacs |
persistent-overlays |
20161128.700 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode to store selected overlays to be loaded later |
persistent-scratch |
20190128.1843 |
available |
melpa |
Preserve the scratch buffer across Emacs sessions |
persistent-soft |
20150223.1853 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Persistent storage, returning nil on failure |
persp-fr |
20180801.727 |
available |
melpa |
In persp-mode, show perspective list in the GUI window title |
persp-mode |
20180930.1720 |
available |
melpa |
windows/buffers sets shared among frames + save/load. |
persp-mode-projectile-bridge |
20170315.1120 |
available |
melpa |
persp-mode + projectile integration. |
persp-projectile |
20180616.1944 |
available |
melpa |
Perspective integration with Projectile |
perspective |
20181120.114 |
available |
melpa |
switch between named "perspectives" of the editor |
perspeen |
20171203.1021 |
available |
melpa |
An package for multi-workspace |
pfuture |
20190322.752 |
available |
melpa |
a simple wrapper around asynchronous processes |
pg |
20130731.2142 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs Lisp interface to the PostgreSQL RDBMS |
pgdevenv |
20150105.2236 |
available |
melpa |
Manage your PostgreSQL development envs |
ph |
20161029.1522 |
available |
melpa |
A global minor mode for managing multiple projects. |
phabricator |
20160510.1425 |
available |
melpa |
Phabricator/Arcanist helpers for Emacs. |
phan |
20180528.339 |
available |
melpa |
Utility functions for Phan (PHP static analizer) |
phi-autopair |
20170217.353 |
available |
melpa |
another simple-minded autopair implementation |
phi-grep |
20170606.807 |
available |
melpa |
Interactively-editable recursive grep implementation in elisp |
phi-rectangle |
20151208.654 |
available |
melpa |
another rectangle-mark command (rewrite of rect-mark) |
phi-search |
20180322.129 |
available |
melpa |
another incremental search & replace, compatible with "multiple-cursors" |
phi-search-dired |
20150405.714 |
available |
melpa |
interactive filtering for dired powered by phi-search |
phi-search-mc |
20160324.1503 |
available |
melpa |
multiple-cursors extension for phi-search |
phi-search-migemo |
20170618.921 |
available |
melpa |
migemo extension for phi-search |
phoenix-dark-mono-theme |
20170729.1406 |
available |
melpa |
Monochromatic version of the Phoenix theme |
phoenix-dark-pink-theme |
20170729.1403 |
available |
melpa |
Originally a port of the Sublime Text 2 theme |
php-auto-yasnippets |
20170331.114 |
available |
melpa |
Creates snippets for PHP functions |
php-boris |
20130527.821 |
available |
melpa |
Run boris php REPL |
php-boris-minor-mode |
20140209.1835 |
available |
melpa |
a minor mode to evaluate PHP code in the Boris repl |
php-cs-fixer |
20190207.1126 |
available |
melpa |
php-cs-fixer wrapper. |
php-eldoc |
20140202.1941 |
available |
melpa |
eldoc backend for php |
php-mode |
20190502.1535 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing PHP code |
php-refactor-mode |
20171124.635 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode to quickly and safely perform common refactorings |
php-runtime |
20181212.1825 |
available |
melpa |
Language binding bridge to PHP |
php-scratch |
20161103.2217 |
available |
melpa |
A scratch buffer to interactively evaluate php code |
phpactor |
20190403.216 |
available |
melpa |
Interface to Phpactor |
phpcbf |
20181228.423 |
available |
melpa |
Format PHP code in Emacs using PHP_CodeSniffer's phpcbf |
phpstan |
20190227.1642 |
available |
melpa |
Interface to PHPStan. |
phpunit |
20180829.1438 |
available |
melpa |
Launch PHP unit tests using phpunit |
pianobar |
20180417.104 |
available |
melpa |
thin wrapper for Pianobar, a Pandora Radio client |
pickle |
20190122.1748 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing cucumber gherkin files. |
picolisp-mode |
20190105.720 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for PicoLisp programming. |
picpocket |
20180914.1819 |
available |
melpa |
Image viewer |
pig-mode |
20180520.1400 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for Pig files |
pig-snippets |
20130913.624 |
available |
melpa |
Snippets for pig-mode |
pillar |
20141112.1811 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Pillar files |
pinboard-api |
20140324.1148 |
available |
melpa |
Rudimentary http://pinboard.in integration |
pinboard-popular |
20180511.1726 |
available |
melpa |
Displays links from the pinboard.in popular page. |
pine-script-mode |
20181110.151 |
available |
melpa |
Trading View Pine Script major mode |
pinot |
20140211.2026 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs interface to pinot-search |
pinyin |
20180620.1241 |
available |
melpa |
Convert Hanzi to Pinyin (汉字转拼音) |
pinyin-search |
20160515.358 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Search Chinese by Pinyin |
pinyinlib |
20170827.2142 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Convert first letter of Pinyin to Simplified/Traditional Chinese characters |
pip-requirements |
20181027.1629 |
available |
melpa |
A major mode for editing pip requirements files. |
pipenv |
20190307.1155 |
available |
melpa |
A Pipenv porcelain. |
pippel |
20180710.856 |
available |
melpa |
Frontend to python package manager pip |
pivotal-tracker |
20170720.1516 |
available |
melpa |
Interact with Pivotal Tracker through its API |
pixie-mode |
20180626.541 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for Pixie-lang |
pixiv-novel-mode |
20160220.1421 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for pixiv novel |
pkg-info |
20150517.1143 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Information about packages |
pkgbuild-mode |
20181216.1331 |
available |
melpa |
Interface to the ArchLinux package manager |
plain-theme |
20171124.410 |
available |
melpa |
Plain theme without syntax highlighting |
plan9-theme |
20180804.1441 |
available |
melpa |
A color theme for Emacs based on Plan9 |
planet-theme |
20161031.217 |
available |
melpa |
A dark theme inspired by Gmail's 'Planets' theme of yore |
plantuml-mode |
20190503.1550 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for PlantUML |
plaster |
20180127.2050 |
available |
melpa |
Pasting to a plaster host with buffers. |
platformio-mode |
20161210.1339 |
available |
melpa |
PlatformIO integration |
play-crystal |
20180114.1024 |
available |
melpa |
https://play.crystal-lang.org integration. |
play-routes-mode |
20170426.733 |
available |
melpa |
Play Framework Routes File Support |
playerctl |
20180301.1354 |
available |
melpa |
Control your music player (e.g. Spotify) with playerctl |
playground |
20180624.326 |
available |
melpa |
Manage sandboxes for alternative configurations |
plenv |
20130707.616 |
available |
melpa |
A plenv wrapper for Emacs |
plim-mode |
20140813.13 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Plim files |
plsense |
20151104.1445 |
available |
melpa |
provide interface for PlSense that is a development tool for Perl. |
plsense-direx |
20140520.2008 |
available |
melpa |
Perl Package Explorer |
plur |
20160504.924 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Easily search and replace multiple variants of a word |
pmdm |
20151109.1836 |
available |
melpa |
poor man's desktop-mode alternative. |
po-mode |
20190420.1255 |
available |
melpa |
major mode for GNU gettext PO files |
pocket-api |
20180403.109 |
available |
melpa |
another pocket api |
pocket-lib |
20180712.23 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Library for accessing getpocket.com API |
pocket-mode |
20171201.1315 |
available |
melpa |
Manage your pocket |
pocket-reader |
20181219.930 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Client for Pocket reading list |
podcaster |
20161020.1535 |
available |
melpa |
Podcast client |
poe-lootfilter-mode |
20190330.1117 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Path of Exile lootfilters |
poet-client |
20190124.654 |
available |
melpa |
Client for po.et network api |
poet-theme |
20190127.2220 |
available |
melpa |
A theme for prose. |
point-pos |
20170421.1632 |
available |
melpa |
Save and restore point positions |
point-stack |
20170808.1658 |
available |
melpa |
Back and forward navigation through buffer locations |
pointback |
20100210.1552 |
available |
melpa |
Restore window points when returning to buffers |
pollen-mode |
20190310.538 |
available |
melpa |
major mode for editing pollen files |
poly-R |
20190504.1020 |
available |
melpa |
Various polymodes for R language |
poly-ansible |
20181222.1517 |
available |
melpa |
Polymode for Ansible: Jinja2 in YAML |
poly-erb |
20190317.1423 |
available |
melpa |
Polymode for erb |
poly-markdown |
20190415.1547 |
available |
melpa |
Polymode for markdown-mode |
poly-noweb |
20190317.1352 |
available |
melpa |
Polymode for noweb |
poly-org |
20190414.2030 |
available |
melpa |
Polymode for org-mode |
poly-rst |
20190317.1435 |
available |
melpa |
poly-rst-mode polymode |
poly-ruby |
20180905.929 |
available |
melpa |
Provides poly-ruby-mode |
poly-slim |
20190320.2042 |
available |
melpa |
Polymodes for slim |
polymode |
20190504.1923 |
available |
melpa |
Extensible framework for multiple major modes |
pomidor |
20180614.828 |
available |
melpa |
Simple and cool pomodoro timer |
pomodoro |
20190201.2152 |
available |
melpa |
A timer for the Pomodoro Technique |
pony-mode |
20170807.1522 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for working with Django Projects |
pony-snippets |
20160205.411 |
available |
melpa |
Yasnippets for Pony |
ponylang-mode |
20180804.1521 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for Pony code |
pophint |
20170918.248 |
available |
melpa |
Provide navigation using pop-up tips, like Firefox's Vimperator Hint Mode |
poporg |
20170403.751 |
available |
melpa |
Pop a comment or string to an empty buffer for text editing |
popup |
20160709.1429 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Visual Popup User Interface |
popup-complete |
20141109.308 |
available |
melpa |
completion with popup |
popup-edit-menu |
20170404.1425 |
available |
melpa |
a popup context edit menu package |
popup-imenu |
20170326.1040 |
available |
melpa |
imenu index popup |
popup-kill-ring |
20131020.1854 |
available |
melpa |
interactively insert item from kill-ring |
popup-switcher |
20171205.851 |
available |
melpa |
switch to other buffers and files via popup. |
popwin |
20150315.1300 |
available |
melpa |
Popup Window Manager. |
portage-navi |
20141208.1355 |
available |
melpa |
portage viewer |
pos-tip |
20150318.1513 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Show tooltip at point |
postcss-sorting |
20180211.956 |
available |
melpa |
postcss-sorting interface |
pov-mode |
20161115.743 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing POV-Ray scene files. |
pow |
20140420.806 |
available |
melpa |
pow (http://pow.cx/) manager for emacs |
powerline |
20190323.213 |
available |
melpa |
Rewrite of Powerline |
powerline-evil |
20151112.1510 |
available |
melpa |
Utilities for better Evil support for Powerline |
powershell |
20190421.2038 |
available |
melpa |
Mode for editing PowerShell scripts |
powerthesaurus |
20180719.908 |
available |
melpa |
Powerthesaurus integration |
ppd-sr-speedbar |
20151108.1224 |
available |
melpa |
Sr Speedbar adaptor for project-persist-drawer. |
prassee-theme |
20180709.1004 |
available |
melpa |
A high contrast color theme for Emacs. |
preproc-font-lock |
20151107.2018 |
available |
melpa |
Highlight C-style preprocessor directives. |
prescient |
20190411.125 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Better sorting and filtering. |
preseed-generic-mode |
20180210.500 |
available |
melpa |
Debian preseed file major mode |
presentation |
20180427.224 |
available |
melpa |
Display large character for presentation |
prettier-js |
20180109.726 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode to format JS code on file save |
prettify-greek |
20160603.908 |
available |
melpa |
Greek letters for prettify-symbols |
pretty-hydra |
20190227.346 |
available |
melpa |
A macro for creating nice-looking hydras |
pretty-mode |
20190209.2102 |
available |
melpa |
Redisplay parts of the buffer as pretty Unicode symbols. |
pretty-sha-path |
20141105.1826 |
available |
melpa |
Prettify Guix/Nix store paths |
pretty-symbols |
20140814.959 |
available |
melpa |
Draw tokens as Unicode glyphs. |
private |
20150122.157 |
available |
melpa |
take care of your private configuration files. |
private-diary |
20151216.1657 |
available |
melpa |
maintain a private diary in Emacs |
proc-net |
20130322.12 |
available |
melpa |
network process tools |
processing-mode |
20171022.2302 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for Processing 2.0 |
processing-snippets |
20140426.1428 |
available |
melpa |
Snippets for processing-mode |
prodigy |
20180511.938 |
available |
melpa |
Manage external services from within Emacs |
professional-theme |
20150315.1100 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs port of Vim's professional theme |
prog-fill |
20180607.132 |
available |
melpa |
Smartly format lines to use vertical space. |
prognth |
20130920.1759 |
available |
melpa |
Extend prog1 to arbitrary index |
programmer-dvorak |
20150427.137 |
available |
melpa |
Input method for Programmer Dvorak. |
project-abbrev |
20181206.1702 |
available |
melpa |
Customize abbreviation expansion in the project. |
project-explorer |
20150504.14 |
available |
melpa |
A project explorer sidebar |
project-persist |
20180906.1302 |
available |
melpa |
A minor mode to allow loading and saving of project settings. |
project-persist-drawer |
20151108.1222 |
available |
melpa |
Use a project drawer with project-persist. |
project-root |
20110206.2030 |
available |
melpa |
Define a project root and take actions based upon it. |
project-shells |
20171107.851 |
available |
melpa |
Manage the shell buffers of each project |
projectile |
20190416.1458 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Manage and navigate projects in Emacs easily |
projectile-codesearch |
20180508.1522 |
available |
melpa |
Integration of codesearch into projectile |
projectile-direnv |
20160306.138 |
available |
melpa |
Set environment variables from .envrc |
projectile-git-autofetch |
20190417.1959 |
available |
melpa |
automatically fetch git repositories |
projectile-hanami |
20160505.1311 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for Hanami projects based on projectile |
projectile-rails |
20190421.1901 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for Rails projects based on projectile-mode |
projectile-ripgrep |
20180914.1500 |
available |
melpa |
Run ripgrep with Projectile |
projectile-sift |
20160107.1015 |
available |
melpa |
Run a sift with Projectile |
projectile-speedbar |
20170517.243 |
available |
melpa |
projectile integration for speedbar |
projectile-trailblazer |
20170928.1624 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for Rails projects using trailblazer |
projectile-variable |
20170208.1718 |
available |
melpa |
Store project local variables. |
projector |
20190107.2125 |
available |
melpa |
Lightweight library for managing project-aware shell and command buffers |
projekt |
20150324.848 |
available |
melpa |
some kind of staging for CVS |
projmake-mode |
20161031.1715 |
available |
melpa |
Project oriented automatic builder and error highlighter, flymake for projects |
promise |
20190415.650 |
available |
melpa |
Promises/A+ |
prompt-text |
20190408.310 |
available |
melpa |
Configure your minibuffer prompt |
prompts |
20160916.1041 |
available |
melpa |
utilities for working with text prompts. |
proof-general |
20190419.940 |
available |
melpa |
A generic front-end for proof assistants (interactive theorem provers) |
prop-menu |
20150728.1118 |
available |
melpa |
Create and display a context menu based on text and overlay properties |
propfont-mixed |
20150113.2211 |
available |
melpa |
Use proportional fonts with space-based indentation. |
proportional |
20171025.2337 |
available |
melpa |
use a proportional font everywhere |
prosjekt |
20151127.1416 |
available |
melpa |
a software project tool for emacs |
protobuf-mode |
20170526.1650 |
available |
melpa |
major mode for editing protocol buffers. |
protocols |
20170802.1132 |
available |
melpa |
Protocol database access functions. |
proxy-mode |
20190130.8 |
available |
melpa |
A minor mode to toggle proxy. |
psc-ide |
20190326.2110 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for PureScript's psc-ide tool. |
psci |
20190308.24 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for purescript repl psci |
psession |
20190502.1838 |
available |
melpa |
Persistent save of elisp objects. |
psysh |
20181128.1722 |
available |
melpa |
PsySH, PHP interactive shell (REPL) |
pt |
20161226.1959 |
available |
melpa |
A front-end for pt, The Platinum Searcher. |
pubmed |
20190502.2121 |
available |
melpa |
Interface to PubMed |
pug-mode |
20180513.2126 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for jade/pug template files |
pulseaudio-control |
20190420.541 |
available |
melpa |
Use `pactl' to manage PulseAudio volumes. |
punctuality-logger |
20141120.2031 |
available |
melpa |
Punctuality logger for Emacs |
pungi |
20150222.1246 |
available |
melpa |
Integrates jedi with virtualenv and buildout python environments |
punpun-theme |
20161103.847 |
available |
melpa |
A bleak theme |
puppet-mode |
20180813.1947 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for Puppet manifests |
purescript-mode |
20190227.2145 |
available |
melpa |
A PureScript editing mode |
purp-theme |
20181211.1902 |
available |
melpa |
No description available. |
purple-haze-theme |
20141015.229 |
available |
melpa |
an overtly purple color theme for Emacs24. |
purty-mode |
20131004.2259 |
available |
melpa |
Safely pretty-print greek letters, mathematical symbols, or anything else. |
pushbullet |
20140809.1232 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs client for the PushBullet Android app |
pushover |
20170818.2103 |
available |
melpa |
Pushover API Access |
px |
20170317.2330 |
available |
melpa |
preview inline latex in any mode |
py-autopep8 |
20160925.1052 |
available |
melpa |
Use autopep8 to beautify a Python buffer |
py-gnitset |
20170821.1732 |
available |
melpa |
Run your Python tests any way you'd like |
py-import-check |
20130802.1111 |
available |
melpa |
Finds the unused python imports using importchecker |
py-isort |
20160925.1018 |
available |
melpa |
Use isort to sort the imports in a Python buffer |
py-smart-operator |
20170531.1209 |
available |
melpa |
smart-operator for python-mode |
py-test |
20151117.622 |
available |
melpa |
A test runner for Python code. |
py-yapf |
20160925.1122 |
available |
melpa |
Use yapf to beautify a Python buffer |
pycarddavel |
20150831.1216 |
available |
melpa |
Integrate pycarddav |
pycoverage |
20160325.112 |
available |
melpa |
Support for coverage stats on Python 2.X and 3 |
pydoc |
20181025.51 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
functional, syntax highlighted pydoc navigation |
pydoc-info |
20110301.834 |
available |
melpa |
Better Python support for info-lookup-symbol. |
pyenv-mode |
20170801.2348 |
available |
melpa |
Integrate pyenv with python-mode |
pyenv-mode-auto |
20180620.1252 |
available |
melpa |
Automatically activates pyenv version if .python-version file exists. |
pyfmt |
20150521.2056 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs interface to pyfmt |
pygen |
20161121.506 |
available |
melpa |
Python code generation using Elpy and Python-mode. |
pyim |
20190501.806 |
available |
melpa |
A Chinese input method support quanpin, shuangpin, wubi and cangjie. |
pyim-basedict |
20170727.259 |
available |
melpa |
The default pinyin dict of pyim |
pyim-cangjie5dict |
20170730.246 |
available |
melpa |
Some cangjie5 dicts for pyim |
pyim-wbdict |
20190201.2300 |
available |
melpa |
Some wubi dicts for pyim |
pyimport |
20180308.1752 |
available |
melpa |
Manage Python imports! |
pyimpsort |
20160130.453 |
available |
melpa |
Sort python imports. |
pylint |
20170402.1255 |
available |
melpa |
minor mode for running `pylint' |
pynt |
20180710.726 |
available |
melpa |
Generate and scroll EIN buffers from python code |
pyramid |
20181212.1204 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for working with pyramid projects |
pytest |
20181005.1524 |
available |
melpa |
Easy Python test running in Emacs |
pytest-pdb-break |
20190308.655 |
available |
melpa |
A pytest PDB launcher |
python-cell |
20190217.1823 |
available |
melpa |
Support for MATLAB-like cells in python mode |
python-django |
20150822.404 |
available |
melpa |
A Jazzy package for managing Django projects |
python-docstring |
20170508.856 |
available |
melpa |
Smart Python docstring formatting |
python-environment |
20150310.853 |
available |
melpa |
virtualenv API for Emacs Lisp |
python-info |
20151228.1852 |
available |
melpa |
Python info manual for Emacs |
python-mode |
20190503.1638 |
available |
melpa |
Python major mode |
python-pytest |
20180725.1146 |
available |
melpa |
helpers to run pytest |
python-switch-quotes |
20161228.809 |
available |
melpa |
cycle between ' and " quotes in python strings |
python-test |
20181018.29 |
available |
melpa |
Python testing integration |
python-x |
20180802.1742 |
available |
melpa |
python.el extras for interactive evaluation |
pythonic |
20190214.1816 |
available |
melpa |
Utility functions for writing pythonic emacs package. |
pyvenv |
20181228.1722 |
available |
melpa |
Python virtual environment interface |
q-mode |
20181216.1747 |
available |
melpa |
A q editing mode |
qiita |
20140118.844 |
available |
melpa |
Qiita API Library for emacs |
ql |
20180418.2020 |
available |
melpa |
Control Quod Libet |
qml-mode |
20161016.31 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing QT Declarative (QML) code. |
qt-pro-mode |
20170604.1841 |
available |
melpa |
Qt Pro/Pri major mode |
quack |
20181106.1301 |
available |
melpa |
enhanced support for editing and running Scheme code |
quasi-monochrome-theme |
20181213.827 |
available |
melpa |
Quasi Monochrome theme |
quelpa |
20190217.1250 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs Lisp packages built directly from source |
quelpa-use-package |
20190210.1838 |
available |
melpa |
quelpa handler for use-package |
quick-buffer-switch |
20151007.2208 |
available |
melpa |
Quick switch to file or dir buffers. |
quick-peek |
20190208.1515 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Inline quick-peek windows |
quick-preview |
20150829.439 |
available |
melpa |
quick preview using GNOME sushi, gloobus or quick look |
quick-shell-keybind |
20171023.613 |
available |
melpa |
Interactively bind a key to shell commands |
quickref |
20170817.1232 |
available |
melpa |
Display relevant notes-to-self in the echo area |
quickrun |
20170223.115 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Run commands quickly |
quiet |
20160508.1256 |
available |
melpa |
disconnect from the online world for a while |
quilt |
20190304.540 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for working with files in quilt |
quiz |
20170818.1115 |
available |
melpa |
Multiple choice quiz game |
r-autoyas |
20140101.1510 |
available |
melpa |
Provides automatically created yasnippets for R function argument lists. |
racer |
20190320.56 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
code completion, goto-definition and docs browsing for Rust via racer |
racket-mode |
20190425.2149 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for Racket language. |
rails-log-mode |
20140408.425 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for viewing Rails log files |
railscasts-reloaded-theme |
20190308.759 |
available |
melpa |
Railscasts Reloaded color theme |
railscasts-theme |
20150219.1525 |
available |
melpa |
Railscasts color theme for GNU Emacs. |
rainbow-blocks |
20171025.1438 |
available |
melpa |
Block syntax highlighting for lisp code |
rainbow-delimiters |
20170929.1132 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Highlight brackets according to their depth |
rainbow-identifiers |
20141102.1526 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Highlight identifiers according to their names |
rake |
20180212.1008 |
available |
melpa |
Run rake commands |
rally-mode |
20161114.354 |
available |
melpa |
a mode to interact with the Rally Software web site. |
rand-theme |
20151219.2335 |
available |
melpa |
Random Emacs theme at start-up! |
random-splash-image |
20151003.130 |
available |
melpa |
Randomly sets splash image to *GNU Emacs* buffer on startup. |
ranger |
20190412.624 |
available |
melpa |
Make dired more like ranger |
rase |
20120928.2045 |
available |
melpa |
Run At Sun Event daemon |
rats |
20170818.1013 |
available |
melpa |
Rapid testing suite for Go |
rbenv |
20141120.749 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs integration for rbenv |
rbt |
20170202.2302 |
available |
melpa |
Integrate reviewboard with emacs. |
rc-mode |
20160913.1918 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for the Plan9 rc shell |
rcirc-alert |
20141127.1047 |
available |
melpa |
Configurable alert messages on top of RCIRC |
rcirc-alertify |
20140407.119 |
available |
melpa |
Cross platform notifications for rcirc |
rcirc-groups |
20170731.2101 |
available |
melpa |
an emacs buffer in rcirc-groups major mode |
rcirc-notify |
20150219.2204 |
available |
melpa |
libnotify popups |
rcirc-styles |
20160207.250 |
available |
melpa |
support mIRC-style color and attribute codes |
rdf-prefix |
20180127.1806 |
available |
melpa |
Prefix lookup for RDF |
rdp |
20120929.154 |
available |
melpa |
Recursive Descent Parser library |
rdxmk |
20170630.134 |
available |
melpa |
A small set of tools for redox developments |
react-snippets |
20181002.1046 |
available |
melpa |
Yasnippets for React |
read-aloud |
20160923.500 |
available |
melpa |
A simple interface to TTS engines |
readability |
20140716.27 |
available |
melpa |
Read articles from Readability in Emacs |
readline-complete |
20150708.1437 |
available |
melpa |
offers completions in shell mode |
real-auto-save |
20190224.1446 |
available |
melpa |
Automatically save your all your buffers/files at regular intervals. |
realgud-byebug |
20180309.323 |
available |
melpa |
realgud front-end to the Ruby byebug debugger |
realgud-old-debuggers |
20170316.731 |
available |
melpa |
realgud front-end to older lesser-used debuggers |
realgud-pry |
20160805.1445 |
available |
melpa |
realgud front-end to the Ruby pry debugger |
realgud-rdb2 |
20160303.843 |
available |
melpa |
realgud front-end for interacting with Ruby debugger2 |
reason-mode |
20190210.1741 |
available |
melpa |
A major mode for editing ReasonML |
reazon |
20180921.1437 |
available |
melpa |
miniKanren for Emacs |
rebecca-theme |
20180324.821 |
available |
melpa |
Rebecca Purple Theme |
rebox2 |
20121113.1300 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Handling of comment boxes in various styles. |
recentf-ext |
20170926.35 |
available |
melpa |
Recentf extensions |
recentf-remove-sudo-tramp-prefix |
20180205.556 |
available |
melpa |
Normalise recentf history |
recently |
20190317.1234 |
available |
melpa |
Track recently opened files to visit them again |
recompile-on-save |
20151126.1446 |
available |
melpa |
Trigger recompilation on file save. |
recover-buffers |
20171009.437 |
available |
melpa |
revisit all buffers from an auto-save file |
rect+ |
20150621.44 |
available |
melpa |
Extensions to rect.el |
rectangle-utils |
20190411.1757 |
available |
melpa |
Some useful rectangle functions. |
recursive-narrow |
20190306.1521 |
available |
melpa |
narrow-to-region that operates recursively |
redis |
20150531.1948 |
available |
melpa |
Redis integration |
redpen-paragraph |
20160625.1050 |
available |
melpa |
RedPen interface. |
redprl |
20180418.1434 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing RedPRL proofs and interacting with RedPRL |
redshank |
20180730.407 |
available |
melpa |
Common Lisp Editing Extensions |
redtick |
20180424.2136 |
available |
melpa |
Smallest pomodoro timer (1 char) |
redtt |
20181121.21 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing redtt proofs |
refine |
20180315.2228 |
available |
melpa |
interactive value editing |
reformatter |
20190210.401 |
available |
melpa |
Define commands which run reformatters on the current buffer |
regex-dsl |
20100124.1028 |
available |
melpa |
lisp syntax for regexps |
regex-tool |
20170104.1918 |
available |
melpa |
A regular expression evaluation tool for programmers |
region-bindings-mode |
20140407.2214 |
available |
melpa |
Enable custom bindings when mark is active. |
region-convert |
20181221.528 |
available |
melpa |
Convert string in region by Lisp function |
region-state |
20181205.1746 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Show the number of chars/lines or rows/columns in the region |
register-channel |
20180926.2349 |
available |
melpa |
Jump around fast using registers |
related |
20190327.1024 |
available |
melpa |
Switch back and forth between similarly named buffers. |
relative-buffers |
20160221.1923 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs buffers naming convention |
relax |
20131029.2134 |
available |
melpa |
For browsing and interacting with CouchDB |
remark-mode |
20171218.756 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for the remark slideshow tool |
remember-last-theme |
20170619.2133 |
available |
melpa |
Remember the last used theme between sessions. |
renpy |
20190419.1749 |
available |
melpa |
silly walks for Renpy |
repeatable-motion |
20170620.1848 |
available |
melpa |
Make repeatable versions of motions |
repeater |
20180418.1212 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Repeat recent repeated commands |
repl-toggle |
20190430.713 |
available |
melpa |
Switch to/from repl buffer for current major-mode |
replace-from-region |
20170227.2316 |
available |
melpa |
Replace commands whose query is from region |
replace-pairs |
20160207.1251 |
available |
melpa |
Query-replace pairs of things |
replace-symbol |
20160518.12 |
available |
melpa |
Rename symbols in expressions or buffers |
replace-with-inflections |
20180831.635 |
available |
melpa |
Inflection aware `query-replace' |
repo |
20190326.1644 |
available |
melpa |
Running repo from Emacs |
req-package |
20180122.500 |
available |
melpa |
A use-package wrapper for package runtime dependencies management |
request |
20181129.1138 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Compatible layer for URL request in Emacs |
request-deferred |
20181129.317 |
available |
melpa |
Wrap request.el by deferred |
requirejs |
20151204.719 |
available |
melpa |
Requirejs import manipulation and source traversal. |
requirejs-mode |
20130215.2104 |
available |
melpa |
Improved AMD module management |
resize-window |
20180918.538 |
available |
melpa |
easily resize windows |
restart-emacs |
20180601.1031 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Restart emacs from within emacs |
restclient |
20190502.2214 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
An interactive HTTP client for Emacs |
restclient-helm |
20170314.1554 |
available |
melpa |
helm interface for restclient.el |
restclient-test |
20180106.2046 |
available |
melpa |
Run tests with restclient.el |
reveal-in-osx-finder |
20150802.1657 |
available |
melpa |
Reveal file associated with buffer in OS X Finder |
reverse-im |
20190428.1711 |
available |
melpa |
Reverse mapping for keyboard layouts other than english. |
reverse-theme |
20141205.145 |
available |
melpa |
Reverse theme for Emacs |
review-mode |
20181214.315 |
available |
melpa |
major mode for ReVIEW |
reykjavik-theme |
20180823.1544 |
available |
melpa |
Theme with a dark background. |
rg |
20190403.1533 |
available |
melpa |
A search tool based on ripgrep. |
rhtml-mode |
20130422.1311 |
available |
melpa |
major mode for editing RHTML files |
rib-mode |
20170726.1448 |
available |
melpa |
RenderMan® Interface Bytestream (RIB) Major Mode |
right-click-context |
20181221.528 |
available |
melpa |
Right Click Context menu |
rigid-tabs |
20170903.1559 |
available |
melpa |
Fix TAB alignment in diff buffers |
rimero-theme |
20180901.1348 |
available |
melpa |
Theme with a dark background suitable for UI and terminal usage. |
rinari |
20150709.640 |
available |
melpa |
Rinari Is Not A Rails IDE |
rings |
20160531.2027 |
available |
melpa |
Buffer rings. Like tabs, but better. |
ripgrep |
20190215.841 |
available |
melpa |
Front-end for ripgrep, a command line search tool |
riscv-mode |
20170804.1521 |
available |
melpa |
Major-mode for RISC V assembly |
rjsx-mode |
20190312.117 |
available |
melpa |
Real support for JSX |
rmsbolt |
20190411.55 |
available |
melpa |
A compiler output viewer |
robe |
20190425.125 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Code navigation, documentation lookup and completion for Ruby |
robots-txt-mode |
20180919.1541 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing robots.txt |
roguel-ike |
20160120.302 |
available |
melpa |
A coffee-break roguelike |
rope-read-mode |
20190315.1607 |
available |
melpa |
Rearrange lines to read text smoothly |
rotate |
20160909.836 |
available |
melpa |
Rotate the layout of emacs |
roy-mode |
20121208.1158 |
available |
melpa |
Roy major mode |
rpm-spec-mode |
20160710.1136 |
available |
melpa |
RPM spec file editing commands for Emacs/XEmacs |
rpn-calc |
20181121.1154 |
available |
melpa |
quick RPN calculator for hackers |
rsense |
20100511.405 |
available |
melpa |
RSense client for Emacs |
rspec-mode |
20190326.1422 |
available |
melpa |
Enhance ruby-mode for RSpec |
rtags |
20190410.1615 |
available |
melpa |
A front-end for rtags |
rtm |
20180329.1508 |
available |
melpa |
An elisp implementation of the Remember The Milk API |
rubik |
20180222.2014 |
available |
melpa |
Rubik's Cube |
rubocop |
20190326.1424 |
available |
melpa |
An Emacs interface for RuboCop |
rubocopfmt |
20181009.1703 |
available |
melpa |
Minor-mode to format Ruby code with RuboCop on save |
ruby-additional |
20181221.1159 |
available |
melpa |
ruby-mode extensions yet to be merged into Emacs |
ruby-compilation |
20150709.640 |
available |
melpa |
run a ruby process in a compilation buffer |
ruby-electric |
20170810.1130 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for electrically editing ruby code |
ruby-end |
20141215.1223 |
available |
melpa |
Automatic insertion of end blocks for Ruby |
ruby-extra-highlight |
20171106.1933 |
available |
melpa |
Highlight Ruby parameters. |
ruby-factory |
20160102.721 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for Ruby test object generation libraries |
ruby-hash-syntax |
20190109.2227 |
available |
melpa |
Toggle ruby hash syntax between => and 1.9+ styles |
ruby-interpolation |
20131112.1652 |
available |
melpa |
Ruby string interpolation helpers |
ruby-refactor |
20160214.1650 |
available |
melpa |
A minor mode which presents various Ruby refactoring helpers. |
ruby-test-mode |
20190412.909 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for Behaviour and Test Driven |
ruby-tools |
20151209.1615 |
available |
melpa |
Collection of handy functions for ruby-mode. |
rufo |
20170718.1416 |
available |
melpa |
use rufo to automatically format ruby files |
rum-mode |
20180127.22 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for Rum programming language |
run-stuff |
20180209.748 |
available |
melpa |
context based command execution |
runner |
20160524.743 |
available |
melpa |
Improved "open with" suggestions for dired |
runtests |
20150807.831 |
available |
melpa |
Run unit tests from Emacs |
russian-holidays |
20170109.2140 |
available |
melpa |
Russian holidays for the calendar |
rust-auto-use |
20181125.637 |
available |
melpa |
Utility to automatically insert Rust use statements |
rust-mode |
20190304.1336 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
A major emacs mode for editing Rust source code |
rust-playground |
20180807.1158 |
available |
melpa |
Local Rust playground for short code snippets. |
rustic |
20190413.1606 |
available |
melpa |
Rust development environment |
rvm |
20150402.1442 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs integration for rvm |
ryo-modal |
20180331.818 |
available |
melpa |
Roll your own modal mode |
s |
20180406.808 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
The long lost Emacs string manipulation library. |
s-buffer |
20130605.2124 |
available |
melpa |
s operations for buffers |
s12cpuv2-mode |
20171013.2051 |
available |
melpa |
Major-mode for S12CPUV2 assembly |
s3ed |
20180204.1349 |
available |
melpa |
Tramp-like access to s3 |
sackspace |
20130719.956 |
available |
melpa |
A better backspace |
sage-shell-mode |
20180215.835 |
available |
melpa |
A front-end for Sage Math |
sailfish-scratchbox |
20171202.1332 |
available |
melpa |
Sailfish OS scratchbox inside the emacs. |
salesforce-utils |
20160814.154 |
available |
melpa |
simple utilities for Salesforce |
salt-mode |
20181225.1157 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for Salt States |
sane-term |
20181130.101 |
available |
melpa |
Multi Term is crazy. This is not. |
sass-mode |
20190502.53 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Sass files |
sauron |
20181216.1200 |
available |
melpa |
Track (erc/org/dbus/...) events and react to them. |
save-load-path |
20140206.1214 |
available |
melpa |
save load-path and reuse it to test |
save-visited-files |
20190430.1508 |
available |
melpa |
save opened files across sessions |
savekill |
20140418.229 |
available |
melpa |
Save kill ring to disk |
say-what-im-doing |
20160706.1931 |
available |
melpa |
dictate what you're doing with text to speech |
sayid |
20181223.835 |
available |
melpa |
sayid nREPL middleware client |
sbt-mode |
20180511.1622 |
available |
melpa |
Interactive support for sbt projects |
scad-mode |
20190413.1246 |
available |
melpa |
A major mode for editing OpenSCAD code |
scad-preview |
20160206.1336 |
available |
melpa |
Preview SCAD models in real-time within Emacs |
scala-mode |
20170802.1132 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Scala |
scalariform |
20190114.215 |
available |
melpa |
Format Scala code with scalariform. |
scf-mode |
20151122.248 |
available |
melpa |
shorten file-names in compilation type buffers |
scheme-complete |
20181029.1255 |
available |
melpa |
Smart auto completion for Scheme in Emacs |
scheme-here |
20141028.718 |
available |
melpa |
cmuscheme extension for multiple inferior processes |
schrute |
20170521.1840 |
available |
melpa |
Help you remember there is a better way to do something. |
scion |
20130315.1255 |
available |
melpa |
Haskell Minor Mode for Interacting with the Scion Library |
sclang-extensions |
20160509.338 |
available |
melpa |
Extensions for the SuperCollider Emacs mode. |
sclang-snippets |
20130513.751 |
available |
melpa |
Snippets for the SuperCollider Emacs mode |
scp |
20171204.251 |
available |
melpa |
Use the SCP command to transfer files with the remote server |
scpaste |
20190228.2151 |
available |
melpa |
Paste to the web via scp. |
scratch |
20190314.614 |
available |
melpa |
Mode-specific scratch buffers |
scratch-ext |
20140104.516 |
available |
melpa |
Extensions for *scratch* |
scratch-log |
20141115.743 |
available |
melpa |
Utility for *scratch* buffer. |
scratch-message |
20170107.1336 |
available |
melpa |
Changing message in your scratch buffer |
scratch-palette |
20150225.842 |
available |
melpa |
make scratch buffer for each files |
scratch-pop |
20170510.1458 |
available |
melpa |
Generate, popup (& optionally backup) scratch buffer(s). |
scratches |
20151006.416 |
available |
melpa |
Multiple scratches in any language |
scribble-mode |
20181204.325 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Scribble documents |
scrollkeeper |
20190109.629 |
available |
melpa |
Custom scrolling commands with visual guidelines |
scrooge |
20180630.1022 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for Twitter Scrooge files |
scss-mode |
20180123.1708 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing SCSS files |
sdcv |
20180211.1633 |
available |
melpa |
Interface for sdcv (StartDict console version). |
sdlang-mode |
20161201.711 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for Simple Declarative Language files. |
search-web |
20150312.1103 |
available |
melpa |
Post web search queries using `browse-url'. |
searchq |
20150829.1211 |
available |
melpa |
Framework of queued search tasks using GREP, ACK, AG and more. |
seclusion-mode |
20121118.2353 |
available |
melpa |
Edit in seclusion. A Dark Room mode. |
secretaria |
20190116.2000 |
available |
melpa |
A personal assistant based on org-mode |
see-mode |
20180511.41 |
available |
melpa |
Edit string in a separate buffer |
seeing-is-believing |
20170214.1320 |
available |
melpa |
minor mode for running the seeing-is-believing ruby gem |
seethru |
20150218.1829 |
available |
melpa |
Easily change Emacs' transparency |
sekka |
20170803.1247 |
available |
melpa |
A client for Sekka IME server |
select-themes |
20160221.106 |
available |
melpa |
Color theme selection with completing-read |
selected |
20170222.834 |
available |
melpa |
Keymap for when region is active |
selectric-mode |
20170216.1111 |
available |
melpa |
IBM Selectric mode for Emacs |
semi |
20190405.1439 |
available |
melpa |
A library to provide MIME features. |
sendto |
20160425.1250 |
available |
melpa |
send the region content to a function |
sensitive |
20170818.1251 |
available |
melpa |
A dead simple way to load sensitive information |
sentence-navigation |
20180408.1619 |
available |
melpa |
Commands to navigate one-spaced sentences. |
seoul256-theme |
20180505.757 |
available |
melpa |
Low-contrast color scheme based on Seoul Colors. |
sequences |
20170818.1252 |
available |
melpa |
Ports of some Clojure sequence functions. |
sequential-command |
20170926.40 |
available |
melpa |
Many commands into one command |
servant |
20140216.1219 |
available |
melpa |
ELPA server written in Emacs Lisp |
serverspec |
20150623.1155 |
available |
melpa |
Serverspec minor mode |
services |
20170802.1130 |
available |
melpa |
Services database access functions. |
sesman |
20190213.1650 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Generic Session Manager |
session |
20120511.0 |
available |
melpa |
use variables, registers and buffer places across sessions |
seti-theme |
20190201.1848 |
available |
melpa |
A dark colored theme, inspired by Seti Atom Theme |
sexp-move |
20150915.1730 |
available |
melpa |
Improved S-Expression Movement |
sexy-monochrome-theme |
20180526.808 |
available |
melpa |
A sexy dark Emacs >= 24 theme for your sexy code |
shackle |
20190201.1846 |
available |
melpa |
Enforce rules for popups |
shadchen |
20141102.1839 |
available |
melpa |
pattern matching for elisp |
shader-mode |
20180518.1157 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for shader |
shakespeare-mode |
20180704.2138 |
available |
melpa |
A major mode for editing Shakespearean templates. |
shampoo |
20131230.1019 |
available |
melpa |
A remote Smalltalk development mode |
shell-command |
20090830.1040 |
available |
melpa |
enables tab-completion for `shell-command' |
shell-current-directory |
20140101.2354 |
available |
melpa |
create new shell based on buffer directory |
shell-here |
20150728.1704 |
available |
melpa |
Open a shell relative to the working directory |
shell-history |
20100505.839 |
available |
melpa |
integration with shell history |
shell-pop |
20170304.1416 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
helps you to use shell easily on Emacs. Only one key action to work. |
shell-split-string |
20151224.1008 |
available |
melpa |
Split strings using shell-like syntax |
shell-switcher |
20161029.552 |
available |
melpa |
Provide fast switching between shell buffers. |
shell-toggle |
20150226.1411 |
available |
melpa |
Toggle to and from the shell buffer |
shelldoc |
20151115.325 |
available |
melpa |
shell command editing support with man page. |
shelltest-mode |
20180501.141 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for shelltestrunner |
shen-elisp |
20180915.2028 |
available |
melpa |
Shen implementation in Elisp |
shift-number |
20170301.1459 |
available |
melpa |
Increase/decrease the number at point |
shift-text |
20130831.1655 |
available |
melpa |
Move the region in 4 directions, in a way similar to Eclipse's |
shimbun |
20190422.2311 |
available |
melpa |
interfacing with web newspapers |
shm |
20180327.57 |
available |
melpa |
Structured Haskell Mode |
shoulda |
20140616.1833 |
available |
melpa |
Shoulda test support for ruby |
show-css |
20160210.1408 |
available |
melpa |
Show the css of the html attribute the cursor is on |
show-marks |
20130805.1449 |
incompat |
melpa |
Navigate and visualize the mark-ring |
showtip |
20090830.1040 |
available |
melpa |
Show tip at cursor |
shpec-mode |
20150530.922 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for shpec specification |
shr-tag-pre-highlight |
20171113.914 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Syntax highlighting code block in HTML |
shrink-path |
20170813.247 |
available |
melpa |
fish-style path |
shrink-whitespace |
20181003.321 |
available |
melpa |
Whitespace removal DWIM key |
shut-up |
20180628.1830 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Shut up would you! |
shx |
20190309.1856 |
available |
melpa |
"Extras" for the (comint-mode) shell |
sibilant-mode |
20151119.2145 |
available |
melpa |
Support for the Sibilant programming language |
sicp |
20180823.1222 |
available |
melpa |
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs in info format |
side-notes |
20190403.837 |
available |
melpa |
Easy access to a directory notes file |
sift |
20190104.1717 |
available |
melpa |
Front-end for sift, a fast and powerful grep alternative |
signal |
20160816.1438 |
available |
melpa |
Advanced hook |
signature |
20140730.1949 |
available |
melpa |
Signature Survey |
silkworm-theme |
20180301.1437 |
available |
melpa |
Light theme with pleasant, low contrast colors. |
simp |
20180607.254 |
available |
melpa |
Simple project definition, chiefly for file finding, and grepping |
simple-bookmarks |
20190204.1426 |
available |
melpa |
Bookmark / functioncall manager |
simple-call-tree |
20180224.2056 |
available |
melpa |
analyze source code based on font-lock text-properties |
simple-httpd |
20190110.1505 |
available |
melpa |
pure elisp HTTP server |
simple-mpc |
20180716.129 |
available |
melpa |
provides a simple interface to mpc |
simple-paren |
20190315.1856 |
available |
melpa |
Insert paired delimiter, wrap |
simple-rtm |
20160222.1534 |
available |
melpa |
Interactive Emacs mode for Remember The Milk |
simple-screen |
20161009.920 |
available |
melpa |
Simple screen configuration manager |
simpleclip |
20181105.1636 |
available |
melpa |
Simplified access to the system clipboard |
simplenote |
20141118.1440 |
available |
melpa |
Interact with simple-note.appspot.com |
simplenote2 |
20190321.933 |
available |
melpa |
Interact with app.simplenote.com |
simplezen |
20130421.1000 |
available |
melpa |
A simple subset of zencoding-mode for Emacs. |
skeletor |
20190212.339 |
available |
melpa |
Provides project skeletons for Emacs |
skewer-less |
20160828.2021 |
available |
melpa |
Skewer support for live LESS stylesheet updates |
skewer-mode |
20180706.1807 |
available |
melpa |
live browser JavaScript, CSS, and HTML interaction |
skewer-reload-stylesheets |
20160725.1220 |
available |
melpa |
live-edit CSS, SCSS, Less, and friends. |
skype |
20160711.824 |
available |
melpa |
skype UI for emacs users.. |
sl |
20161217.1404 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
An Emacs clone of sl(1) |
slack |
20190425.837 |
available |
melpa |
Slack client for Emacs |
slideview |
20150324.2240 |
available |
melpa |
File slideshow |
slim-mode |
20170728.1348 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Slim files |
slime |
20190319.930 |
available |
melpa |
Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs |
slime-company |
20190117.1538 |
available |
melpa |
slime completion backend for company mode |
slime-docker |
20190430.157 |
available |
melpa |
Integration of SLIME with Docker containers. |
slime-repl-ansi-color |
20190426.1414 |
available |
melpa |
Turn on ANSI colors in REPL output; |
slime-theme |
20170808.1322 |
available |
melpa |
an Emacs 24 theme based on Slime (tmTheme) |
slime-volleyball |
20140718.441 |
available |
melpa |
An SVG Slime Volleyball Game |
slirm |
20160201.1425 |
available |
melpa |
Systematic Literature Review Mode for Emacs. |
slovak-holidays |
20150418.855 |
available |
melpa |
Adds a list of slovak holidays to Emacs calendar |
slow-keys |
20180831.459 |
available |
melpa |
Slow keys mode to avoid RSI |
slstats |
20170823.849 |
available |
melpa |
Acquire and display stats about Second Life |
sly |
20190315.2223 |
available |
melpa |
Sylvester the Cat's Common Lisp IDE |
sly-hello-world |
20160119.1436 |
available |
melpa |
A template SLY contrib |
sly-macrostep |
20160119.1234 |
available |
melpa |
fancy macro-expansion via macrostep.el |
sly-named-readtables |
20150817.1516 |
available |
melpa |
Support named readtables in Common Lisp files |
sly-quicklisp |
20170112.935 |
available |
melpa |
Quicklisp support for SLY |
sly-repl-ansi-color |
20171020.1516 |
available |
melpa |
Add ANSI colors support to the sly mrepl. |
smart-backspace |
20171014.526 |
available |
melpa |
intellj like backspace |
smart-comment |
20160322.1839 |
available |
melpa |
smarter commenting |
smart-compile |
20190422.49 |
available |
melpa |
an interface to `compile' |
smart-cursor-color |
20141124.1719 |
available |
melpa |
Change cursor color dynamically |
smart-dash |
20110131.316 |
available |
melpa |
Smart-Dash minor mode |
smart-forward |
20140430.713 |
available |
melpa |
Semantic navigation |
smart-hungry-delete |
20170412.1343 |
available |
melpa |
smart hungry deletion of whitespace |
smart-indent-rigidly |
20141206.15 |
available |
melpa |
Smart rigid indenting |
smart-jump |
20190423.158 |
available |
melpa |
Smart go to definition. |
smart-mark |
20150912.210 |
available |
melpa |
Restore point after C-g when mark |
smart-mode-line |
20190327.1941 |
available |
melpa |
A color coded smart mode-line. |
smart-mode-line-atom-one-dark-theme |
20181220.1756 |
available |
melpa |
Atom-one-dark theme for smart-mode-line |
smart-mode-line-powerline-theme |
20160706.38 |
available |
melpa |
smart-mode-line theme that mimics the powerline appearance. |
smart-newline |
20131208.340 |
available |
melpa |
Provide smart newline for one keybind. |
smart-region |
20150903.1403 |
available |
melpa |
Smartly select region, rectangle, multi cursors |
smart-semicolon |
20171008.133 |
available |
melpa |
Insert semicolon smartly |
smart-shift |
20150203.725 |
available |
melpa |
Smart shift text left/right. |
smart-tab |
20170902.2107 |
available |
melpa |
Intelligent tab completion and indentation. |
smart-tabs-mode |
20160629.1452 |
available |
melpa |
Intelligently indent with tabs, align with spaces! |
smart-window |
20160717.130 |
available |
melpa |
vim-like window controlling plugin |
smartparens |
20190429.931 |
available |
melpa |
Automatic insertion, wrapping and paredit-like navigation with user defined pairs. |
smartrep |
20150509.230 |
available |
melpa |
Support sequential operation which omitted prefix keys. |
smartscan |
20170211.2033 |
available |
melpa |
Jumps between other symbols found at point |
smarty-mode |
20100703.1158 |
available |
melpa |
major mode for editing smarty templates |
smbc |
20171229.1808 |
available |
melpa |
View SMBC from Emacs |
smblog |
20170419.1021 |
available |
melpa |
samba log viewer |
smeargle |
20161212.2358 |
available |
melpa |
Highlighting region by last updated time |
smex |
20151212.2209 |
available |
melpa |
M-x interface with Ido-style fuzzy matching. |
smiles-mode |
20160717.1120 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for SMILES. |
sml-modeline |
20170614.2111 |
available |
melpa |
Show position in a scrollbar like way in mode-line |
smmry |
20161024.901 |
available |
melpa |
SMMRY client |
smooth-scroll |
20130322.414 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for smooth scrolling and in-place scrolling. |
smooth-scrolling |
20161002.1949 |
available |
melpa |
Make emacs scroll smoothly |
smotitah |
20150218.1030 |
available |
melpa |
Modular emacs configuration framework |
smtpmail-multi |
20160218.2349 |
available |
melpa |
Use different smtp servers for sending mail |
smyx-theme |
20141127.828 |
available |
melpa |
smyx Color Theme |
snakemake-mode |
20190412.228 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Snakemake files |
snapshot-timemachine |
20161221.929 |
available |
melpa |
Step through (Btrfs, ZFS, ...) snapshots of files |
snapshot-timemachine-rsnapshot |
20170324.1213 |
available |
melpa |
rsnapshot backend for snapshot-timemachine |
snazzy-theme |
20170823.1832 |
available |
melpa |
An elegant syntax theme with bright colors |
snippet |
20130210.2315 |
available |
melpa |
Insert snippets of text into a buffer |
snoopy |
20171008.2004 |
available |
melpa |
minor mode for number row unshifted character insertion |
socyl |
20170212.642 |
available |
melpa |
Frontend for several search tools |
soft-charcoal-theme |
20140420.1643 |
available |
melpa |
Dark charcoal theme with soft colors |
soft-morning-theme |
20150918.2041 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs24 theme with a light background. |
soft-stone-theme |
20140614.835 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs 24 theme with a light background. |
solaire-mode |
20190425.42 |
available |
melpa |
make certain buffers grossly incandescent |
solarized-theme |
20190220.151 |
available |
melpa |
The Solarized color theme, ported to Emacs. |
solidity-flycheck |
20181117.1518 |
available |
melpa |
Flycheck integration for solidity emacs mode |
solidity-mode |
20190302.909 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for ethereum's solidity language |
sonic-pi |
20171205.1205 |
available |
melpa |
A Emacs client for SonicPi |
soothe-theme |
20141027.1441 |
available |
melpa |
a dark colorful theme for Emacs24. |
sort-words |
20160929.1335 |
available |
melpa |
Sort words in a selected region |
sos |
20141215.403 |
available |
melpa |
StackOverflow Search |
sotclojure |
20170922.8 |
available |
melpa |
Write clojure at the speed of thought. |
sound-wav |
20181126.1726 |
available |
melpa |
Play wav file |
soundcloud |
20150502.326 |
available |
melpa |
a SoundCloud client for Emacs |
soundklaus |
20160314.1231 |
available |
melpa |
Play music on SoundCloud with Emacs via EMMS |
sourcekit |
20180101.834 |
available |
melpa |
Library to interact with sourcekittendaemon |
sourcemap |
20161216.540 |
available |
melpa |
Sourcemap parser |
sourcerer-theme |
20161014.1625 |
available |
melpa |
A version of sourcerer by xero |
sourcetrail |
20170410.2137 |
available |
melpa |
Communication with Sourcetrail |
spacegray-theme |
20150719.1931 |
available |
melpa |
A Hyperminimal UI Theme |
spaceline |
20181223.2024 |
available |
melpa |
Modeline configuration library for powerline |
spaceline-all-the-icons |
20190325.1602 |
available |
melpa |
A Spaceline theme using All The Icons |
spacemacs-theme |
20190116.2107 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Color theme with a dark and light versions |
spaces |
20170809.2208 |
available |
melpa |
Create and switch between named window configurations. |
spark |
20160415.201 |
available |
melpa |
sparkline generation |
sparkline |
20150101.1319 |
available |
melpa |
Make sparkline images from a list of numbers |
sparql-mode |
20180320.1802 |
available |
melpa |
Edit and interactively evaluate SPARQL queries. |
speech-tagger |
20170728.1829 |
available |
melpa |
tag parts of speech using coreNLP |
speechd-el |
20190103.2026 |
available |
melpa |
Client to speech synthesizers and Braille displays. |
speed-type |
20190228.600 |
available |
melpa |
Practice touch and speed typing |
speeddating |
20180319.723 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Increase date and time at point |
sphinx-doc |
20160116.1117 |
available |
melpa |
Sphinx friendly docstrings for Python functions |
sphinx-frontend |
20161025.758 |
available |
melpa |
Launch build process for rst documents via sphinx. |
sphinx-mode |
20180620.915 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode providing sphinx support. |
spice-mode |
20171028.643 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for SPICE |
spiral |
20180223.1140 |
available |
melpa |
Clojure IDE based on UNREPL |
splitjoin |
20150505.1432 |
available |
melpa |
Transition between multiline and single-line code |
splitter |
20170809.2208 |
available |
melpa |
Manage window splits |
spotify |
20181030.810 |
available |
melpa |
Control the spotify application from emacs |
spotlight |
20150929.755 |
available |
melpa |
search files with Mac OS X spotlight |
spray |
20160304.2220 |
available |
melpa |
a speed reading mode |
springboard |
20170106.755 |
available |
melpa |
Temporarily change default-directory for one command |
sprintly-mode |
20121006.534 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for dealing with sprint.ly |
sproto-mode |
20151115.1805 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing sproto. |
sprunge |
20160301.243 |
available |
melpa |
Upload pastes to sprunge.us |
spu |
20161214.324 |
available |
melpa |
Silently upgrade package in the background |
sql-clickhouse |
20180302.1555 |
available |
melpa |
support ClickHouse as SQL interpreter |
sql-impala |
20181218.410 |
available |
melpa |
comint support for Cloudera Impala |
sql-presto |
20190113.1742 |
available |
melpa |
No description available. |
sqlformat |
20190420.2256 |
available |
melpa |
Reformat SQL using sqlformat or pgformatter |
sqlite |
20180708.1711 |
available |
melpa |
use sqlite via elisp |
sqlup-mode |
20170610.1537 |
available |
melpa |
Upcase SQL words for you |
sr-speedbar |
20161025.831 |
available |
melpa |
Same frame speedbar |
srcery-theme |
20190421.1909 |
available |
melpa |
Dark color theme. |
srefactor |
20180703.1810 |
available |
melpa |
A refactoring tool based on Semantic parser framework |
srv |
20180715.1959 |
available |
melpa |
perform SRV DNS requests |
ssass-mode |
20180428.2039 |
available |
melpa |
Edit Sass without a Turing Machine |
ssh |
20120904.2042 |
available |
melpa |
Support for remote logins using ssh. |
ssh-agency |
20180508.26 |
available |
melpa |
manage ssh-agent from Emacs |
ssh-config-mode |
20180922.951 |
available |
melpa |
Mode for fontification of ~/.ssh/config |
ssh-tunnels |
20181129.1536 |
available |
melpa |
Manage SSH tunnels |
stack-mode |
20150923.1523 |
available |
melpa |
A minor mode enabling various features based on stack-ide. |
stan-mode |
20180110.2241 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Stan files |
stan-snippets |
20161024.258 |
available |
melpa |
Yasnippets for Stan |
standoff-mode |
20171115.1731 |
available |
melpa |
Create stand-off markup, also called external markup. |
start-menu |
20160426.1225 |
available |
melpa |
start-menu for executing external program like in windows |
stash |
20151117.1427 |
available |
melpa |
lightweight persistent caching |
state |
20180627.1956 |
available |
melpa |
Quick navigation between workspaces |
status |
20151230.1408 |
available |
melpa |
This package adds support for status icons to Emacs. |
steam |
20171109.13 |
available |
melpa |
Organize and launch Steam games |
stem |
20131102.1109 |
available |
melpa |
Routines for stemming |
stem-english |
20180109.358 |
available |
melpa |
- routines for stemming English word |
stgit |
20171130.1559 |
available |
melpa |
major mode for StGit interaction |
sticky |
20170926.36 |
available |
melpa |
Sticky key for capital letters |
stickyfunc-enhance |
20150429.1814 |
available |
melpa |
An enhancement to stock `semantic-stickyfunc-mode' |
stock-ticker |
20150204.1052 |
available |
melpa |
Show stock prices in mode line |
strace-mode |
20171116.2039 |
available |
melpa |
strace output syntax highlighting |
strie |
20160211.2222 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
A simple trie data structure implementation |
string-edit |
20160411.656 |
available |
melpa |
Avoid escape nightmares by editing string in separate buffer |
string-inflection |
20180827.1301 |
available |
melpa |
underscore -> UPCASE -> CamelCase -> lowerCamelCase conversion of names |
string-utils |
20140508.2041 |
available |
melpa |
String-manipulation utilities |
stripe-buffer |
20141208.1508 |
available |
melpa |
Use a different background for even and odd lines |
stumpwm-mode |
20140131.216 |
available |
melpa |
special lisp mode for evaluating code into running stumpwm |
stupid-indent-mode |
20170525.1117 |
available |
melpa |
Plain stupid indentation minor mode |
stylefmt |
20161025.824 |
available |
melpa |
Stylefmt interface |
stylus-mode |
20150313.1512 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing .jade files |
subatomic-theme |
20160126.1538 |
available |
melpa |
Low contrast bluish color theme |
subatomic256-theme |
20130621.210 |
available |
melpa |
Fork of subatomic-theme for terminals. |
subemacs |
20170401.934 |
available |
melpa |
Evaluating expressions in a fresh Emacs subprocess |
sublime-themes |
20170606.1844 |
available |
melpa |
A collection of themes based on Sublime Text |
sublimity |
20181121.1311 |
available |
melpa |
smooth-scrolling, minimap and distraction-free mode |
sudden-death |
20180217.23 |
available |
melpa |
Totsuzen-no-Shi |
sudo-edit |
20180731.1908 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Open files as another user |
sudo-ext |
20170126.1214 |
available |
melpa |
sudo support |
sudoku |
20161111.706 |
available |
melpa |
Simple sudoku game, can download puzzles |
suggest |
20180916.1859 |
available |
melpa |
suggest elisp functions that give the output requested |
suggestion-box |
20170830.807 |
available |
melpa |
show tooltip on the cursor |
sunburn-theme |
20180602.1929 |
available |
melpa |
A low contrast color theme |
sunny-day-theme |
20140413.2125 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs24 theme with a light background. |
sunshine |
20181029.1654 |
available |
melpa |
Provide weather and forecast information. |
suomalainen-kalenteri |
20190310.910 |
available |
melpa |
Finnish national and Christian holidays for calendar |
super-save |
20180929.727 |
available |
melpa |
Auto-save buffers, based on your activity. |
supergenpass |
20130329.548 |
available |
melpa |
SuperGenPass for Emacs |
suscolors-theme |
20161109.2015 |
available |
melpa |
Colorful theme, inspired by Gruvbox. |
sv-kalender-namnsdagar |
20190421.1521 |
available |
melpa |
Swedish celebrated name of the day |
svg-mode-line-themes |
20150425.2006 |
available |
melpa |
SVG-based themes for mode-line |
svnwrapper |
20180414.1843 |
available |
melpa |
Highlighting and paging for shell command `svn' |
swagger-to-org |
20160611.56 |
available |
melpa |
Convert a swagger.json file into an org-mode file |
swap-buffers |
20150506.2139 |
available |
melpa |
The quickest way to swap buffers between windows. Based on switch-window package. |
swap-regions |
20180915.1346 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Swap text in two regions |
sweetgreen |
20180605.335 |
available |
melpa |
Order Salads from sweetgreen.com |
swift-mode |
20190205.832 |
available |
melpa |
Major-mode for Apple's Swift programming language. |
swift3-mode |
20160918.1250 |
available |
melpa |
Major-mode for Apple's Swift programming language. |
swiper |
20190412.1718 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Isearch with an overview. Oh, man! |
swiper-helm |
20180131.1744 |
available |
melpa |
Helm version of Swiper. |
switch-buffer-functions |
20171011.1704 |
available |
melpa |
Hook run when current buffer changed |
switch-window |
20181104.340 |
available |
melpa |
A *visual* way to switch window |
swoop |
20160120.1715 |
available |
melpa |
Peculiar buffer navigation for Emacs |
sws-mode |
20150317.1945 |
available |
melpa |
(S)ignificant (W)hite(S)pace mode |
sx |
20190114.1523 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
StackExchange client. Ask and answer questions on Stack Overflow, Super User, and the likes |
symbol-overlay |
20190305.1643 |
available |
melpa |
Highlight symbols with keymap-enabled overlays |
symbolword-mode |
20180401.1427 |
available |
melpa |
modify word split |
symon |
20170224.833 |
available |
melpa |
tiny graphical system monitor |
symon-lingr |
20150719.1342 |
available |
melpa |
A notification-based Lingr client powered by symon.el |
sync-recentf |
20160326.2001 |
available |
melpa |
Synchronize the recent files list between Emacs instances |
syndicate |
20160603.1523 |
available |
melpa |
evil keybindings for org-mode |
synonymous |
20180325.1817 |
available |
melpa |
A thesaurus at your fingertips |
synosaurus |
20190305.2206 |
available |
melpa |
An extensible thesaurus supporting lookup and substitution. |
synquid |
20160930.1550 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Synquid files |
syntactic-close |
20181026.1631 |
available |
melpa |
Insert closing delimiter |
syntactic-sugar |
20140508.2041 |
available |
melpa |
Effect-free forms such as if/then/else |
syntax-subword |
20160519.1905 |
available |
melpa |
make operations on words more fine-grained |
system-specific-settings |
20140818.1457 |
available |
melpa |
Apply settings only on certain systems |
systemd |
20180629.2106 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing systemd units |
systemtap-mode |
20151122.1940 |
available |
melpa |
A mode for SystemTap |
ta |
20160619.1645 |
available |
melpa |
A tool to deal with Chinese homophonic characters |
tab-group |
20140306.1450 |
available |
melpa |
Grouped tabs and their tabbar |
tab-jump-out |
20151006.130 |
available |
melpa |
Use tab to jump out of delimiter pairs. |
tabbar |
20180726.1735 |
available |
melpa |
Display a tab bar in the header line |
tabbar-ruler |
20160802.307 |
available |
melpa |
Pretty tabbar, autohide, use both tabbar/ruler |
tablist |
20190414.643 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Extended tabulated-list-mode |
tabula-rasa |
20141216.547 |
available |
melpa |
Distraction free writing mode |
tagedit |
20161121.855 |
available |
melpa |
Some paredit-like features for html-mode |
take-off |
20140531.917 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs remote web access |
tango-2-theme |
20120312.2025 |
available |
melpa |
Tango 2 color theme for GNU Emacs 24 |
tango-plus-theme |
20170214.1708 |
available |
melpa |
A color theme based on the tango palette |
tangotango-theme |
20170924.1509 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Tango Palette color theme for Emacs 24. |
tao-theme |
20190204.1104 |
available |
melpa |
This package provides two parametrized uncoloured color themes for Emacs: tao-yin and tao-yang. |
taskpaper-mode |
20190225.1503 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for working with TaskPaper files |
tawny-mode |
20170422.2202 |
available |
melpa |
Ontology Editing with Tawny-OWL |
tblui |
20161007.1912 |
available |
melpa |
Define tabulated list UI easily |
tbx2org |
20140224.1559 |
available |
melpa |
Tinderbox to org-mode conversion |
tc |
20181109.428 |
available |
melpa |
a Japanese input method with T-Code on Emacs |
tco |
20190309.55 |
available |
melpa |
tail-call optimisation for Emacs lisp |
tdd-status-mode-line |
20131123.1716 |
available |
melpa |
TDD status on the mode-line |
tea-time |
20120331.820 |
available |
melpa |
Simple timer package, useful to make perfect tea. |
teacode-expand |
20181231.640 |
available |
melpa |
Expansion of text by TeaCode program. |
telepathy |
20131209.1258 |
available |
melpa |
Access Telepathy from Emacs |
telephone-line |
20190424.1934 |
available |
melpa |
Rewrite of Powerline |
template-overlays |
20180706.1132 |
available |
melpa |
Display template regions using overlays |
temporary-persistent |
20161210.1133 |
available |
melpa |
Keep temp notes buffers persistent -*- lexical-binding: t |
ten-hundred-mode |
20161028.2236 |
available |
melpa |
use only the ten hundred most usual words |
term+ |
20170509.17 |
available |
melpa |
term-mode enhancement |
term+key-intercept |
20140211.750 |
available |
melpa |
term+ intercept key mapping |
term+mux |
20140211.749 |
available |
melpa |
term+ terminal multiplexer and session management |
term-alert |
20161119.945 |
available |
melpa |
Notifications when commands complete in term.el. |
term-cmd |
20160517.1045 |
available |
melpa |
Send commands from programs running in term.el. |
term-manager |
20171020.841 |
available |
melpa |
Contextual terminal management |
term-projectile |
20190307.400 |
available |
melpa |
projectile terminal management |
term-run |
20190318.355 |
available |
melpa |
Run arbitrary command in terminal buffer |
termbright-theme |
20151031.235 |
available |
melpa |
a more usable theme for white-on-black terminals |
terminal-focus-reporting |
20180830.719 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for terminal focus reporting. |
terminal-here |
20180513.833 |
available |
melpa |
Run an external terminal in current directory |
terminal-toggle |
20190226.1510 |
available |
melpa |
simple pop-up terminal |
tern |
20181108.722 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Tern-powered JavaScript integration |
tern-auto-complete |
20170521.1935 |
available |
melpa |
Tern Completion by auto-complete.el |
tern-context-coloring |
20161218.747 |
available |
melpa |
Use Tern for context coloring |
tern-django |
20160221.1923 |
available |
melpa |
Create tern projects for django applications. |
terraform-mode |
20170112.517 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for terraform configuration file |
test-c |
20180423.1720 |
available |
melpa |
quickly test c code |
test-case-mode |
20130525.1434 |
available |
melpa |
unit test front-end |
test-kitchen |
20171129.2035 |
available |
melpa |
Run test-kitchen inside of emacs |
tex-smart-umlauts |
20190316.2215 |
available |
melpa |
Smart umlaut conversion for TeX. |
texfrag |
20190504.1449 |
available |
melpa |
preview LaTeX fragments in alien major modes |
textile-mode |
20170304.1716 |
available |
melpa |
Textile markup editing major mode |
textmate |
20110816.2146 |
available |
melpa |
TextMate minor mode for Emacs |
textmate-to-yas |
20160409.1708 |
available |
melpa |
Import Textmate macros into yasnippet syntax |
textx-mode |
20170516.911 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing TextX files |
tf2-conf-mode |
20161209.1620 |
available |
melpa |
TF2 Configuration files syntax highlighting |
tfsmacs |
20180911.2114 |
available |
melpa |
MS TFS source control interaction. |
theme-changer |
20171221.1927 |
available |
melpa |
Sunrise/Sunset Theme Changer for Emacs |
theme-looper |
20190501.127 |
available |
melpa |
Loop thru the available color-themes |
theme-magic |
20190502.2227 |
available |
melpa |
Apply your Emacs theme to the rest of Linux |
therapy |
20151113.1953 |
available |
melpa |
Hooks for managing multiple Python major versions |
thingopt |
20160520.2318 |
available |
melpa |
Thing at Point optional utilities |
thinks |
20170802.1128 |
available |
melpa |
Insert text in a think bubble. |
thread-dump |
20170816.1850 |
available |
melpa |
Java thread dump viewer |
threes |
20160820.1242 |
available |
melpa |
A clone of Threes (a tiny puzzle game) |
thrift |
20180905.1050 |
available |
melpa |
major mode for fbthrift and Apache Thrift files |
thumb-through |
20120119.534 |
available |
melpa |
Plain text reader of HTML documents |
tickscript-mode |
20171219.203 |
available |
melpa |
A major mode for Tickscript files |
tidal |
20190320.2158 |
available |
melpa |
Interact with TidalCycles for live coding patterns |
tide |
20190321.1611 |
available |
melpa |
Typescript Interactive Development Environment |
tile |
20161225.357 |
available |
melpa |
Tile windows with layouts |
time-ext |
20170126.1215 |
available |
melpa |
more function for time/date |
timecop |
20160520.1052 |
available |
melpa |
Freeze Time for testing |
timer-revert |
20150122.2032 |
available |
melpa |
minor mode to revert buffer for a given time interval. |
timesheet |
20180802.202 |
available |
melpa |
Timesheet management add-on for org-mode |
timonier |
20170411.800 |
available |
melpa |
Manage Kubernetes Applications |
timp |
20160618.803 |
available |
melpa |
Multithreading library |
tinkerer |
20170906.1224 |
available |
melpa |
Elisp wrapper for Tinkerer Blogging Engine. |
tiny-menu |
20161213.1235 |
available |
melpa |
Display tiny menus. |
tinysegmenter |
20141124.1013 |
available |
melpa |
Super compact Japanese tokenizer in Javascript ported to emacs lisp |
tj3-mode |
20180519.1228 |
available |
melpa |
major mode for editing TaskJuggler 3 files |
tldr |
20190425.749 |
available |
melpa |
tldr client for Emacs |
tmmofl |
20121025.1101 |
available |
melpa |
Calls functions dependant on font lock highlighting at point |
tmux-pane |
20181210.1210 |
available |
melpa |
Provide integration between emacs window and tmux pane |
toc-org |
20181108.1621 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
add table of contents to org-mode files (formerly, org-toc) |
todotxt |
20180626.2230 |
available |
melpa |
A major mode for editing todo.txt files |
todotxt-mode |
20150424.1404 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing todo.txt files |
togetherly |
20170426.616 |
available |
melpa |
allow multiple clients to edit a single buffer online |
toggle |
20180316.3 |
available |
melpa |
quickly open corresponding file (eg test vs impl). |
toggle-quotes |
20140710.926 |
available |
melpa |
Toggle between single and double quoted string |
toggle-test |
20140723.537 |
available |
melpa |
Toggle between source and test files in various programming languages |
toggle-window |
20141207.1548 |
available |
melpa |
toggle current window size between half and full |
tomatinho |
20180621.1748 |
available |
melpa |
Simple and beautiful pomodoro timer |
toml |
20130903.1255 |
available |
melpa |
TOML (Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language) parser |
toml-mode |
20161107.1800 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Major mode for editing TOML files |
tommyh-theme |
20131004.2330 |
available |
melpa |
A bright, bold-colored theme for emacs |
tornado-template-mode |
20141128.1008 |
available |
melpa |
A major mode for editing tornado templates |
torus |
20190325.753 |
available |
melpa |
A buffer groups manager |
total-lines |
20171227.1239 |
available |
melpa |
Keep track of a buffer's total number of lines |
totd |
20150519.1440 |
available |
melpa |
Display a random daily emacs command. |
tox |
20160810.1555 |
available |
melpa |
Launch current python test with tox |
toxi-theme |
20160424.2126 |
available |
melpa |
A dark color theme by toxi |
tql-mode |
20170724.254 |
available |
melpa |
TQL mode |
traad |
20180730.48 |
available |
melpa |
emacs interface to the traad refactoring server. |
tracking |
20171210.2102 |
available |
melpa |
Buffer modification tracking |
tracwiki-mode |
20150119.1621 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs Major mode for working with Trac |
tramp-hdfs |
20170821.1320 |
available |
melpa |
Tramp extension to access hadoop/hdfs file system in Emacs |
tramp-term |
20180223.1527 |
available |
melpa |
Automatic setup of directory tracking in ssh sessions. |
transfer-sh |
20180603.1431 |
available |
melpa |
Simple interface for sending buffer contents to transfer.sh |
transient |
20190504.2055 |
available |
melpa |
Transient commands |
transmission |
20190211.246 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Interface to a Transmission session |
transpose-frame |
20151126.1426 |
available |
melpa |
Transpose windows arrangement in a frame |
transpose-mark |
20150405.716 |
available |
melpa |
Transpose data using the Emacs mark |
travis |
20150825.1138 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs client for Travis |
tree-mode |
20151104.1331 |
available |
melpa |
A mode to manage tree widgets |
treemacs |
20190503.720 |
available |
melpa |
A tree style file explorer package |
treemacs-evil |
20190417.525 |
available |
melpa |
Evil mode integration for treemacs |
treemacs-icons-dired |
20190327.1558 |
available |
melpa |
Treemacs icons for dired |
treemacs-magit |
20190502.541 |
available |
melpa |
Magit integration for treemacs |
treemacs-projectile |
20190416.1530 |
available |
melpa |
Projectile integration for treemacs |
treepy |
20180724.656 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Generic tree traversal tools |
trident-mode |
20190410.2036 |
available |
melpa |
Live Parenscript interaction |
trinary |
20180904.2313 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Trinary logic. |
trr |
20170221.842 |
available |
melpa |
a type-writing training program on GNU Emacs. |
truthy |
20140508.2041 |
available |
melpa |
Test the content of a value |
try |
20181204.236 |
available |
melpa |
Try out Emacs packages. |
ts-comint |
20181219.719 |
available |
melpa |
Run a Typescript interpreter in an inferior process window. |
tss |
20150913.1408 |
available |
melpa |
provide a interface for auto-complete.el/flymake.el on typescript-mode. |
tt-mode |
20130804.1110 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs major mode for editing Template Toolkit files. |
ttl-mode |
20160505.832 |
available |
melpa |
mode for Turtle (and Notation 3) |
tuareg |
20190425.1854 |
available |
melpa |
OCaml mode for Emacs. |
tumble |
20160112.729 |
available |
melpa |
an Tumblr mode for Emacs |
tumblesocks |
20140215.2047 |
available |
melpa |
An Emacs tumblr client. |
tup-mode |
20140410.1614 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing files for Tup |
turing-machine |
20180222.438 |
available |
melpa |
Single-tape Turing machine simulator |
turkish |
20170910.1511 |
available |
melpa |
Convert to Turkish characters on-the-fly |
turnip |
20150309.629 |
available |
melpa |
Interacting with tmux from Emacs |
twig-mode |
20130220.1850 |
available |
melpa |
A major mode for twig |
twilight-anti-bright-theme |
20160622.848 |
available |
melpa |
A soothing Emacs 24 light-on-dark theme |
twilight-bright-theme |
20130605.843 |
available |
melpa |
A Emacs 24 faces port of the TextMate theme |
twilight-theme |
20120412.1303 |
available |
melpa |
Twilight theme for GNU Emacs 24 (deftheme) |
twittering-mode |
20181121.1402 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Major mode for Twitter |
typescript-mode |
20181221.905 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing typescript |
typing |
20180830.2203 |
available |
melpa |
The Typing Of Emacs |
typing-game |
20160426.1220 |
available |
melpa |
a simple typing game |
typit |
20190101.702 |
available |
melpa |
Typing game similar to tests on 10 fast fingers |
typo |
20171209.1023 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for typographic editing |
typoscript-mode |
20170126.912 |
available |
melpa |
mode for TypoScript files |
ubuntu-theme |
20150805.1506 |
available |
melpa |
A theme inspired by the default terminal colors in Ubuntu |
ucs-utils |
20150826.1414 |
available |
melpa |
Utilities for Unicode characters |
uimage |
20160901.1221 |
available |
melpa |
An iimage like mode with the ability to display url images |
ujelly-theme |
20180214.1624 |
available |
melpa |
Ujelly theme for GNU Emacs 24 (deftheme) |
ukrainian-holidays |
20130720.1349 |
available |
melpa |
Ukrainian holidays for Emacs calendar. |
uncrustify-mode |
20130707.1359 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode to automatically uncrustify. |
undercover |
20180403.1452 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Test coverage library for Emacs Lisp |
underline-with-char |
20170814.923 |
available |
melpa |
Underline with a char |
underwater-theme |
20131118.2 |
available |
melpa |
A gentle, deep blue color theme |
undo-propose |
20190409.636 |
available |
melpa |
Simple and safe undo navigation |
undohist |
20150315.1242 |
available |
melpa |
Persistent undo history for GNU Emacs |
unfill |
20170723.146 |
available |
melpa |
Unfill paragraphs or regions, and toggle between filled & unfilled |
unicode-emoticons |
20150204.1108 |
available |
melpa |
Shortcuts for common unicode emoticons |
unicode-enbox |
20140508.2041 |
available |
melpa |
Surround a string with box-drawing characters |
unicode-escape |
20160614.1234 |
available |
melpa |
Escape/Unescape unicode notations |
unicode-fonts |
20181001.1509 |
available |
melpa |
Configure Unicode fonts |
unicode-input |
20141219.720 |
available |
melpa |
Support for unicode character input |
unicode-math-input |
20181230.1223 |
available |
melpa |
Insert Unicode math symbols using TeX notation |
unicode-progress-reporter |
20140508.2041 |
available |
melpa |
Progress-reporter with fancy characters |
unicode-troll-stopper |
20190209.411 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for Highlighting Unicode homoglyphs |
unicode-whitespace |
20140508.2041 |
available |
melpa |
teach whitespace-mode about fancy characters |
unidecode |
20180312.1926 |
available |
melpa |
Transliterate Unicode to ASCII |
unify-opening |
20171122.2012 |
available |
melpa |
Unify the mechanism to open files |
unipoint |
20140113.2224 |
available |
melpa |
a simple way to insert unicode characters by TeX name |
unison |
20160704.740 |
available |
melpa |
sync with Unison |
unison-mode |
20160513.1501 |
available |
melpa |
Syntax highlighting for unison file synchronization program |
universal-emotions-emoticons |
20180729.1941 |
available |
melpa |
Emoticons For The Six Universal Expressions |
unkillable-scratch |
20190309.17 |
available |
melpa |
Disallow the \*scratch\* buffer from being killed |
untitled-new-buffer |
20161212.1508 |
available |
melpa |
Open untitled new buffer like other text editors. |
upbo |
20180422.822 |
available |
melpa |
Karma Test Runner Integration |
uptimes |
20190328.856 |
available |
melpa |
Track and display emacs session uptimes. |
url-shortener |
20170805.242 |
available |
melpa |
shorten long url and expand tinyurl |
urlenc |
20140116.1456 |
available |
melpa |
URL encoding/decoding utility for Emacs. |
urscript-mode |
20190219.1604 |
available |
melpa |
major mode for editing URScript. |
usage-memo |
20170926.37 |
available |
melpa |
integration of Emacs help system and memo |
use-package |
20190405.2047 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
A configuration macro for simplifying your .emacs |
use-package-chords |
20181024.2322 |
available |
melpa |
key-chord keyword for use-package |
use-package-el-get |
20180131.505 |
available |
melpa |
el-get support for use package |
use-package-ensure-system-package |
20180913.1501 |
available |
melpa |
auto install system packages |
use-package-hydra |
20181228.745 |
available |
melpa |
Adds :hydra keyword to use-package macro |
use-ttf |
20181206.1702 |
available |
melpa |
Use the same font cross OS. |
usql |
20180305.2323 |
available |
melpa |
U-SQL support for sql-mode |
utop |
20181010.2155 |
available |
melpa |
Universal toplevel for OCaml |
uuid |
20120910.851 |
available |
melpa |
UUID's for EmacsLisp |
uuidgen |
20140918.2301 |
available |
melpa |
Provides various UUID generating functions |
v2ex-mode |
20160720.345 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for visit http://v2ex.com/ site. |
vagrant |
20170301.2206 |
available |
melpa |
Manage a vagrant box from emacs |
vagrant-tramp |
20190125.1859 |
available |
melpa |
Vagrant method for TRAMP |
vala-mode |
20150324.2225 |
available |
melpa |
Vala mode derived mode |
vala-snippets |
20150429.352 |
available |
melpa |
Yasnippets for Vala |
vbasense |
20140221.2353 |
available |
melpa |
provide a environment like Visual Basic Editor. |
vc-auto-commit |
20170107.1333 |
available |
melpa |
Auto-committing feature for your repository |
vc-check-status |
20170107.1334 |
available |
melpa |
Warn you when quitting emacs and leaving repo dirty. |
vc-darcs |
20170905.320 |
available |
melpa |
a VC backend for darcs |
vc-fossil |
20180215.1635 |
available |
melpa |
VC backend for the fossil sofware configuraiton management system |
vc-hgcmd |
20190503.1944 |
available |
melpa |
VC mercurial backend that uses hg command server |
vc-msg |
20180605.58 |
available |
melpa |
Show commit information of current line |
vc-osc |
20190402.2349 |
available |
melpa |
non-resident support for osc version-control |
vcomp |
20190128.20 |
available |
melpa |
compare version strings |
vdiff-magit |
20190304.1707 |
available |
melpa |
magit integration for vdiff |
vdirel |
20190430.624 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Manipulate vdir (i.e., vCard) repositories |
vdm-comint |
20181127.2023 |
available |
melpa |
REPL support for vdm-mode |
vdm-mode |
20190328.1408 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for the Vienna Development Method |
vdm-snippets |
20190313.1122 |
available |
melpa |
YASnippets for VDM mode |
vector-utils |
20140508.2041 |
available |
melpa |
Vector-manipulation utility functions |
veri-kompass |
20181110.933 |
available |
melpa |
verilog codebase navigation facility |
verify-url |
20160426.1228 |
available |
melpa |
find out invalid urls in the buffer or region |
vertica |
20131217.1511 |
available |
melpa |
Vertica SQL mode extension |
vertica-snippets |
20190403.956 |
available |
melpa |
Yasnippets for Vertica |
vertigo |
20180829.2230 |
available |
melpa |
Jump across lines using the home row. |
vhdl-capf |
20160221.1734 |
available |
melpa |
Completion at point function (capf) for vhdl-mode. |
vhdl-tools |
20190301.1306 |
available |
melpa |
Utilities for navigating vhdl sources. |
vi-tilde-fringe |
20141028.242 |
available |
melpa |
Displays tildes in the fringe on empty lines a la Vi. |
viewer |
20170107.202 |
available |
melpa |
View-mode extension |
viking-mode |
20160705.2027 |
available |
melpa |
kill first, ask later |
vim-empty-lines-mode |
20150111.426 |
available |
melpa |
Vim-like empty line indicator at end of files. |
vim-region |
20140329.1624 |
available |
melpa |
Select region as vim |
vimish-fold |
20190101.700 |
available |
melpa |
Fold text like in Vim |
vimrc-mode |
20181116.1919 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for vimrc files |
virtualenv |
20140220.2301 |
available |
melpa |
Virtualenv for Python |
virtualenvwrapper |
20190223.1919 |
available |
melpa |
a featureful virtualenv tool for Emacs |
visible-mark |
20150624.450 |
available |
melpa |
Make marks visible. |
visual-ascii-mode |
20150129.1046 |
available |
melpa |
Visualize ascii code (small integer) on buffer. |
visual-fill-column |
20190422.2154 |
available |
melpa |
fill-column for visual-line-mode |
visual-regexp |
20190414.814 |
available |
melpa |
A regexp/replace command for Emacs with interactive visual feedback |
visual-regexp-steroids |
20170222.253 |
available |
melpa |
Extends visual-regexp to support other regexp engines |
vmd-mode |
20180223.1356 |
available |
melpa |
Fast Github-flavored Markdown preview using a vmd subprocess. |
voca-builder |
20161101.1645 |
available |
melpa |
Helps you build up your vocabulary |
volatile-highlights |
20160612.155 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for visual feedback on some operations. |
volume |
20150718.2009 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
tweak your sound card volume from Emacs |
vscode-icon |
20180922.2150 |
available |
melpa |
Utility package to provide Vscode style icons |
vue-html-mode |
20180428.2035 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Vue.js templates |
vue-mode |
20190415.231 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for vue component based on mmm-mode |
vyper-mode |
20180707.1935 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for the Vyper programming language |
w32-browser |
20170101.1954 |
available |
melpa |
Run Windows application associated with a file. |
w3m |
20190422.2311 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
an Emacs interface to w3m |
wacspace |
20180311.2350 |
available |
melpa |
The WACky WorkSPACE manager for emACS |
waf-mode |
20170403.1940 |
available |
melpa |
Waf integration for Emacs |
waher-theme |
20141115.1230 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs 24 theme based on waher for st2 by dduckster |
wakatime-mode |
20180920.702 |
available |
melpa |
Automatic time tracking extension for WakaTime |
wakib-keys |
20180818.1829 |
available |
melpa |
Minor Mode for Modern Keybindings |
walkclj |
20180718.900 |
available |
melpa |
Manipulate Clojure parse trees |
wand |
20190415.1039 |
available |
melpa |
Magic wand for Emacs - Select and execute |
wandbox |
20170603.1231 |
available |
melpa |
Wandbox client |
wanderlust |
20190406.1301 |
available |
melpa |
Yet Another Message Interface on Emacsen |
warm-night-theme |
20161101.1428 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs 24 theme with a dark background. |
watch-buffer |
20120331.2044 |
available |
melpa |
run a shell command when saving a buffer |
wavefront-obj-mode |
20170808.1716 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for Wavefront obj files |
wc-goal-mode |
20140829.1359 |
available |
melpa |
Running word count with goals (minor mode) |
wc-mode |
20170127.429 |
available |
melpa |
Running word count with goals (minor mode) |
wdl-mode |
20180831.1946 |
available |
melpa |
WDL (Workflow Definition Language) major mode |
weather-metno |
20150901.107 |
available |
melpa |
Weather data from met.no in Emacs |
web |
20141231.2001 |
available |
melpa |
useful HTTP client |
web-beautify |
20161115.2247 |
available |
melpa |
Format HTML, CSS and JavaScript/JSON |
web-completion-data |
20160318.848 |
available |
melpa |
Shared completion data for ac-html and company-web |
web-mode |
20190428.901 |
available |
melpa |
major mode for editing web templates |
web-mode-edit-element |
20181214.1309 |
available |
melpa |
Helper-functions for attribute- and element-handling |
web-narrow-mode |
20170407.210 |
available |
melpa |
quick narrow code block in web-mode |
web-search |
20181028.525 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Open a web search |
webkit-color-picker |
20180325.736 |
available |
melpa |
Insert and adjust colors using Webkit Widgets |
weblogger |
20110926.1618 |
available |
melpa |
Weblog maintenance via XML-RPC APIs |
webpaste |
20190310.1048 |
available |
melpa |
Paste to pastebin-like services |
wedge-ws |
20140714.2149 |
available |
melpa |
Wedge whitespace between columns in text |
weechat |
20180513.1010 |
available |
melpa |
Chat via WeeChat's relay protocol in Emacs |
weechat-alert |
20160416.1248 |
available |
melpa |
Weechat notifier using alerts |
weibo |
20150307.2242 |
available |
melpa |
Weibo client for Emacs |
wgrep |
20181229.40 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Writable grep buffer and apply the changes to files |
wgrep-ack |
20141012.1011 |
available |
melpa |
Writable ack-and-a-half buffer and apply the changes to files |
wgrep-ag |
20181229.124 |
available |
melpa |
Writable ag buffer and apply the changes to files |
wgrep-helm |
20190401.2156 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Writable helm-grep-mode buffer and apply the changes to files |
wgrep-pt |
20140510.2231 |
available |
melpa |
Writable pt buffer and apply the changes to files |
what-the-commit |
20150901.1316 |
available |
melpa |
Random commit message generator |
which-key-posframe |
20190427.1103 |
available |
melpa |
Using posframe to show which-key |
whitaker |
20150814.1122 |
available |
melpa |
Comint interface for Whitaker's Words |
white-sand-theme |
20151117.1648 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs theme with a light background. |
white-theme |
20160917.1743 |
available |
melpa |
Minimalistic light color theme inspired by basic-theme |
whitespace-cleanup-mode |
20190106.2022 |
available |
melpa |
Intelligently call whitespace-cleanup on save |
whizzml-mode |
20190504.2230 |
available |
melpa |
Programming mode for editing WhizzML files |
whole-line-or-region |
20190411.215 |
available |
melpa |
on current line if region undefined |
wide-column |
20170925.1613 |
available |
melpa |
Calls functions dependant on column position. |
widget-mvc |
20150102.406 |
available |
melpa |
MVC framework for the emacs widgets |
widgetjs |
20160719.1504 |
available |
melpa |
Widgetjs mode |
wiki-nav |
20150223.1354 |
available |
melpa |
Simple file navigation using [[WikiStrings]] |
wiki-summary |
20181010.1824 |
available |
melpa |
View Wikipedia summaries in Emacs easily. |
wilt |
20180220.854 |
available |
melpa |
An extensions for calculating WILT in a buffer. |
win-switch |
20161009.1627 |
available |
melpa |
fast, dynamic bindings for window-switching/resizing |
windata |
20090830.1040 |
available |
melpa |
convert window configuration to list |
window-end-visible |
20140508.2041 |
available |
melpa |
Find the last visible point in a window |
window-jump |
20170809.2208 |
available |
melpa |
Move left/right/up/down through your windows. |
window-layout |
20170215.33 |
available |
melpa |
window layout manager |
window-number |
20170801.151 |
available |
melpa |
Select windows by numbers. |
window-numbering |
20160809.1810 |
available |
melpa |
Numbered window shortcuts |
window-purpose |
20190405.1101 |
available |
melpa |
Purpose-based window management for Emacs |
windsize |
20181029.2257 |
available |
melpa |
Simple, intuitive window resizing |
windwow |
20170816.148 |
available |
melpa |
simple workspace management |
winnow |
20170903.1206 |
available |
melpa |
winnow ag/grep results by matching/excluding lines |
winpoint |
20131023.1713 |
available |
melpa |
Remember buffer positions per-window, not per buffer |
winring |
20180530.18 |
available |
melpa |
Window configuration rings |
winum |
20181119.1705 |
available |
melpa |
Navigate windows and frames using numbers. |
wispjs-mode |
20170720.1919 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for Wisp code. |
with-editor |
20190224.931 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Use the Emacsclient as $EDITOR |
with-namespace |
20130407.1822 |
available |
melpa |
interoperable elisp namespaces |
with-simulated-input |
20170821.617 |
available |
melpa |
A macro to simulate user input non-interactively |
with-venv |
20190124.234 |
available |
melpa |
Execute with Python virtual environment activated |
wn-mode |
20151110.552 |
available |
melpa |
numeric window switching shortcuts |
wolfram |
20170123.756 |
available |
melpa |
Wolfram Alpha Integration |
wolfram-mode |
20180307.13 |
available |
melpa |
Mathematica editing and inferior mode. |
wonderland |
20130913.119 |
available |
melpa |
declarative configuration for Emacsen |
wordgen |
20170803.1820 |
available |
melpa |
Random word generator |
wordnut |
20180313.443 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode interface to WordNet |
wordsmith-mode |
20171025.1430 |
available |
melpa |
Syntax analysis and NLP text-processing in Emacs (OSX-only) |
worf |
20190411.1008 |
available |
melpa |
A warrior does not press so many keys! (in org-mode) |
workgroups |
20110726.1641 |
available |
melpa |
workgroups for windows (for Emacs) |
workgroups2 |
20141102.1922 |
available |
melpa |
New workspaces for Emacs |
world-time-mode |
20140627.807 |
available |
melpa |
show whole days of world-time diffs |
wotd |
20170328.1948 |
available |
melpa |
Fetch word-of-the-day from multiple online sources |
wrap-region |
20140117.720 |
available |
melpa |
Wrap text with punctation or tag |
writefreely |
20190326.1535 |
available |
melpa |
Push your Org files as markdown to a writefreely instance |
writegood-mode |
20180525.1343 |
available |
melpa |
Polish up poor writing on the fly |
writeroom-mode |
20190406.2135 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for distraction-free writing |
ws-butler |
20170111.2334 |
available |
melpa |
Unobtrusively remove trailing whitespace. |
wsd-mode |
20180807.1130 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs major-mode for www.websequencediagrams.com |
wttrin |
20170614.1206 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs frontend for weather web service wttr.in |
wucuo |
20181106.2257 |
available |
melpa |
Spell check code containing camel case words |
wwtime |
20151122.1610 |
available |
melpa |
Insert a time of day with appropriate world-wide localization |
www-synonyms |
20170128.2251 |
available |
melpa |
insert synonym for a word |
x-path-walker |
20160922.1835 |
available |
melpa |
Navigation feature for JSON/XML/HTML based on path (imenu like) |
x509-mode |
20180921.803 |
available |
melpa |
View certificates, CRLs and keys using OpenSSL. |
x86-lookup |
20180528.1635 |
available |
melpa |
jump to x86 instruction documentation |
xah-css-mode |
20180629.807 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing CSS code. |
xah-elisp-mode |
20190125.646 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing emacs lisp. |
xah-find |
20190314.2039 |
available |
melpa |
find replace in pure emacs lisp. Purpose similar to grep/sed. |
xah-fly-keys |
20190223.716 |
available |
melpa |
ergonomic modal keybinding minor mode. |
xah-get-thing |
20170821.1053 |
available |
melpa |
get thing or selection at point. |
xah-lookup |
20181225.1942 |
available |
melpa |
look up word on internet. |
xah-math-input |
20190206.1658 |
available |
melpa |
a minor mode for inputting math and Unicode symbols. |
xah-reformat-code |
20170821.1111 |
available |
melpa |
commands to reformat source code. |
xah-replace-pairs |
20180508.249 |
available |
melpa |
emacs lisp functions for multi-pair find/replace. |
xahk-mode |
20170821.1107 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing AutoHotkey scripts. |
xbm-life |
20160103.1017 |
available |
melpa |
A XBM version of Conway's Game of Life |
xcode-mode |
20160907.1208 |
available |
melpa |
A minor mode for emacs to perform Xcode like actions. |
xcode-project |
20181025.1244 |
available |
melpa |
A package for reading Xcode project files. |
xcscope |
20180426.712 |
available |
melpa |
cscope interface for (X)Emacs |
xkcd |
20160419.1130 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
View xkcd from Emacs |
xml+ |
20170727.2351 |
available |
melpa |
Utilities for xml and html trees |
xml-quotes |
20151230.2249 |
available |
melpa |
read quotations from an XML document |
xml-rpc |
20181002.1353 |
available |
melpa |
An elisp implementation of clientside XML-RPC |
xmlgen |
20170411.1317 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
A DSL for generating XML. |
xmlunicode |
20160319.1612 |
available |
melpa |
Unicode support for XML |
xo |
20160403.646 |
available |
melpa |
XO linter integration with compilation mode |
xquery-mode |
20170214.1119 |
available |
melpa |
A simple mode for editing xquery programs |
xquery-tool |
20170605.826 |
available |
melpa |
A simple interface to saxonb's xquery. |
xref-js2 |
20170530.826 |
available |
melpa |
Jump to references/definitions using ag & js2-mode's AST |
xresources-theme |
20190108.1851 |
available |
melpa |
Use your .Xresources as your emacs theme |
xterm-color |
20190407.1810 |
available |
melpa |
ANSI & XTERM 256 color support |
xterm-keybinder |
20160523.56 |
available |
melpa |
Let you extra keybinds in xterm/urxvt |
xtest |
20141214.1706 |
available |
melpa |
Simple Testing with Emacs & ERT |
xwidgete |
20171118.2116 |
available |
melpa |
enhances usability of current xwidget browser |
yabin |
20140206.351 |
available |
melpa |
Yet Another Bignum package (A thin wrapper of calc.el). |
yafolding |
20170305.317 |
available |
melpa |
Yet another folding extension for Emacs |
yagist |
20160418.508 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Yet Another Emacs integration for gist.github.com |
yahoo-weather |
20181026.320 |
available |
melpa |
Displays weather information in mode-line |
yahtzee |
20171022.1412 |
available |
melpa |
The yahtzee game |
yalinum |
20130217.1043 |
available |
melpa |
yet another display line numbers. |
yaml-imenu |
20181001.627 |
available |
melpa |
Enhancement of the imenu support in yaml-mode. |
yaml-mode |
20180409.607 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Major mode for editing YAML files |
yaml-tomato |
20151123.753 |
available |
melpa |
copy or show the yaml path currently under cursor. |
yandex-weather |
20160311.2037 |
available |
melpa |
Fetch Yandex Weather forecasts. |
yang-mode |
20180306.1207 |
available |
melpa |
major mode for editing YANG files |
yankpad |
20190319.1416 |
available |
melpa |
Paste snippets from an org-mode file |
yapfify |
20180830.733 |
available |
melpa |
(automatically) format python buffers using YAPF. |
yara-mode |
20190423.710 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing yara rule file |
yard-mode |
20170817.1237 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for Ruby YARD comments |
yari |
20151128.739 |
available |
melpa |
Yet Another RI interface for Emacs |
yarn-mode |
20170709.1937 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for yarn.lock files. |
yascroll |
20170315.1906 |
available |
melpa |
Yet Another Scroll Bar Mode |
yasnippet-snippets |
20190422.1416 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Collection of yasnippet snippets |
yatemplate |
20180617.952 |
available |
melpa |
File templates with yasnippet |
yatex |
20190406.1610 |
available |
melpa |
Yet Another tex-mode for emacs //野鳥// |
yaxception |
20150105.1452 |
available |
melpa |
Provide framework about exception like Java for Elisp |
ycm |
20150822.1836 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs client for the YouCompleteMe auto-completion server. |
ycmd |
20190416.807 |
available |
melpa |
emacs bindings to the ycmd completion server |
ydk-mode |
20170113.921 |
available |
melpa |
Language support for Yu-Gi-Oh! deck files |
yequake |
20190114.1955 |
available |
melpa |
Drop-down frames, like Yakuake |
yesql-ghosts |
20150220.1237 |
available |
melpa |
Display ghostly yesql defqueries inline |
yoficator |
20181220.1355 |
available |
melpa |
Interactively yoficate Russian texts |
yoshi-theme |
20190504.2342 |
available |
melpa |
Theme named after my cat |
youdao-dictionary |
20180714.414 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Youdao Dictionary interface for Emacs |
z3-mode |
20151120.2255 |
available |
melpa |
A z3/SMTLIBv2 interactive development environment |
zeal-at-point |
20180131.2354 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Search the word at point with Zeal |
zel |
20171014.832 |
available |
melpa |
Access frecent files easily |
zen-and-art-theme |
20120622.1437 |
available |
melpa |
zen and art color theme for GNU Emacs 24 |
zenburn-theme |
20190317.1846 |
available |
melpa |
A low contrast color theme for Emacs. |
zencoding-mode |
20140213.822 |
available |
melpa |
Unfold CSS-selector-like expressions to markup |
zenity-color-picker |
20160302.1154 |
available |
melpa |
Insert and adjust colors using Zenity |
zeno-theme |
20181027.118 |
available |
melpa |
A dark theme using different shades of blue |
zephir-mode |
20170918.425 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for editing Zephir code |
zerodark-theme |
20181218.849 |
available |
melpa |
A dark, medium contrast theme for Emacs |
zig-mode |
20190109.217 |
available |
melpa |
A major mode for the Zig programming language |
zlc |
20151011.157 |
available |
melpa |
Provides zsh like completion system to Emacs |
zmq |
20190504.443 |
available |
melpa |
ZMQ bindings in elisp |
znc |
20160627.2032 |
available |
melpa |
zombie |
20141222.1616 |
available |
melpa |
major mode for editing ZOMBIE programs |
zombie-trellys-mode |
20150304.1448 |
available |
melpa |
A minor mode for interaction with Zombie Trellys |
zone-nyan |
20170818.1644 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Zone out with nyan cat |
zone-rainbow |
20160120.1334 |
available |
melpa |
Zone out with rainbow. |
zone-select |
20160118.1419 |
available |
melpa |
Select zone programs. |
zone-sl |
20160201.1210 |
available |
melpa |
Zone out with steam locomotives. |
zoom |
20180310.1221 |
available |
melpa |
Fixed and automatic balanced window layout |
zoom-window |
20170302.827 |
available |
melpa |
Zoom window like tmux |
zop-to-char |
20160212.1554 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
A replacement of zap-to-char. |
zossima |
20121124.35 |
available |
melpa |
Ruby from Emacs |
zotelo |
20160602.949 |
available |
melpa |
Manage Zotero collections from emacs |
zotxt |
20180518.147 |
available |
melpa |
Tools to integrate emacs with Zotero via the zotxt plugin. |
zoutline |
20190211.1651 |
available |
melpa |
Simple outline library. |
zpl-mode |
20180906.1059 |
available |
melpa |
ZIMPL major mode |
zpresent |
20180605.438 |
available |
melpa |
Simple presentation mode based on org files. |
zprint-mode |
20181111.1945 |
available |
melpa |
reformat Clojure(Script) code using zprint |
zweilight-theme |
20170113.605 |
available |
melpa |
A dark color theme for Emacs. |
zygospore |
20140703.852 |
available |
melpa |
reversible C-x 1 (delete-other-windows) |
zzz-to-char |
20190216.1057 |
available |
melpa |
Fancy version of `zap-to-char' command |
ztree |
20180512.1850 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Text mode directory tree |
zones |
2019.4.30 |
available |
gnu |
Zones of text - like multiple regions |
yasnippet-classic-snippets |
1.0.2 |
available |
gnu |
"Classic" yasnippet snippets |
yasnippet |
20190502.2214 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Yet another snippet extension for Emacs. |
xr |
1.11 |
avail-obso |
gnu |
Convert string regexp to rx notation |
xpm |
1.0.4 |
avail-obso |
gnu |
edit XPM images |
xelb |
0.17 |
available |
gnu |
X protocol Emacs Lisp Binding |
xclip |
1.8 |
available |
gnu |
Copy&paste GUI clipboard from text terminal |
wpuzzle |
1.1 |
available |
gnu |
find as many word in a given time |
wisi |
2.1.0 |
available |
gnu |
Utilities for implementing an indentation/navigation engine using a generalized LALR parser |
windresize |
0.1 |
available |
gnu |
Resize windows interactively |
which-key |
20190315.1248 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Display available keybindings in popup |
websocket |
20190408.152 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Emacs WebSocket client and server |
webfeeder |
1.0.0 |
available |
gnu |
Build RSS and Atom webfeeds from HTML files |
web-server |
20190310.213 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Emacs Web Server |
wconf |
0.2.1 |
available |
gnu |
Minimal window layout manager |
wcheck-mode |
20180126.1216 |
available |
melpa |
General interface for text checkers |
w3 |
4.0.49 |
available |
gnu |
Fully customizable, largely undocumented web browser for Emacs |
vlf |
20180201.2254 |
available |
melpa |
View Large Files |
visual-fill |
0.1 |
available |
gnu |
Auto-refill paragraphs without modifying the buffer |
visual-filename-abbrev |
1.0 |
available |
gnu |
Visually abbreviate filenames |
vigenere |
1.0 |
available |
gnu |
Run a vigenere cipher on a block of text ; |
vdiff |
20190227.303 |
available |
melpa |
A diff tool similar to vimdiff |
vcl-mode |
1.1 |
available |
gnu |
Major mode for Varnish Configuration Language |
validate |
1.0.4 |
available |
gnu |
Schema validation for Emacs-lisp |
url-http-ntlm |
2.0.4 |
available |
gnu |
NTLM authentication for the url library |
uni-confusables |
0.1 |
available |
gnu |
Unicode confusables table |
undo-tree |
0.6.5 |
avail-obso |
gnu |
Treat undo history as a tree |
trie |
0.4 |
avail-obso |
gnu |
Trie data structure |
transcribe |
1.5.2 |
available |
gnu |
Package for audio transcriptions |
tramp-theme |
0.2 |
available |
gnu |
Custom theme for remote buffers |
tiny |
20170903.949 |
available |
melpa |
Quickly generate linear ranges in Emacs |
timerfunctions |
1.4.2 |
available |
gnu |
Enhanced versions of some timer.el functions |
test-simple |
20170527.1532 |
available |
melpa |
Simple Unit Test Framework for Emacs Lisp |
temp-buffer-browse |
1.5 |
available |
gnu |
temp buffer browse mode |
tNFA |
0.1.1 |
avail-obso |
gnu |
Tagged non-deterministic finite-state automata |
system-packages |
20181219.1621 |
available |
melpa |
functions to manage system packages |
svg-clock |
1.0 |
available |
gnu |
Analog clock using Scalable Vector Graphics |
svg |
0.2 |
available |
gnu |
svg image creation functions |
stream |
2.2.4 |
avail-obso |
gnu |
Implementation of streams |
ssh-deploy |
20190503.508 |
available |
melpa |
Deployment via Tramp, global or per directory. |
sql-indent |
1.3 |
available |
gnu |
Support for indenting code in SQL files. |
spinner |
1.7.3 |
avail-obso |
gnu |
Add spinners and progress-bars to the mode-line for ongoing operations |
sotlisp |
20190211.2026 |
available |
melpa |
Write lisp at the speed of thought. |
sokoban |
1.4.8 |
available |
gnu |
Implementation of Sokoban for Emacs. |
soap-client |
3.1.5 |
avail-obso |
gnu |
Access SOAP web services |
sml-mode |
6.9 |
avail-obso |
gnu |
Major mode for editing (Standard) ML |
smart-yank |
0.1.1 |
available |
gnu |
A different approach of yank pointer handling |
smalltalk-mode |
3.2.92 |
available |
gnu |
Major mode for the GNU Smalltalk programming language |
sisu-mode |
7.1.8 |
available |
gnu |
Major mode for SiSU markup text |
shen-mode |
0.1 |
available |
gnu |
A major mode for editing shen source code |
shelisp |
0.9.1 |
available |
gnu |
execute elisp in shell |
seq |
2.20 |
available |
gnu |
Sequence manipulation functions |
sed-mode |
1.0 |
available |
gnu |
Major mode to edit sed scripts |
scroll-restore |
1.0 |
available |
gnu |
restore original position after scrolling |
rudel |
0.3.1 |
available |
gnu |
A collaborative editing framework for Emacs |
rnc-mode |
0.2 |
available |
gnu |
Emacs mode to edit Relax-NG Compact files |
rich-minority |
20190419.1136 |
available |
melpa |
Clean-up and Beautify the list of minor-modes. |
relint |
1.7 |
available |
gnu |
Elisp regexp mistake finder |
register-list |
0.1 |
available |
gnu |
Interactively list/edit registers |
realgud |
20190504.1238 |
available |
melpa |
A modular front-end for interacting with external debuggers |
rcirc-menu |
1.1 |
available |
gnu |
A menu of all your rcirc connections |
rcirc-color |
0.4.1 |
available |
gnu |
color nicks |
rbit |
0.1 |
available |
gnu |
Red-black persistent interval trees |
rainbow-mode |
1.0.1 |
avail-obso |
gnu |
Colorize color names in buffers |
queue |
0.2 |
avail-obso |
gnu |
Queue data structure |
quarter-plane |
0.1 |
available |
gnu |
Minor mode for quarter-plane style editing |
python |
0.26.1 |
available |
gnu |
Python's flying circus support for Emacs |
psgml |
1.3.4 |
available |
gnu |
SGML-editing mode with parsing support |
posframe |
20190407.1249 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Pop a posframe (just a frame) at point |
poker |
0.2 |
available |
gnu |
Texas hold 'em poker |
pinentry |
0.1 |
available |
gnu |
GnuPG Pinentry server implementation |
peg |
20150708.641 |
available |
melpa |
Parsing Expression Grammars in Emacs Lisp |
parsec |
20180730.16 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Parser combinator library |
paced |
1.1.3 |
available |
gnu |
Predictive Abbreviation Completion and Expansion using Dictionaries |
pabbrev |
20160320.2101 |
available |
melpa |
Predictive abbreviation expansion |
other-frame-window |
1.0.6 |
available |
gnu |
Minor mode to enable global prefix keys for other frame/window buffer placement |
osc |
0.1 |
available |
gnu |
Open Sound Control protocol library |
orgalist |
1.9 |
available |
gnu |
Manage Org-like lists in non-Org buffers |
org-edna |
1.0.2 |
available |
gnu |
Extensible Dependencies 'N' Actions |
org |
9.2.3 |
available |
gnu |
Outline-based notes management and organizer |
on-screen |
20160302.950 |
available |
melpa |
guide your eyes while scrolling |
omn-mode |
1.2 |
available |
gnu |
Support for OWL Manchester Notation |
olivetti |
20190425.1256 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode for a nice writing environment |
objed |
20190502.1751 |
available |
melpa |
Navigate and edit text objects. |
oauth2 |
0.11 |
available |
gnu |
OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol |
num3-mode |
1.3 |
available |
gnu |
highlight groups of digits in long numbers |
ntlm |
2.1.0 |
available |
gnu |
NTLM (NT LanManager) authentication support |
notes-mode |
1.30 |
available |
gnu |
Indexing system for on-line note-taking |
nlinum |
1.9 |
available |
gnu |
Show line numbers in the margin |
nhexl-mode |
1.2 |
avail-obso |
gnu |
Minor mode to edit files via hex-dump format |
names |
20180321.1155 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Namespaces for emacs-lisp. Avoid name clobbering without hiding symbols. |
nameless |
20190429.1202 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Hide package namespace in your emacs-lisp code |
nadvice |
0.3 |
available |
gnu |
Forward compatibility for Emacs-24.4's nadvice |
myers |
0.1 |
available |
gnu |
Random-access singly-linked lists |
muse |
3.20.2 |
available |
gnu |
Authoring and publishing tool for Emacs |
multishell |
1.1.5 |
available |
gnu |
Easily use multiple shell buffers, local and remote |
mmm-mode |
0.5.7 |
available |
gnu |
Allow Multiple Major Modes in a buffer |
minimap |
1.2 |
available |
gnu |
Sidebar showing a "mini-map" of a buffer |
minibuffer-line |
0.1 |
available |
gnu |
Display status info in the minibuffer window |
mines |
1.6 |
available |
gnu |
Minesweeper game |
midi-kbd |
0.2 |
available |
gnu |
Create keyboard events from Midi input |
metar |
0.3 |
available |
gnu |
Retrieve and decode METAR weather information |
memory-usage |
0.2 |
available |
gnu |
Analyze the memory usage of Emacs in various ways |
math-symbol-lists |
20190102.1831 |
available |
melpa |
Lists of Unicode math symbols and latex commands |
markchars |
0.2.1 |
available |
gnu |
Mark chars fitting certain characteristics |
map |
2.0 |
available |
gnu |
Map manipulation functions |
loccur |
20181203.2038 |
available |
melpa |
Perform an occur-like folding in current buffer |
loc-changes |
20160801.1708 |
available |
melpa |
keep track of positions even after buffer changes |
load-relative |
20170526.1010 |
available |
melpa |
relative file load (within a multi-file Emacs package) |
load-dir |
0.0.5 |
available |
gnu |
Load all Emacs Lisp files in a given directory |
lmc |
1.4 |
available |
gnu |
Little Man Computer in Elisp |
lex |
1.1 |
available |
gnu |
Lexical analyser construction |
let-alist |
1.0.5 |
available |
gnu |
Easily let-bind values of an assoc-list by their names |
landmark |
1.0 |
available |
gnu |
Neural-network robot that learns landmarks |
kmb |
0.1 |
available |
gnu |
Kill buffers matching a regexp w/o confirmation |
jumpc |
3.0 |
available |
gnu |
jump to previous insertion points |
jsonrpc |
1.0.7 |
avail-obso |
gnu |
JSON-RPC library |
json-mode |
20190123.422 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Major mode for editing JSON files. |
js2-mode |
20190420.2244 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Improved JavaScript editing mode |
jgraph-mode |
1.1 |
available |
gnu |
Major mode for Jgraph files |
javaimp |
0.6.1 |
available |
gnu |
Add and reorder Java import statements in Maven projects |
ivy-explorer |
20190318.1608 |
available |
melpa |
Dynamic file browsing grid using ivy |
ivy |
20190412.840 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Incremental Vertical completYon |
iterators |
0.1.1 |
available |
gnu |
Functions for working with iterators |
ioccur |
20130822.548 |
available |
melpa |
Incremental occur |
hyperbole |
7.0.2 |
available |
gnu |
GNU Hyperbole: The Everyday Hypertextual Information Manager |
hydra |
20190408.1006 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Make bindings that stick around. |
html5-schema |
0.1 |
available |
gnu |
Add HTML5 schemas for use by nXML |
hook-helpers |
1.1.1 |
available |
gnu |
Anonymous, modifiable hook functions |
highlight-escape-sequences |
20171117.1237 |
available |
melpa |
Highlight escape sequences |
heap |
0.5 |
avail-obso |
gnu |
Heap (a.k.a. priority queue) data structure |
guess-language |
20190325.1436 |
available |
melpa |
Robust automatic language detection |
greader |
0.1 |
available |
gnu |
gnamù reader, a reader with espeak tts |
gpastel |
20181229.1404 |
available |
melpa |
Integrates GPaste with the kill-ring |
gnus-mock |
0.4.1 |
available |
gnu |
Mock Gnus installation for testing |
gnugo |
3.1.0 |
available |
gnu |
play GNU Go in a buffer |
gnu-elpa-keyring-update |
2019.3 |
available |
gnu |
Update Emacs's GPG keyring for GNU ELPA |
gnorb |
1.6.1 |
available |
gnu |
Glue code between Gnus, Org, and BBDB |
gnome-c-style |
0.1 |
available |
gnu |
minor mode for editing GNOME-style C source code |
gle-mode |
1.1 |
available |
gnu |
Major mode to edit Graphics Layout Engine files |
gited |
0.5.3 |
available |
gnu |
Operate on Git branches like dired |
ggtags |
20190320.2208 |
available |
melpa |
emacs frontend to GNU Global source code tagging system |
fsm |
0.2.1 |
available |
gnu |
state machine library |
frog-menu |
0.2.8 |
available |
gnu |
Quickly pick items from ad hoc menus |
frame-tabs |
1.1 |
avail-obso |
gnu |
show buffer tabs in side window |
fountain-mode |
20181226.744 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for screenwriting in Fountain markup |
flymake |
1.0.5 |
avail-obso |
gnu |
A universal on-the-fly syntax checker |
flylisp |
0.2 |
available |
gnu |
Color unbalanced parentheses and parentheses inconsistent with indentation |
filladapt |
2.12.2 |
available |
gnu |
Adaptive fill |
f90-interface-browser |
1.1 |
available |
gnu |
Parse and browse f90 interfaces |
exwm |
0.22.1 |
available |
gnu |
Emacs X Window Manager |
excorporate |
0.8.1 |
available |
gnu |
Exchange integration |
ergoemacs-mode |
20181127.2130 |
available |
melpa |
Emacs mode based on common modern interface and ergonomics. |
epoch-view |
0.0.1 |
available |
gnu |
Minor mode to visualize epoch timestamps |
enwc |
2.0 |
available |
gnu |
The Emacs Network Client |
electric-spacing |
20161209.1957 |
available |
melpa |
Insert operators with surrounding spaces smartly |
eldoc-eval |
20190423.1858 |
available |
melpa |
Enable eldoc support when minibuffer is in use. |
el-search |
1.12.5 |
avail-obso |
gnu |
Expression based interactive search for Emacs Lisp |
eglot |
20190430.935 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Client for Language Server Protocol (LSP) servers |
eev |
20190410 |
available |
gnu |
Support for e-scripts (eepitch blocks, elisp hyperlinks, etc) |
ediprolog |
1.2 |
available |
gnu |
Emacs Does Interactive Prolog |
ebdb-i18n-chn |
1.2 |
available |
gnu |
China-specific internationalization support for EBDB |
ebdb-gnorb |
1.0.2 |
available |
gnu |
Utilities for connecting EBDB to Gnorb |
ebdb |
0.6.7 |
available |
gnu |
Contact management package |
easy-kill |
20181114.2330 |
available |
melpa |
kill & mark things easily |
dts-mode |
20161103.1223 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for Devicetree source code |
docbook |
0.1 |
available |
gnu |
Info-like viewer for DocBook |
djvu |
1.0.1 |
available |
gnu |
Edit and view Djvu files via djvused |
dismal |
1.5 |
available |
gnu |
Dis Mode Ain't Lotus: Spreadsheet program Emacs |
disk-usage |
1.3.3 |
available |
gnu |
Sort and browse disk usage listings |
dired-git-info |
0.2 |
available |
gnu |
Show git info in dired |
dired-du |
0.5.2 |
avail-obso |
gnu |
Dired with recursive directory sizes |
diffview |
20150929.511 |
available |
melpa |
View diffs in side-by-side format |
diff-hl |
20190223.2333 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Highlight uncommitted changes using VC |
dict-tree |
0.14 |
available |
gnu |
Dictionary data structure |
delight |
1.5 |
available |
gnu |
A dimmer switch for your lighter text. |
debbugs |
0.17 |
avail-obso |
gnu |
SOAP library to access debbugs servers |
dbus-codegen |
0.1 |
available |
gnu |
Lisp code generation for D-Bus. |
dash |
20190424.1804 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
A modern list library for Emacs |
darkroom |
0.2 |
available |
gnu |
Remove visual distractions and focus on writing |
cycle-quotes |
0.1 |
avail-obso |
gnu |
Cycle between quote styles |
csv-mode |
1.7 |
avail-obso |
gnu |
Major mode for editing comma/char separated values |
crisp |
1.3.6 |
available |
gnu |
CRiSP/Brief Emacs emulator |
context-coloring |
8.1.0 |
available |
gnu |
Highlight by scope |
company-statistics |
20170210.1933 |
available |
melpa |
Sort candidates using completion history |
company-math |
20171016.1514 |
available |
melpa |
Completion backends for unicode math symbols and latex tags |
company-ebdb |
1.1 |
available |
gnu |
company-mode completion backend for EBDB in message-mode |
company |
20190430.1852 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Modular text completion framework |
compact-docstrings |
0.1 |
available |
gnu |
Shrink blank lines in docstrings and doc comments |
coffee-mode |
20170324.940 |
available |
melpa |
Major mode for CoffeeScript code |
cobol-mode |
1.0.0 |
available |
gnu |
Mode for editing COBOL code |
clipboard-collector |
0.2 |
available |
gnu |
Collect clipboard entries according to regex rules |
cl-print |
1.0 |
available |
gnu |
CL-style generic printing |
cl-lib |
0.6.1 |
available |
gnu |
Properly prefixed CL functions and macros |
cl-generic |
0.3 |
available |
gnu |
Forward cl-generic compatibility for Emacs<25 |
chess |
2.0.4 |
available |
gnu |
Play chess in GNU Emacs |
captain |
1.0.3 |
available |
gnu |
CAPiTalization is Automatic IN emacs |
caps-lock |
1.0 |
available |
gnu |
Caps-lock as a minor mode |
bug-hunter |
1.3.1 |
available |
gnu |
Hunt down errors by bisecting elisp files |
buffer-expose |
0.4.3 |
available |
gnu |
Visual buffer switching using a window grid |
brief |
5.87 |
available |
gnu |
Brief Editor Emulator (Brief Mode) |
beacon |
20190104.1931 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Highlight the cursor whenever the window scrolls |
bbdb |
20190317.2053 |
available |
melpa |
The Insidious Big Brother Database for GNU Emacs |
avy |
20190404.855 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Jump to arbitrary positions in visible text and select text quickly. |
auto-overlays |
0.10.9 |
available |
gnu |
Automatic regexp-delimited overlays |
auto-correct |
1.1.4 |
available |
gnu |
Remembers and automatically fixes past corrections |
aumix-mode |
7 |
available |
gnu |
run the aumix program in a buffer |
auctex |
12.1.2 |
available |
gnu |
Integrated environment for *TeX* |
async |
20190503.656 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Asynchronous processing in Emacs |
ascii-art-to-unicode |
1.12 |
avail-obso |
gnu |
a small artist adjunct |
arbitools |
0.97 |
available |
gnu |
Package for chess tournaments administration |
ampc |
0.2 |
available |
gnu |
Asynchronous Music Player Controller |
all |
1.0 |
available |
gnu |
Edit all lines matching a given regexp |
ahungry-theme |
20180131.328 |
available |
melpa |
Ahungry color theme for Emacs. Make sure to (load-theme 'ahungry). |
aggressive-indent |
20190218.2331 |
available |
melpa |
Minor mode to aggressively keep your code always indented |
adjust-parens |
3.0 |
available |
gnu |
Indent and dedent Lisp code, automatically adjust close parens |
adaptive-wrap |
0.7 |
available |
gnu |
Smart line-wrapping with wrap-prefix |
ada-ref-man |
2012.5 |
available |
gnu |
Ada Reference Manual 2012 |
ada-mode |
6.1.0 |
available |
gnu |
major-mode for editing Ada sources |
ack |
1.8 |
available |
gnu |
interface to ack-like tools |
ace-window |
20190326.942 |
avail-obso |
melpa |
Quickly switch windows. |